1312 entries in 0.648s
mircea_popescu: go1111111: Gavin has a different idea of where he wants Bitcoin to go<< no, actually, gavin has finally figured that there's not really space in bitcoin for him, and he wants to move on. which is fine.
mircea_popescu: gavin wants to have a cryptousd he's welcome to make yet another shitcoin.
mircea_popescu: engineering is about doing things, and gavin has a vanishingly small ability in that field, also.
mircea_popescu: and engineering is NOT "about tradeoffs". politics is about tradeoff, and gavin has zero mandate or political authority
mircea_popescu: <go1111111> thestringpuller: Gavin surely knows that it adds some burden on full nodes, but the point is that it's a trivial amount. engineering is about tradeoffs and the thing being traded off against increasing the block size is miniscule << increasing the block size is NOT a gain. it's a loss.
assbot: Gavin Andresen Proposes Scalability Roadmap and Hardfork
thestringpuller: nubbins`: http://qntra.net/2014/10/gavin-andressen-proposes-scalability-roadmap-and-hardfork/
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: It's an assumption Gavin takes into account
thestringpuller: so average bandwidth in US (where Gavin is based) is 10Mbit. An incearse of .5 per year is like what 15 next then 22.5 after that etc etc
go1111111: thestringpuller: you're asking "why up 50% a year?". my reply directly addressed that. Gavin has a different idea of where he wants Bitcoin to go, and it requires lots of transaction processing capability
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Gavin hasn't proposed a hard number where he wants to start 50% annual increases from.
go1111111: thestringpuller: Gavin surely knows that it adds some burden on full nodes, but the point is that it's a trivial amount. engineering is about tradeoffs and the thing being traded off against increasing the block size is miniscule
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: o gavin knows very well.
pete_dushenski: ^my reply to the other "gavin"
pete_dushenski: so now i'm not so sure which gavin is the real gavin on contravex...
thestringpuller: Everyone just wants to follow Gavin and the BitcoinFoundation to the edge of the cliff.
thestringpuller: Yeah I'm not sure this will be so controversial. If miners want BTC to be worth more, then they'll want the network to scale. It's really that simple. And Gavin is obviously trustworthy.
BingoBoingo: Seems to be actual Gavin
TheNewDeal: was gavin really commenting on qntra, or is that merely an actor
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: wow you tore gavin a new one on qntra.
assbot: Gavin Andresen Proposes Scalability Roadmap and Hardfork
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2014/10/gavin-andressen-proposes-scalability-roadmap-and-hardfork/#comment-19
BingoBoingo: Gavin comments
punkman: "Gavin offers this 50% yearly figure based on Nielsen's Law of Internet bandwidth which supposes high speed Internet connections double in speed every year."
assbot: Gavin Andresen Proposes Scalability Roadmap and Hardfork
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2014/10/gavin-andressen-proposes-scalability-roadmap-and-hardfork/#comment-16 << OrganofCorti
mircea_popescu: neither of these are getting merged into bitcoin, whatever gavin says or whatever forks happen.
mircea_popescu: the problem with gavin's idiocy is that roughly speaking, the square of the block size and the total network hash are on opposite sides of an equality, which describes total network security.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the problem with gavin's idiocy isn't merely that "substantial increasing barrier to entry for operators of full nodes", horrid as that may be.
penguirker: New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/gavin-andressen-proposes-scalability-roadmap-and-hardfork/
mircea_popescu: mostly because the usb "standard" looks like something gavin, taaki and that other guy put together.
mircea_popescu: "99% don't give a shit about gavin's latest stupidity, but this is not a signal to stfu and go home"
mircea_popescu: well gavin doesn't enjoy much of a reputation for a thinker around here, but let's see.
kolinko: did you read a piece by Gavin on bit-thereum? http://gavintech.blogspot.com/2014/06/bit-thereum.html - he's arguing for a similar thing
fluffypony: Gavin is very busy dressing up like a mad scientist to accept awards on behalf of Satoshi Nakamoto
mircea_popescu: because gavin not listening to what i told him to do when i told him to do it.
ThickAsThieves: take that Gavin
assbot: Meet Gavin Andresen, the Most Powerful Person in the World of Bitcoin http://t.co/vIOaxSoN3x >/techreview
BingoBoingo: "There was a lot of talk recently about Gavin possibly changing the protocol to increase the number of transactions per block. As this formed quite a bit of chapter 2 I was wondering if you had an thoughts on this." << ALso not a thing that changes the protocol
BingoBoingo: gavin http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/08/05/the-idiocrats/
mjr_: because they have been letting gavin make tons of changes
mjr_: passed that down to gavin
mircea_popescu: and the whole thing run by etotheipi, who you will recall as the at-the-time important miner who worked with gavin to kill the at-the-time long chain.
ThickAsThieves: Gavin got paid $210k
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The Gavin messing with tx fees article someone dropped a while back
BingoBoingo: "As well, the new code enables transaction senders to configure how much priority they want their transaction to receive. In some cases, users may opt to have as many as six blocks pass before the first confirmation is received." << How the fuck does Gavin deign to tell the miners what to do?
mircea_popescu: davout but that aside i dun see much problem with it. gavin is copying the sec, hard to find fault even should you be so inclined.
bitcoinpete: i think i saw a photo of gavin's arm with a fluffypony tattoo once
BingoBoingo: bitcoingirl: It was probably people on twitter telling Gavin to shut up that did it.
moiety: jurov: i think gavin might be too placid to pull off the manul-look
jurov: maybe you can persuade gavin to dress as one?
mircea_popescu: nothing has anything to do with gavin.
kakobrekla: satoshi leaving has nothing to do with gavin
mircea_popescu: i kinda regret the guy didn't keep a blog. it'd be neat if one could link to where he says "gavin, you're too fucktarded to talk to, stop emailing me."
mircea_popescu: a la gavin
fluffypony: Gavin Andresen dressing up as a mad scientist to accept an award on Satoshi Nakamoto's behalf is such an odd decision
kakobrekla: asciilifeform heres an explanation: >>Gavin Andresen was the crowd-pleaser of the evening, as he disguised himself to accept the award for best Visionary Academic Paper on Satoshi Nakamoto’s behalf, garnering laughs from the audience. Check out his get up!
jborkl: Gavin Andresen: Rising Transaction Fees Could Price Poor Out of Bitcoin <Just for you Mircea, cause you care sooo much :)
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves no but looky : gavin quit, he can have his peace. asking shit out of nobodies a la hearn or that egglund chick is like... no matter what yo uasked, it's still +ev for them
ThickAsThieves: some notables that will be in Amsterdam: Gavin Andresen, Mike Hearn, Jinyoung Lee Englund (that snakey twitter liar hackathon canceller), Matonis, Marco Santori (self-proclaimed bitcoin lawyer), Jeff Garzi, BitPay, Coinbase, Nic Cary, Electrum, Armory, BitAngels, Circle, Bloomberg, NY Times, Mastercoin, Ripple (like 4 dudes!), eToro, Coindesk, ZipZap, Xapo, Erik Voorhees, Vessenes, The
gribble: Gavin Belson: Bio l Silicon Valley l HBO - HBO.com: <http://www.hbo.com/silicon-valley/cast-and-crew/matt-ross/bio/gavin-belson.html>; 'Silicon Valley' review: Definitely a start-up to watch | NJ.com: <http://www.nj.com/entertainment/tv/index.ssf/2014/04/silicon_valley_review_hbo_thomas_middleditch_mike_judge.html>; Mike Judge's Uncanny Silicon Valley | TechCrunch: (1 more message)
kakobrekla: ;;google gavin belson
HeySteve: I think I'm just noticing too many Bitcoin people talk like Gavin Belson from Silicon Valley. CryptoAIDS, etc.
mircea_popescu: looky, gavin still lead bla bla. not so hip on keeping updated huh.
minersdidit: gavin derived his salary to feed his family even though he had tens of millions on BTC
minersdidit: gavin should have resigned after the fork
minersdidit: gavin needed to step down after that
minersdidit: gavin stepping down
minersdidit: gavin has been a disaster ever since fork, constant patches and fucked up releases
[\]: In fact, satoshi was the one that gave Gavin rights.
[\]: where did satoshi ever call Gavin a fucktard?
[\]: Gavin hasn't left. He's just not the lead dev.
minersdidit: hopefully this bear market leads to most of the devoplment team leaving. gavin going is a positive step
minersdidit: gavin decided to jump ship
mircea_popescu: BCB no need to, because gavin did the right thing and quit.
benkay: "So once again, I must thank Aravind, Gavin, Timo, Luis and all other great people for being behind Bitcoin, which means no other thing that transmitting the passion for it to other people."
Apocalyptic: or was until 0.9 anyway, Gavin claims to have fixed it
mircea_popescu: there's also Shinichi Mochizuki, Gavin's wife, Jed McCaleb (judging by kraken... god help us)
nubbins`: thanks gavin!
mircea_popescu: at least gavin goes on the record saying that he doesn't need any money,
davout: gavin is probably jewish
cerelenius: mircea_popescu: will gavin be affected ?
mircea_popescu: the argument isn't "o wow look btc is broken", the argument merely is "o hey, remember when gavin was a total asshat in 2012 ?"
mircea_popescu: gavin put in code that made everyone downloading the latest versiion vote "yes" cause he wanted to see a yesz.
ozbot: Irish Fiddle : Frankie Gavin 1 - YouTube
mircea_popescu: so gavin is seriously saying "follow us @BTCFoundation " ?
ThickAsThieves: gavin hes lego hair
dexX7: http://www.cfr.org/economics/voices-next-generation-gavin-andresen-bitcoin/p32339
ozbot: Gavin Andresen ’88 is Chief Scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation and lead developer of the Bitcoin
Dimsler_: well i jus tdon't like how gavin has that bitcoind sourceforge key
ozbot: Gavin will visit the Council on Foreign Relations
mircea_popescu: if indeed gavin's key accidentally expires with no back-ups...
ThickAsThieves: well Gavin is on that satellite project right
kakobrekla: gavin bernankenson
Duffer1: gavin andreson, chief bitcoin scientist
kakobrekla: stop printing money gavin!
ThickAsThieves: only gavin can save me now
fiat500: right, gavin mentioned it on /r/bitcoin
mircea_popescu: or hire gavin and make him commit a fork
mircea_popescu: at least coinbase has the sense to rape ex-respectable ppl a la gavin