84 entries in 0.877s

BingoBoingo: Many sectors of the Fat Forehead party are using potato footage in their ads. Can't even spec spammy blowjob footage quality Xiaomi or
Huawei cameras that happen to have radios.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-13 15:24 asciilifeform: speaking of which, reportedly
huawei's lappy div (supposedly - closing down) made several genuinely linuxable (vs. 'ubuntable') boxen.
mircea_popescu: ie "Behaviours such as sending messages with sexual content to a student or proferring macho comments in class go unpunished in the public universities [of Costa Rica] because of the weakness of administrative sanctions imposed by the rules on sexual aggression" ; "
Huawei Costa Rica calls for calm and assures all its products can be used without concern. They assure the smartphones and tables already sold and those to be s
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform:
Huawei sells pNohe models that dwarf Apple in price. The own the high end with a strong presence in the mid range market
a111: Logged on 2019-05-23 06:10 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that;s nonsense.
huawei currnently owns the "smart"phone market. it's their own phone, it's better than the reich phone, etc.
mp_en_viaje: i get it, they don't do (enough) of what you want them to. but they do what they want to, for some reason they decided to go in through the phone hole. and they're in, orcs buy
huawei, and declare it better than reich.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that;s nonsense.
huawei currnently owns the "smart"phone market. it's their own phone, it's better than the reich phone, etc.
☟︎ BingoBoingo:
Huawei already owns the high end fondleslab pNohe market outside the US. Not like they can't use owning the market to shift what the warez is.
Huawei switches and routers however have some rather beefy MIPS chips
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 02:22 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-09#1901064 << in quite related news : went to flagship mall in this country, escazu multiplaza (escazu being where the us embassy compound lies, and all the retarded gringos live, very miami real estate racket reservation), and guess what ? there's no ipad store. AT ALL. instead,
huawei dominates both in advertising (these large floating banners) and location (top floor store, only one to sell c
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-09#1901064 << in quite related news : went to flagship mall in this country, escazu multiplaza (escazu being where the us embassy compound lies, and all the retarded gringos live, very miami real estate racket reservation), and guess what ? there's no ipad store. AT ALL. instead,
huawei dominates both in advertising (these large floating banners) and location (top floor store, only one to sell c
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: that's fucking beautiful.
huawei suing us congress over being a rat'\s nest. this shall be a lulz to watch.
mircea_popescu: so now... let's go ban
huawei top keks, make america alone again!
mats: i thought the point is to make a mikrotik or
huawei produce a broken key in its natural environment? to expand the db of factors?
a111: Logged on 2018-08-12 23:37 asciilifeform: the
huawei crapola, for instance, i'm quite convinced at this point would be 100% breakable if anybody got hold of a unit and forced it to generate keys 24/7 for a coupla months
a111: Logged on 2018-08-12 23:37 asciilifeform: the
huawei crapola, for instance, i'm quite convinced at this point would be 100% breakable if anybody got hold of a unit and forced it to generate keys 24/7 for a coupla months
kaniini: i wonder if checking exponent on these
huawei keys will be interesting
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-
Framedragger: ^ SSH-1.99-
HUAWEI-1.5 & SSH-1.99-DOPRA-1.5 (respectively), heh
Framedragger: i thought
huawei only made consumer shit? (not that that's reassuring...)
mircea_popescu: hers). And HiSilicon of Shenzhen (part of
Huawei, a maker of telecoms equipment) will be one of a select few champions in chip design.
BingoBoingo: It's not like 2nd Korea makes anything the Chicoms need other than more samsung boats to deliver
Huawei and plasicrap
ascii_field: (to date i have not been able to source any but
huawei which does this)
ascii_field: btw, best gsm modem i presently know of for this application is just about everything made by '
HeySteve: mircea_popescu rightly so, but you can't trust the
Huawei stuff either
huawei lost around of business around of world because of usa's trolling
ThickAsThieves: 'In a statement,
Huawei spokesman Bill Plummer criticized the spying measures. “If it is true, the irony is that exactly what they (NSA, US) are doing to us is what they have always charged that the Chinese are doing through us,” he said. “If such espionage has been truly conducted, then it is known that the company is independent and has no unusual ties to any government and that
ThickAsThieves: a
Huawei spokesperson says "at this stage there are no plans to launch a dual-OS smartphone in the near future."
dub: these big
huawei packetmanglers have a timer to tell you when to check air filters then reset it with 'reset dustproof'