88 entries in 0.449s

mircea_popescu: i suppose next someone cracks open one of these fetlifes, can dump the
yubikey set this way. tho... very roundabout way of ghoing about things -- could as well just list the privkeys.
mircea_popescu: understand how "
yubikey" works : hitlerist website buys a boatload, extracts pub/privkeys, sends to losers.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, tedious to get the pubkey out of shit like
yubikey tho
mircea_popescu: since the chip you discuss could be made out of extant bitcoin miner +
yubikey arrangement, they must both be just as linear
mircea_popescu: apparently my boxes aren't needed, but hell yea roger ver's "money" that doesn't exist is more than welcome. and plox moar
yubikey and canonical and if it's not fucking plain yet...
Joshua-I: What's the opinion on pgp smart cards /
yubikey around here
mats: >
Yubikey NEO (JavaCard OpenPGP) private key operations can be accessed without PIN
pete_dushenski: they're sort of in the '
yubikey' camp of 'blackbox toy crypto that plugs into usb'
mats: .cn sysop uses
yubikey at his terminal, "he's using gpg encryption... it'll take me at least a month to crack it... it must be at least a 512 bit key"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Appears to indeed be a
Yubikey mike_c: "The site broke new ground for security in the space, integrating
Yubikey and Google Authenticator"
benkay: yeah but
yubikey is turd
yubikey neo has a javacard port of it, keys limited to 2048bit there
mircea_popescu: fluffypony how is it different from a repurposed
yubikey ?
decimation: still; why would someone like
yubikey watch bob and say "I want me some of that?"
decimation: asciilifeform: I think the RSA keyfob hack demonstrates your point about
yubikey perfectly
mircea_popescu: "- The
Yubikey personalization app saves a .csv logfile with the programmed key values meaning a malware-based attack may discover the log files on block devices even when the files have been deleted"
artifexd: The code to run a
yubikey server is open source so you, I, or anyone is welcome to swap out the key and run their own server.
mircea_popescu: ie, not all keys work, key has to satisfy magic
yubikey criteria on top of entropy
mircea_popescu: artifexd> That may, or may not, invalidate the ability to use
yubikey's servers though. I don't know. << afaik blowing their key does make it unable to use the servers, because you see, the true beauty of stupidty : they actually narrow the keyspace (significantly) to make their product vendor-lockedin
artifexd: benkay suggested that the
yubikey could phone home (or any attacker) with the new contents if it were reloaded. I was questioning that.
artifexd: benkay If the
yubikey registers as a keyboard, how can it access the network?
artifexd: That may, or may not, invalidate the ability to use
yubikey's servers though. I don't know.
artifexd: If it makes a difference,
yubikey's internal slots are client writable.
Naphex: i'm not trumpeting
yubikey, but i don't know of a better OTP atm
Naphex: asciilifeform: are you sugesting DPA could be use in retriving
yubikey secret?
Naphex: i use a
yubikey neo, and i'm pretty happy with it
Naphex: OTP - is otp released to the client, by levels email
yubikey/gpg/ - whatever
Naphex: now OTP can be, Email /
YubiKey -> GPG, Bitcoin signature
joecool: Diablo-D3: xray of a
yubikey neo i'm guessing
joecool: asciilifeform: have you looked at
yubikey neo yet?
joecool: asciilifeform: i need to play with the
yubikey neo implementation of bip32
Mats_cd03: isnt this inferior compared to
yubikey joecool: i'm using 4096-bit RSA for the forseeable future, but ecdsa seems attractive if i can write a javacard implementation to work on my
yubikey neo
Jere_Jones: The
yubikey can hold a static password up to 64 characters long. 200+? 4 yubikeys that you have to use in the right order?
pankkake: so… more expensive than a
yubikey but only works with mtgox
arij: does anyone know how to add a
yubikey to btct.co
freeroute: but the only safe alternative is to buy a
Yubikey (= spending moneys)
dexX7_: a new
yubikey can be used without restrictions
arij: can i just buy a new
yubikey? are they easy to set up?
arij: can i use my mtgox
yubikey at other places such as btc-tc
Duffer1: why
yubikey if you already google auth?
jborkl: Hey guys, lets play hide the
Yubikey OK, not gay or anything this is for national security
jborkl: there are only so many places to hide your
Yubikey in the Sauna
mircea_popescu: anyway, as you say. mtgox does not talk to
yubikey, it talks to teh computor.
yubikey to trade or transfer?
jborkl: That is why I use 2fa and a
yubikey jborkl: hen I signed up(right after the hack) they gave me a free
yubikey- free shipping
jurov: as you issued the
yubikey jurov:
yubikey creates a pseudorandom string and you know what the strign is going to be, no?
MJR_III: i still think that you could use the
yubikey method
MJR_III: you know how
yubikey or any of those authenticators work?
Anduck: mtgox charges 30 usd for
yubikey ZedsterX: Mt.gox
yubikey only works for them
Anduck: do you get free
yubikey from mtgox?
usagi: send with
yubikey, etc.
usagi: Sign in with a
yubikey nefario: ill add
yubikey next month
usagi: As soon as GLBSE replaces the submit acttion button with a
yubikey textarea I will be able to sleep at night
usagi: I'm planning on giving customers of hotwallet a free
yubikey usagi: I'm working on a non-
yubikey + password and/or google auth login
usagi: mircea do you have a