51 entries in 0.767s

mircea_popescu: double bit detect single bit correct 144bit ddr3
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it doesn't HAVE to use
sdram though does it.
assbot: Logged on 21-10-2015 15:06:41; asciilifeform: sounds appealing. what does a 4GB
SDRAM stick cost there ?
ascii_field: and if you want, e.g., a 100BaseT nic, or
sdram controller, it has to be laid out mainly by hand using floor plan of the particular chip and explicit coordinates. which vendor can do, and you (user) cannot.
ascii_field: now bringing things back to my original boojum - you can't drive
sdram with 74xxxx ttl.
Luke-Jr: asciilifeform: the goal of memoryhard is that it the
SDRAM would perform equally well with any host