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diana_coman: alternatively I suppose the !!up could be perhaps permanent ie until a !!down
diana_coman: dorion_road: ^ so you can !!up yourself at least while the old voice model is still around.
diana_coman: !!up mats hi mats, what are you up to those days?
mp_en_viaje: just say !!up to deedbot in pm and then !!v the otp it gives you
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: you can !!up with deedbot yourself and then it's permanent rather than in 30min slots
mircea_popescu: if you're !!up'd and then self-voice... deedbot will devoice you ?
mircea_popescu: -ChanServ- [#trilema] To speak in #trilema you must be voiced. If you have a RSA key registered with deedbot, send !!up to it in a private message, decrypt the challenge string and return it with !!v ; else politely ask one of the voiced people to voice you. << meanwhile became total bs.