639 entries in 0.81s
usagi: You know how when you say "I got into this with the best of intentions,"? <---- THAT IS A CONFESSION lol
ieatcows: just saw this update if anyone is an ADDICTION holder. --- Some good news at last! As we speak, 9 miners are on their way to our datacenter. Since we don't trust UPS ;) (and UPS does not deliver on the weekends) we are picking them up ourselves :) We picked them up this afternoon so they should arrive in the morning (European time) where we will have them hashing asap!
usagi: sdfsdfs: lab/peta/bmf <--- No, bmf has no contract issues whatsoever, please don't spread rumors.
mircea_popescu: Sep 14 06:59:34 <bobbabad>--- TheSevem is now known as coconut
bobbabad: --- TheSevem is now known as coconut
jorash: You have the idea, but we're not doing anything physically fancy with the silicon like annealing which is what Dwave does (unless you consider coding to be physically fancing) --- we're tackling the problem from a 'computational complexity' angle, ie. optimzation in the simulation algorithm itself
catmeow_: <pankkake> see, you're pretending I'm not talking to you, and yet, replying instantly ----- LOL pwned you!!!!!!! you said you had me on ignore!! pwn3d!!! pwnzi3z!!!!!!!! loooooooollllllllz !!!!!!!! ur so mad huh
fractal_: <pankakke> i dare you to come in here every day and complain. <--- challenge accepted
fractal: "the guy who received the units said "here are my two units", and then just pretended that the two separate units were in fact collectively the smaller unit" <--- this
fractal: <Luke-Jr> nubbins`: correct, although I don't know if they're physically connected ----- don't you think it would be important to find this out before drawing a conclution?
fractal: Luke-Jr: it came out of your mouth 2 months ago. you woudn't merge-,mine namecoin because it had illegal data in the blockchain --- i want to know when you changed your mind and became corrupted by money
fractal: "PR outlets and known shills specifically excluded" --- this is bad bet language... what is a PR outlet? who are the known shills? this is the kind of bullshit bet that BitBet should NOT be accepting
fractal: hopefully that settles that --- but back to the UNIT and hardware issue -- I urge you to study what a single 'UNIT' is
fractal: No I'm glad Luke-Jr posted that... as you can see on the bitbet comments there were many posts outlining the 'truth' before the bet was closed --- I hope Luke-Jr retracts his statement that I was trying to rip someone off
fractal: benkay_: its not a matter of being a sore loser -- if i lost id be happy to congratulate the winner and move on. --- its a matter of being robbed / scammed/ defrauded
jorash: Seeking capital --- Toronto startup working with quantum physics faculty and post-docs, developing software for conventional hardware which efficiently emulates universal quantum systems (including quantum search algorithms which are effective for mining coin)
BigBitz: how much you reckon that "board" made insider trading? <--- Serious question.
fractal: I'm glad you could at least see both ends yourself --- but why can't they be annulled due to poor language? what if the admin accidently allows a bad bet, and only realizes its a bad bet afterwards?
fractal: "nothing prevents you from only betting on bets you yourself make." fair enough --- still thought the arbitrators would have enough logic to see that this bet shouldnt pass
fractal: Anduck: The fact is that people betting on bitbet.us can ONLY go by what the language of the bet says --- The bet says a 400Gh miner, as advertised, must be 400Gh.... The advertised Miner was -- "1 Master board 16 hashing boards with 16 Bitfury 55nm ASIC chips for total of 256 chips" -- it is onlt 365Gh.
fractal: Anduck: The HW promise IS the performance promise! Imagine if you are running a server farm, and Intel says --- "oh, sorry, our chips aren't fast enough --, but heres 1000 extra servers. Oh, you can't fit them in your datacenter because you ran out of space? too bad!!"
fractal: mircea_popescu: also, Dan Kamisky thinks the SHA algo will be replaced due to centralized mining --- he seems to be a pretty smart guy ;)
fractal: gmaxwell said that a tough PoW algo that used all aspects of a general-purpose computer could still probably be sped up by up around 20% on custom hardware --- but that isn't much of a margin to make it worth it until the market cap and mining reward are very high
fractal: A PoW that required lots of disk-access, RAM, and processing power, would sort of make custom hardware useless to build --- assuming that such a PoW algo could be made
fractal: the problem here I think is what is a 'UNIT' --- this is what we're debating ;)
fractal: jurov: it's not just 400Gh being shipped --- its 400Gh in a single unit as advertised -- if they ship more hardware to make it up for it -- its because performance wasn't met
fractal: Anduck: according to the wording its totally not fair for 2 M-boards or multiple hardware considered a 400gh 'unit' since the company advertised a 400Gh unit as "1 Master board 16 hashing boards with 16 Bitfury 55nm ASIC chips for total of 256 chips"" --- to be honest -- the vagureness of the langugage makes it unfair for either side to win or lose --
fractal: jurov: thats just good customer support -- but doesn't make the fact that the 400Gh miner isn't 400Gh any different --- and thats what the bet language is about
fractal: I went to bitfurystrikesback.com and looked at what was advertised -- I thought, no way they'll get 400Gh on that M-board with 16 cards -- they might hit power -- but I don't think they'll get 400Gh out of that --- I put my money where my mouth is, and I was right--
fractal: Anduck: That is not what was advertised. What was advertised was not met. 400Gh was not achived with the hardware, so they had to re-imburse customers at their own expense --- I knew they would miss these targets, which is why i bet NO
fractal: Anduck: If the bet language said "If punin can't make a 400Gh single device, he's allow to ship as much hardware as he wan'ts, and we'll just consider it a 'KIT' "" --- if it said that, there's no way in my right mind i would have bet NO... it would be an impossible bet to win
fractal: 400Gh 'UNIT' --- UNIT people ---
mircea_popescu: <fractal> Anduck: I came in here specifically to ask mircea_popescu and he said that a 400Gh 'UNIT' must exist --- based on the math, it can't <<< which snippet is this ?
fractal: Anduck: I came in here specifically to ask mircea_popescu and he said that a 400Gh 'UNIT' must exist --- based on the math, it can't
fractal: Anduck: Which means there needs to be a 400Gh unit delivered that provides 400Gh in a single 'DEVICE', or 'UNIT' as per language in the bet.... punin has stated that they are shipping additional hardware "(until we have boards and software that delivers 25GH)" --- 16H-cards less then 25Gh means they failed to produce a 400Gh unit
fractal: Anduck: no they weren't. no 400Gh unit exists as per punin's admission --- also, thats not what the statement says.
dexX7: mircea_popescu: transfered to the times where sd was traded between .003-.006 and made 10k/month, am would be valued between ~1.5-3 for the current 3 month low of ~200k/month. to get near to sub 1.5 in this comparison, am would need to stop all sales and mine with less than ~10 % nethash rate --- tl;tr: even with girly logic applied, we are currently in an area where we should be
kleecksj: Quote of the day? "...I feel somewhat depressed and was beaten! --- Do our team look that stupid ? How could be more ?..." - BTCGarden
dexX7: btcgarden: "To all shareholders : Since all of our reputation is only based on chinese community,we ll give out some pics of equipments/devices and upload our deployment schemes soon to enhance your understanding of us. To those doubters with "ASICMiner USB Block Erupter"-related talks : I feel somewhat depressed and was beaten! --- Do our team look that stupid ? How could be more
PeterL_: The amendment, led by Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), would stop the NSA's phone metadata program from collecting millions of Americans' communications records without suspicion of a crime. --- I really want him to run for senator and get elected
Scrat: MY EPEEN IS THAT BIG [-----------------------------------]
dub: [21:31] --- tiberiusxvi has quit [Quit: 7/3/2013 End of Bitcoin]
dub: [20:22] --- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with tiberiusxvi
dub: --- tiberiusxvi [~3246306d@static-71-174-73-11.bstnma.fios.verizon.net]
dub: --- bitcoinbust [~3246306d@]
dub: --- JimFromBronx [~3246306d@]
furuknap: There won't be more spending besides further wafer & device production and operating cost <--- This...
furuknap: bitcoin935: The forums are over there ----------->
mjr___: we can say that in this case you have random person --> broker ---> WoT
ThickAsThieves: [11:37] <furuknap> To some extent, that is what keeps humans alive, yes, but fear that prevents you from reaching your goals is bad. --- Makes me think of The Alchemist
dub: [17:43] --- Willdude123 [~george1@wikipedia/W-D] has joined #bitcoin-assets
Uglux: "The question in any gold rush is who will do better: the people mining, or the people selling the shovels? ASICMiner decided they can do both." ---> this
MJR_: <-----makes sense now :)
MJR_: Ewald Nowotny <--- I think he made his comments in Bratislava
ThickAsThieves: <Technologov> (only one seems real is ASICminer, but IMO too expensive) <--- I am opening a fractional version of ASICMINER shares, pm for link
ThickAsThieves: [10:34] <jborkl> I think I have it figured out, and it is pretty damn smart. If not, I am going to do it <--- so if it's dumb you're gonna join in?
mjr___: Butterfly lab for now have the most complete package when talking about power and power consumption <-----LOL
mircea_popescu: ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.
ThickAsThieves: [17:16] Use black vaginas and not asian vaginas <--- no one likes colored coins tho
OneMiner: If the previous 2016 blocks took more than two weeks to find <---- suggests that you'd need all 2016 blocks to be found.
OneMiner: How about an old civic or something, tub it out and take it to the track. Then you just need a tow vehicle. <----- that's my vision except with a miata.
gesell: "(04:04:59) gmaxwell: jeffgarzik is /msging me telling me that jgarzik is an imposter." --- heh, and people still have the heart to troll. oh internets
deadweasel: you should automate it --- mechanical turk for likes.
mircea_popescu: 3. you look for the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- tag.
mircea_popescu: 1. you look for -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----. if not found, kill the task. if found :
mircea_popescu: put it on the same line with -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
topace_: -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
dub: --- Namworld has quit [brb masturbating]
maximian: <title>MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.</title></head><body>-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----