34 entries in 0.225s
mircea_popescu: anyway, since there's ~0 results FROM ACTUAL FUCKING VENEZUELA on any kind of google/bing/duckduckgo/whatever the fuck for a search of venezuela, let's link here some actual venues :
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he has an excellent point though. it's fucking unseemly, EVERYONe must report to google they're reading loper ? come the fuck on.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-03#1763108 << i had to google the name, ran across principally the picture of an ugly orc thug in one of those university bonnets. why the fuck is a 18yo monkey wearing collegiate apparel, not nearly old enough ? ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: !~google da fuck is an lrh
mircea_popescu: jesus fuck google you're useless already.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile SHITHOLE youtube destroyed that url ; moved it to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyX-31dW6_w for no fucking reason and fuck you google.
mircea_popescu: the true lulz begins however when one digs into wtf is this shit, and discovers that out of google's 255.8 mn keywords (really ? how the fuck, they've one page they publish bad atari porn on) we share 56 ; whereas out of facebook's 63.9 mn (really ? the place where everyone goes to spew has less diversity than google by a factor of 4 ?!) we share... 13.
mircea_popescu: way the fuck easier just pretending like the hairspray tubes are REALLY mics. google makes this easy now.
mircea_popescu: dude how the fuck can google be this fucking useless.\
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why tge fuck would i DOWNLOAD it! wtf am i, new ? this is like going "go google something and see if you can find something besides wikipedia". dude... srsly, i'm googling things now ? let me try this, oh, let's google "mathematics" see what happens, I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE
mircea_popescu: put it on google ads / facebook ads / twitter ads, whatever the fuck.
mircea_popescu: fuck that stupid ass google auto-search as you type idiocty
mircea_popescu: google has the patience to fuck with go, hasn't the patience to fix ocr ?
mircea_popescu: $google tits cunt fuck piss shit motherfucker cocksucker
mircea_popescu: the simple fact is that the sphere has shattered into shattered shards. i go into detail somewhere, but too lazy to dig it up, so let's rehash briefly : who the fuck would need google to find his way to something of interest today, and what's it say about them if they found it by google ?
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would an advertiser pay for this i have no idea, but teh google is mining it to the hilt. and i suspect they're either going to get usg payola or start reporting ever-worsening quarters because they moneyz just isn't there anymore.)
mircea_popescu: moreover, unless google;'s paying for this, why the fuck am i dirving their dumbass product on my dime.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck does google even have an "alphabet" parent, since we're discussing these things ? doth qntra know? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: because why would they ? if they know the topic they don't need to search google, what the fuck is that you know, "i would like to see what the republican party says, i wonder if they have a website". on the other hand if you don't know it, why would you trust google. "i wonder if thye have a republican party in bali. o look, republicanpartyinbali.blogspot.com comes up first." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "I've mentioned this countless times but I think it's obvious that true consensus should be coming from the largest, decentralized group in the Bitcoin space: its users around the world." << how the fuck is a bunch of circlejerking derps, who don't even REALISE that google's been feeding them results tailored to their own stupidity for a decade, who think wikipedia is a source of knowledge and whose enjoyment mostly co
mircea_popescu: decimation: Google: "Q: who owns the internet? A: nobody" << fuck you << i imagine they're talking of the whole enchillada, as opposed to the parts thereof.
mircea_popescu: and since the b-a domain is so powerful, you'll prolly fuck up their google fu forever.
mircea_popescu: fuck you google.
mircea_popescu: fuck you google, that's the worst matching ever.
mircea_popescu: "oh, everything is on wikipedia" is not curation. why the fuck would i want google to return a wikipedia result in the first place, what, as if i don't know they probably have a shitty article sort-of talking around topic x ?
mircea_popescu: as far as everyone's concerned, google's a bucnh of geniuses. that they managed to fuck their market, well... that's just an accident.
mircea_popescu: THAT is why the telcos want a slice of the pie. because google and co managed to fuck the internet
mircea_popescu: ;;google symbian, the machine that'll fuck any fatty.
mircea_popescu: The new policy; "shelter the possible problem makers, and fuck the rest" (those words were actually said by a Google AdSense exec) when he spoke about the new procedure and policy for "Account Quality Control".
mircea_popescu: decimation: re: amazon, I've heard it's a tough life working there << but it's a large corp. of course they'd be managing the fuck out of all cost, neh ? afaik google is pretty much the only giant still trying to play the startup, otherwise even apple is bezos-ing it away.
mircea_popescu: fuck me google much progressed. i stand corrected.
mircea_popescu: da fuck is this google groups bs
mircea_popescu: da fuck is lnms and isch btw ? google couldn't just put a ?t=pix or some shit like normal people.
mircea_popescu: ah well. so that went like this : hearn changed the db structure in the new release without reading the old db code because fuck, he worked at google!