273 entries in 0.48s
nubbins`: VanCleef http://bitbet.us/bet/791/s-mg-above-2x-par-on-october-1st-2014/
ThickAsThieves: VanCleef, I helped with a local compilation of beats by local producers
nubbins`: VanCleef: guy
mircea_popescu: VanCleef the 18% is of the total hashes hashed by the network over your arbitrary interval
dexX7: ah you missed "<VanCleef> yeh for some strange reason"
benkay: how's the water, VanCleef?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef sometimes.
dnivi3: @micea_popescu: OK, what is that supposed to tell me? @VanCleef: there are some decent funds on Havelock, for example Peta Mine.
gribble: VanCleef was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 13 hours, 10 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: <VanCleef> hehe tat
dexX7: ;;seen VanCleef
ThickAsThieves: vancleef didnt obama tell banks to ease up on weed growers?
Apocalyptic: VanCleef, a well known fact cryptostocks is full of scams
mircea_popescu: VanCleef im just sitting back and enjoying deprived's predicament re cryptoscammocks,. atm
ThickAsThieves: VanCleef, I am at a fork in the road
mircea_popescu: VanCleef mpex is a bitcoin business.
Diablo-D3: VanCleef: not in any nation that metters
cads: VanCleef: a test network holds no market value so it'll confirm quick but mean zip
cads: VanCleef: sounds like you want to set up a kind of test network?
jurov: VanCleef: bitcoin, half a year ago?
San1ty-Work: VanCleef: I heard some rumors that they are planning to deploy 1600 PH
mircea_popescu: wait, VanCleef was the\re !?
BingoBoingo: Doesn't even cover the interesting points. Doesn't even seem to make it past to the first pannel to get to the LTC and VanCleef woman going full Amir
BingoBoingo: Carol VanCleef and "passing the private keys" might be worse than Mr Litecoin. I though only Cascascius moved BTC by passing private keys around.
Azelphur: VanCleef: what do you define as "more" out of curiosity?
kakobrekla: VanCleef http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/further-image.jpg
mircea_popescu: VanCleef dude, do you see the problem in a) you're poor ; b) you're shoulding at rich people ?
Azelphur: VanCleef: met my girlfriend on reddit, next stupid question?
Azelphur: VanCleef: I'm not as rich as MP but I have a fairly decent amount, I spend most of my days coding/on IRC/gaming
KRS1: VanCleef i know what you are saying bro but open your mind a little more.
Azelphur: VanCleef: why wouldn't you be on IRC?
KRS1: VanCleef he's not on 24 hours a day, i know because i usually am here. i dont think he's even on 8 hrs a day even
mircea_popescu: VanCleef don't you think if i cared to impress people i'd go out "having fun" instead ?
gribble: ukyo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <Ukyo> thats been the promise all along VanCleef
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Diabetic coma is cheaper
mircea_popescu: only black people get hiv, so that's a no go VanCleef.
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: He did find true love. Just with a lot of women.
Apocalyptic: VanCleef, didn't you see he fell in love with his beard
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: I though this had already happened. Just because you want to impose some disney bullshit on Mircea.
ArsKisS: VanCleef, what first crush? no girl can crush me
Vexual: ever been hungry vancleef?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef i only help homeless people if they're female, kinda young, kinda cute and really, really into it.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef dude don't be a hater, he asked me. what am i to do ?
kakobrekla: coinbr for the poor VanCleef
kakobrekla: VanCleef coinbr.com
kakobrekla: you are so fresh VanCleef .
ArsKisS: VanCleef, sbfs for example
mircea_popescu: VanCleef notrly
mircea_popescu: VanCleef inasmuch as you limit the statement to "those venues all the forum idiots use", then you're prtobably right.
ArsKisS: VanCleef, you actually wanna bet that none of bitcoin companies will live for 10 years?
kakobrekla: VanCleef : better get some cog
Ukyo: thats been the promise all along VanCleef
jurov: VanCleef: they don't resolve bets so quickly, take a pill and calm down
[\]: jurov, I wonder who VanCleef is gonna troll now
asciilifeform: VanCleef: are you thinking of something other than the difficulty increase?
asciilifeform: VanCleef: say you're trying to catch a bus, and run late. you run after it, and jump, don't quite make it, fall into traffic. the end. buses are a scam?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef you're not even kidding, i get a lot of (mostly, older, mostly white, mostly male, republican types) very indignant at how they knoiw btc to be a scam
asciilifeform: VanCleef: before? after? during?
asciilifeform: VanCleef: how's that work? 'see this astounding reverse penetration!' ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef you know, for a site that nobody uses i'm always surprised to see public channels notice any hickup a minute before or a minute after the tech people whose job it is.
BingoBoingo: VanCleef Apocalyptic: You never know. Even the fat need exercise sometimes. Look how skinny the coke made DPR when he couldn't sell it.
mircea_popescu: i thoughrt vancleef = madonna
ThickAsThieves: = vancleef=bithub
kakobrekla: vancleef
KRS1: VanCleef: I knew a girl like that..some dude did actually call her camel because..well...she had a camel face.
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: If 796 looks less shady than Buttfunder maybe rotorooter the eyes?
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: 796 just looks shady. The only reason it might survive is the Chinese might simply want Americans to look worse at this technology thing.
Vexual: are u dutch vancleef?
Vexual: where are u vancleef? holland?
asciilifeform: VanCleef: and 'arse safes' to secrete said cyanide in, a la Goering.
asciilifeform: VanCleef: make sure to also offer cyanide, for the Aaron Schwartz school of thought.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef deal to what ?
benkay: VanCleef: awesome
mircea_popescu: VanCleef Aug 23 17:40:44 <Rulother>I need a bot on here that counts how many times you mention scams and scammers mp
Vexual: what were you like at 14 vancleef?
Apocalyptic: <VanCleef> [16:09:35] done a runner or something, noone can get in contact wtih him // Nameworld ? really ?
DiabloD3: VanCleef: well, its about to get a fuckton of new assets
Ukyo: VanCleef: works for me
Ukyo: VanCleef: the assets will have to be approved
Apocalyptic: VanCleef, wannabe trader realize he doesn't know shit about trading, moreover he sucks at it
jurov: VanCleef so what would you recommend? labcoin?
jurov: VanCleef: do the research. she has a blog under her true name
mircea_popescu: VanCleef you'll have to ask her
mircea_popescu: VanCleef you ever did a jewish girl ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef a generation of kids that grew up being told they're special at home, at school and on tv moves on to be told it's "exceptional" by the politicians.
ThickAsThieves: vancleef is AUS
ThickAsThieves: no one thinks vancleef is smickles
benkay_: mostly 'cause http://www.pattonboggs.com/professional/carol-vancleef
benkay_: i doubt vancleef is smickles
ThickAsThieves: also wondering which identities are vancleef
ThickAsThieves: so is it catmeow=fractal=vancleef=bithub?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef 1. there are a bunch and 2. the problem is just that a bunch of internet retards are being very vocal about how bitcoin is them.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef how long has your bank account been full ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef who cares about the marketplace ? i'd read it. what do you want the applause of the mob for ? cicero knew better. you want the applause of the people you respek.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef because bitcoin is cool. fiat is not.
mircea_popescu: but he'll publish anything whatsoever. you know he will. if i pay to have VanCleef's amethyst up there he will do it.
mod6: VanCleef: it always has, and still does.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef sure, tell your friend to drp by.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef how's that goin' ?
Graet: pay per view VanCleef ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef yes, yes, the girl is real.