117 entries in 0.707s

http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661645 << because a) wood is still, to this day, the better material for the purpose, in the sense lee
sedol is the better go player. note that these WERE YOUR OWN CONSTRAINTS! you despise "made to rust iron bottoms", which is outright idiotic but in the common vein of "alf has no clue but figures he can have oppinion". you do not wish to pay the price of industrial process. you stirctly spe
☝︎ pete_dushenski: if only asciilifeform had bet on eth (against mp) instead of lee
sedol, he could probably afford parachute. 2.5btc was it ?
mircea_popescu: autoruting beats hand routing much like google beats
mircea_popescu: prior to the
sedol debacle, there was a simple "let's play go" solution to human vs machine
mircea_popescu: no, he's be using the algo that beat
sedol to create as many accounts as his electricity can power, and fuzz everyone out.
sedol lost to a machine that doesn't even know what beans are.
pete_dushenski: speaking of lee
sedol (and other bitbets), sorta surprising davout didn't seem interested in moderating more of the "sure thing" bets.
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 2 weeks 13 hours ago ... (
http://bit.ly/22vqNHi )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 2 weeks 12 hours ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1Rg7ydD )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 2 weeks 9 hours ago ... (
http://bit.ly/22vqNHi )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 week 6 days ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1VAzFWO )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 week 5 days ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1pXwgVL )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 week 4 days ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1RdvTNC )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 week 16 hours ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1Q5VsDd )
mircea_popescu: the whole deal was something like "and lee
sedol will now play the whole nation of china - elect a representative, or two, or whatever. the go competence of the entire han race is being judged"
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 10:20:24; mircea_popescu: ascii_field> anyone else here read the lee
sedol games? << i've looked through.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field> anyone else here read the lee
sedol games? << i've looked through.
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 13-03-2016 22:46:10; ascii_field: anyone else here read the lee
sedol games?
ascii_field: i have equally little business telling lee
sedol how to play
ascii_field: in 4th game lee
sedol actually decided to play with both hands and wiped the floor with the bot.
ascii_field: note also that, breaking with tradition, lee
sedol's contract for this game included NO payment for showing up, nor a loser's prize
ascii_field: in chinese sphere, there are also suspicions, e.g., lee
sedol avoided starting ko (which bots have never shined at) until 3rd game, where he did so quite ineptly and after his loss was quite cemented
ascii_field: the pile of 'yes' bets in the last few hours prior to closing, the particulars of how lee
sedol went down, and now the 4th - give me a certain picture.
nubbins`: i admittedly DGAF about
sedol vs alphago, but wasn't the series best 3 out of 5?
danielpbarron: punkman, yep. The win for
Sedol is purely conciliatory
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 day 17 hours ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1U5fPD4 )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 day 17 hours ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1Q5VsDd )
mircea_popescu: for instance - everyone now invested in go has had his life rearranged by lee
sedol's rather erratic behaviour.
mircea_popescu: adlai> lee
sedol resigns. wtf? << are they buying this or wtf.
punkman: adlai: lee
sedol resigns. wtf? << interesting. maybe someone should open another bet? you'd get nice odds betting on "No" now
adlai: lee
sedol resigns. wtf?
adlai: first blood! lee
sedol captures an alphago stone
adlai: michael redmond is working on the "lee
sedol's new haircut" side
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 3 hours 38 minutes ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1Q5VsDd )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 37.45 B (50%) on Yes, 37.65 B (50%) on No | closing in 1 week 5 days | weight: 49`852 (100`000 to 1) ... (
http://bit.ly/1QsN9gt )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 36.26 B (51%) on Yes, 34.65 B (49%) on No | closing in 1 week 6 days | weight: 52`229 (100`000 to 1) ... (
http://bit.ly/1RmRd5m )
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee
Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 30.73 B (53%) on Yes, 27.63 B (47%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 1 day| weight: 61`697 (100`000 to 1) ... (
http://bit.ly/1QsN9gt )