56 entries in 0.407s
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-20 12:07:50 mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca / USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-20 12:07:50 mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca / USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-20 12:07:50 mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca / USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca / USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
mircea_popescu: jfw BFB6E2FF vs http://wot.deedbot.org/0CBC05941D03FD95C3A47654AE0DF306025594B3.html ; and yet you somehow can self-voice. that is pretty bizarre. meanwhile in other glories of great inca infrastructure, http://archive.is/Ea1ZI
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in great inca lulz : "In 1929, he borrowed £2,000 (equivalent to £104,247 at 2011 prices) from a patient, William Mawhood, and bought an 18-room house called Kent Lodge, in Trinity Trees (then known as Seaside Road), a select address.".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:58:32 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936895 << the four foregoing lines are amusing, because 100% of your emissions re comings and goings of great inca are predictable, always downstream on the basis of "great inca is great".
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-30#1948747 << apparently mp's allegiance is to the inca state. with ~himself~ in role of the great inca.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:58:32 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936895 << the four foregoing lines are amusing, because 100% of your emissions re comings and goings of great inca are predictable, always downstream on the basis of "great inca is great".
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: nominally organized army of great inca, aha; but on the periphery , all sortsa oddball barnacles attached
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936895 << the four foregoing lines are amusing, because 100% of your emissions re comings and goings of great inca are predictable, always downstream on the basis of "great inca is great".
asciilifeform: this particular 'africa' tho is prion-contagious. the software derps decided that 'it's still a valid program' when imports GB of autoconfolade and 'appears to work'. the maffs people decided 'it's still a proof' when imports a GB of softwareliquishit and fits in 0 heads. the physics folx , that 'it's still physics' if used an irreproducible machine built by great inca. whereas per asciilifeform all of these people are pulling own co
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/09/google-softens-on-employee-speech-after-consulting-great-inca/ << Qntra -- Google Softens On Employee Speech After Consulting Great Inca
asciilifeform: i.e. the great inca does ~100% of the 'picking'
asciilifeform: with the diff that auto is 100% powered by 'great inca', you cannot plant petrol inside 'field' in a washington flat to feed to it, nor breed a replacement for when dies
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there are some ads that dun even pretend to make sense from commercial pov, and are strictly 'behold the glory of the great inca'. i used to ride the train erry day, it would as often as not be covered in ads for lockheed, grumman, etc, with photo of latest $trillion will-get-stuck-in-erry-canal boat, submarine, etc
asciilifeform: 'if the great inca wants you to have dog, he will issue you one' or how did it go.
asciilifeform: gotta love usg.opensores. 'buy this thing, with which you can do ~0 but admire the might of the great inca!'
mircea_popescu: bill gates, like any other "oligarch", was made in ye olde socialist manner of "the great inca decrees so-and-so is to fill the role of great rich businessman". it is entirely a paper-only affair of the substance, and of the nature, AND EVEN OF THE FORM! of "joining the hood", carefully not to be scam, and rich through having numbers in bank account etc.
mircea_popescu: go to teacher/boss/great inca and say "this is an alien problem" meaning, "you gods shouldn';t have made the maze so long for me, the rat"
asciilifeform: they certainly had 'great inca', before columbus sailed.
mircea_popescu: not from legal. which would make the alien anthropologist suspect the russkis have the great inca, not the usskis.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-30 18:58 asciilifeform: find new and new crops of fresh 'we owe everything we have to the great inca' nobodies ?
asciilifeform: find new and new crops of fresh 'we owe everything we have to the great inca' nobodies ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( and offload cost of chasing and arresting 'dmca violator' folx who offer to saw spikes off, to the great inca, naturally )
asciilifeform: possibly even stuck ~pre-trade~ -- witness the naked assertion that 'usd is king strictly because great inca promised to kill for it'
mircea_popescu: i dunno, cuz yo ubought into the "great inca will tell us what is true life" ?
pete_dushenski: the love of great inca is a nasty habit to kick
asciilifeform: childrenz belong to the great inca, didjaknow, how dare d00d sell'em, etc
ben_vulpes: the great inca has won, bitcoin is impossible to buy or own in the states
asciilifeform: excluding the great inca from your transaction is the mega-crime.
asciilifeform: aaha. ye olde star topology, is the goal. all interactions via Great Inca strictly.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648779 << Gotta be more specific, Alf presents Great Inca's Magic potato. Ripened with Glyphosate! ☝︎
ben_vulpes: this repositing every single thing that happens as a direct result of the great inca in america is downright tiring. inca gives zero shits about this corner of its empire, leaves us to fend for ourselves.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-29 14:55 asciilifeform: (in actuality, in 'identity-based' crypto, folks actually encipher to a pubkey that is produced by F(Pc, X) where Pc is the chump's email addr and X is a public key of the great inca; chump (email addr holder) can decipher with his Pk_c private key, and so can the inca.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-27 20:23 asciilifeform: Great Inca cements himself into every possible process loop, makes sure that everybody understands that 'if Great Inca falls -- famine.'
asciilifeform: Great Inca cements himself into every possible process loop, makes sure that everybody understands that 'if Great Inca falls -- famine.' ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-11-02 17:19 asciilifeform: PeterL: you would be surprised at what commonplace thing can be abolished by great inca. i was astonished, after moving to usa, that you cannot buy potassium permanganate in drug store here.
asciilifeform: Great Inca owns, in case anyone missed the memo, not only land, sea, but air.
asciilifeform: PeterL: you would be surprised at what commonplace thing can be abolished by great inca. i was astonished, after moving to usa, that you cannot buy potassium permanganate in drug store here. ☟︎
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-29: [14:55:26] <asciilifeform> (in actuality, in 'identity-based' crypto, folks actually encipher to a pubkey that is produced by F(Pc, X) where Pc is the chump's email addr and X is a public key of the great inca; chump (email addr holder) can decipher with his Pk_c private key, and so can the inca.
asciilifeform: (in actuality, in 'identity-based' crypto, folks actually encipher to a pubkey that is produced by F(Pc, X) where Pc is the chump's email addr and X is a public key of the great inca; chump (email addr holder) can decipher with his Pk_c private key, and so can the inca. ☟︎
asciilifeform: in general, anything that is 'luxury' and not propped up by the great inca, rockets 'to the moon'
asciilifeform: everybody without a great inca ?
asciilifeform: great inca directly subsidizing rookeries is reasonable?!
asciilifeform: but the relationship to physical facts is every bit as tenuous as in every other court process under the great inca.
asciilifeform: the reading that suggests great inca is not sovereign over earth, fire, air and water, is never the preferred reading, no
BingoBoingo: I promise no great inca this time
BingoBoingo: Rise great inca https://i.imgur.com/GexcTlG.gif
BingoBoingo: Great Inca in the wild https://i.imgur.com/GexcTlG.gif
asciilifeform: teaches son to venerate father, not Great Inca.
asciilifeform: 'haxx0r3d because did not use the standard amulet and did not sacrifice to Great Inca!11'
mircea_popescu: great inca's a basic bitch.
asciilifeform: though here in the land of the great inca, all women formally belong to the great inca
asciilifeform: my understanding is that mircea_popescu sees the difference as a 'balls', 'blood & iron' matter of personal courage. whereas it is slightly gnarlier, pashtun has his family->clan->tribe healthy human thing going, eskimo likewise, usian - has the 'star topology' with the Great Inca at the center and ~nothing else~ but own sorry carcass.
asciilifeform: the great inca pushes every turd that leaves the arse of every llama.