2200+ entries in 0.415s
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2015#1271883 << unless of course you say "no, and also fuck you, and the revenue numbers are none of your goddamn concern." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: they won't do custom jobs for items worth less than maybe 100k or so, but then again fuck you, nobody is going to insure your chewwed gum
mircea_popescu: if your mint needs a newton to run it, fuck you.
mircea_popescu: and the next day after i start making obscure chinese statements on trilema you run off from home to live in xiang-fuck or some shit
mircea_popescu: "this bear likes to fuck people ; you an tell it's horny by the red patch above its nose" IS a warning.
assbot: Bingo Boingo on Twitter: ".@lopp I didn't start the slander, but you can always go and Fuck yourself @jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi @qntra @techreview" ... ( http://bit.ly/1gd1BOH )
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 11:41:49; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1267274 << gabriel_laddel: you are speaking mostly to folks who haven't grasped lisp. sorta like showing a modern army base to medieval commander - he will not be able to see past it being 'a terrible castle, where the fuck are the walls and moats'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1267274 << gabriel_laddel: you are speaking mostly to folks who haven't grasped lisp. sorta like showing a modern army base to medieval commander - he will not be able to see past it being 'a terrible castle, where the fuck are the walls and moats' ☝︎☟︎
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FYIAD | Aug 26, 2007 ... Top Definition. FYIAD. Fuck You, I'm A Dragon Originated in some lame back-and -forth furry argument, but when you think about it, it's a good ...
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: fuck you and your intuition about things
BingoBoingo: <gabriel_laddel> mircea_popescu: you're still missing the whole "bind *real-eval* to nil" part of the discussion << FUCK YOU IMMA DRAGON
BingoBoingo: What part of the utterance "Fuck You" is formal enough to be an sexpr
BingoBoingo: Fuck You Imma Dragon.
BingoBoingo: Because FUCK YOU. Few things are worse than a textbooks with highlights already
trinque: fuck a virgin; you're supposed to marry her
assbot: Logged on 08-09-2015 01:33:57; mircea_popescu: this is an essenmtial ingredient of all action. you have to, in some degree, in some shape, somewhere, not give a fuck.
mircea_popescu: this is an essenmtial ingredient of all action. you have to, in some degree, in some shape, somewhere, not give a fuck. ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 07-09-2015 01:55:12; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-09-2015#1264479 << holy fuck man what've you been smoking
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-09-2015#1264479 << holy fuck man what've you been smoking ☝︎☟︎
ag3nt_zer0: mircea_popescu: what do you mean by this? "he can "win" 315 mn, but he sure as fuck may not turn that into 1mn turkeys."
mircea_popescu: dpaste and irc and fuck you.
mircea_popescu: you tell me, what the fuck am i supposed to do. i got this thing here, i want it to be so and so. what now.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck told you .txt is ok to fuck up omfg
mircea_popescu: then he turns to me and goes "what the fuck have you done to it ?!?!"
asciilifeform: i suppose word 'same' now means 'we say it is the same, and you, cattle, will eat it up because fuck you'
mircea_popescu: the real problem here is that ... well... no rich people left. nobody to say "fuck you, either make this and you get one trillion, or i spend a trillion torturing your families. you have one year."
phf: ascii_field: guy who wrote firmware also distributes laminates. i hear you, but it's the whole poverty point, for me it was a step up from "why the fuck can't i get a decent rpn calculator?" i tried iphone apps even..
ben_vulpes: what the fuck is wrong with you mats
mircea_popescu: the difference between the black slave of 1815 and the black freeman of 2015 is that the former actually thinks that, to paraphrase, ", you don't get to fuck the white mistress."
mod6: if some vagina on the train told me to "watch my man spreding, i'd be like. ``fuck off, dickhead''" it's the only reasonable response you hvae left any more.
mircea_popescu: mod6 fuck you maybe not the proper form, but "i want those season tickets back and after you've dropped them off do not say hi to me anymore."
mod6: the fact that the one guy didn't outright say to the other "fuck you." is totally limpdick pansy-ass bullshit.
pete_dushenski: to which vw/audi famously responded "ok fuck you amerikans zen, ve vill not pahblish ze manuels for AYNEEBODY"
mircea_popescu: fuck you. that's not how this works.
mircea_popescu: but otherwise, who the fuck do you think will ever work for them without indemnity ?
mircea_popescu: oh, you're not so very engaged by this reality ? FUCK YOU BITCH LMAO
mircea_popescu: fuck you amit.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would you want to PREVENT people from using things
trinque: point is words don't mean shit, and the rules are intentionally arbitrary because "fuck you"
mircea_popescu: not like you HAVE TO fuck EVERYONE in the pic
mircea_popescu: (which, incidentally, is WHY we only care to fuck women < 20something. that's it. after she's moved on to office life, you can have her.)
mircea_popescu: now, a may or may not be true. but b ? fuck you lmao.
assbot: DI$RUPTIV3 on Twitter: "@danielpbarron Oh fuck you! Piss off you piece of shit I was an anarchist when you were jacking off to Hillary Duff Suck it! @BraveTheWorld" ... ( http://bit.ly/1JqJOy5 )
mircea_popescu: "what the fuck are you doing" "i'm just trying to..." "bend over."
assbot: Logged on 28-08-2015 16:41:03; mircea_popescu: and this idiot is putting up with it. why the everloving fuck would you do something like this
mircea_popescu: and this idiot is putting up with it. why the everloving fuck would you do something like this ☟︎
mircea_popescu: bwahahaha. in what lalaland is this going on. fuck you, you want it done, do it yourself. you're here to work for me, that's why you get paid. i don't get paid to be here. logic 101.
kakobrekla: what the fuck are you doing ?
BingoBoingo: mats: Then you either make sure the rifle was sane ahead of time or fuck the rifle
mircea_popescu: because fuck your stupid mother, you idiot you.
mircea_popescu: (which is why people fuck their secretaries. you really can't be any good unless intimately acquainted)
mircea_popescu: fuck it. if what's done doesn't pay you don't do it.
asciilifeform: in cn you get to fuck a bag of rice with a hole drilled
Vexual: you dont fuck about me friend
mircea_popescu: ческим флагом национального самоопределения." approximately translates to "fuck you nuland".
mircea_popescu: (the fact that you can talk to a mated female, on top of all the other strategies to get her to fuck outside her pair, changes everything.
mircea_popescu: you cant fuck monkeys.
ascii_field: <mircea_popescu> "oh, millenium times" what the fuck derp argument is that. you get the same 25 btc << can't transact!
BingoBoingo: <kakobrekla> afaik you need 75% +2week for switch to work << 75% for just 1 week. Decides to fuck off faster than difficulty decides between anal and blow job.
mircea_popescu: "oh, millenium times" what the fuck derp argument is that. you get the same 25 btc for mining a block, here or there. each hash is worth the same.
asciilifeform: fella must've slept through slave school. where they teach ya that usg owns your sorry skin and its entire contents, and can do whatever the fuck it wants to you whenever the fuck it feels like; and that there isn't a thing you can do about it, except to help terrorists, whom you will never meet except in their fbi 'o'brien' incarnation
mircea_popescu: "fuck you get lost"
mircea_popescu: for a while there you couldf even fuck one, for the asking.
mircea_popescu: fact that wacom doesn't work with software means you can go fuck it, and fact that vectors are hard means you're still better off with gimp
Adlai: well fuck me i'm here to give you what you don't need
asciilifeform: then again, a back door may be found for it to safely walk through, like google's employment not-iq-really-fuck-you-not-iq tests
trinque: well fuck you renoise, I want just the drums and bass in this part
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform except it's not theirs, they prolly lifted it from one of the military texts of the 40s, and if you're a company selling colorizer glasses why the fuck would you want people NOT to "steal" your dumb diagnosios shit
trinque: but as ascii_field observed a while back, they do that so you have the opportunity to fuck up before them
mircea_popescu: you know i have trouble picturing you telling some random woman to fuck off ?
fluffypony: so I go "well then you can fuck off too"
mircea_popescu: who the fuck looks at a list and goes "a it's ok, don't need header referencing the size, why would you."
mircea_popescu: whereas i for a very long time have held the firm "fuck you, the text i write, i write with no consideration as to what you might misunderstand of it"
assbot: Logged on 13-08-2015 15:41:57; asciilifeform: if you run coreboot (aka linuxbios) you get to put whatever the fuck you want in smram
asciilifeform: where plenty of folks just sit on the goods, 'because fuck you'
asciilifeform: but what they have really succeeded in is creating a 'fuck-you market'
asciilifeform: if you run coreboot (aka linuxbios) you get to put whatever the fuck you want in smram ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2015 00:52:21; mircea_popescu: here's the long and the short of this story : you got two whores, just like in the chemistry and agriculture story. one's whomint, the other's slutmint. you gotta fuck either one or the other. they both have very specific, life altering constraints.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne i don't expect this is something that can be verbally communicated, and jesus fuck have i wasted some time if that's actually not so. but perhaps it'll be easier to understand when you take yourself out of there.
mircea_popescu: well what the fuck you gonna do, decimate the teens ?
mircea_popescu: then derps go "o hello here is where you apologize" and the answer comes "no, this is where i'd fuck your mother, if her cunt didn't stink"
mircea_popescu: whenever you run across one of these "software projects" in bootstrap/qt/whatever the fuck tell them "This is not programming, this is hogramming. Be a pro, don't be a ho."
asciilifeform: where the fuck do you people get these things ?!
assbot: Logged on 09-08-2015 04:57:03; mircea_popescu: consider the controlling case, as i opposed it to diametric s question back in the day. so quentin tarantino comes in here all upsed about you copying his latest movie. what do i say, "fuck off qt, if you made a movie you didn'ty make that movie" ?
mircea_popescu: consider the controlling case, as i opposed it to diametric s question back in the day. so quentin tarantino comes in here all upsed about you copying his latest movie. what do i say, "fuck off qt, if you made a movie you didn'ty make that movie" ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (hostile messages won't be awarded points) << lol how da fuck do you police that.
n6: Yes, do you forgive me for being an idiot and trying to fuck up what your building with derping around?
mircea_popescu: <cazalla> from that brain wallet drama https://rya.nc/cracking_cryptocurrency_brainwallets.pdf someone had 250 btc using "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood" << the benefits of more adoption. i bet you he "just wanted bitcoin to work" and "we" should make sure that happens while he focuses on whatever the fuck he does. running for mayor in futopia, coming up with surnames for earthwor
mircea_popescu: so they took it to grave and fuck you.
nubbins`: and the homeowner tells you to fuck off
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-08-2015#1228927 << how come these never read "devs fuck up "latest version" yet again. you should revert to last-known-good, from 5 years ago." ☝︎
punkman: "Well, in my first six movies I was just "Krysta." You know, but then in order to differentiate myself from the 76 other Krystas in the business, I added the "Now." Well, it's all about now, 2008, not next week, not tomorrow. If you wanna fuck me, you can fuck me... now."
mircea_popescu: there was an issue where pre created a new line. why ? FUCK YOU FOR USING THINGS THATS WHY
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-08-2015#1225245 << you're sounding like you expect this to be exceptional ? how the fuck often do i rebuild anything! what's more often than "once per machinbe" ? on ce per season ? recompile every election november ? once per pair of underwear ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there is NOTHING else. anything where you spend your time for any other purpose is either a) masturbation, ie, the xtian "building castles on sand". whether you spend time with your kid or groom your beard or fuck the woman, it's all sensata. or else b) uranium mines.
trinque: sometimes you get a shitty handhold, but you don't immediately shout "fuck this!" and let go of the wall
mircea_popescu: the more common cop out is "fuck you, it's all testing".
mircea_popescu: i can appreciate the heroism of "fuck you, it's all stable". but then that comes at a cost.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is the basic 'orc' mechanism - someone had the liberty to say 'this kid passes, because fuck all of you'
mircea_popescu: anyway. have you happened to at any point notice the similarity between the "companies promoite the wrong people - not me!" and the usual complaint trhe same people make about women "they fuck jerks instead of seeing how much of a great sense of humor i have" ?