1450 entries in 0.626s
mircea_popescu: gotta love people that send you gpg mail and dutifully include a complete summary in the subject line
asciilifeform: make a tarball that you gpg encrypt << tehsuck. decrypts to plaintext buffer (!) on disk for add/modify
mircea_popescu: anyway, if one must have container encryption, use the fucking tools. make a tarball that you gpg encrypt
mircea_popescu: pankkake: I guess you could do file level encryption with gpg, but… there are probably better solutions << i still don't get why anyone thinks container encryption is a thing or makes sense
asciilifeform: punkman: gpg isn't really built for use as raw block device
mircea_popescu: moiety good idea. also have some gpg manuals at the ready, a how to reg with gribble thing, basic stuff like that.
mircea_popescu: phone numbers need to move on the gpg format.
mircea_popescu: helpfully omits to link gpg key. likely does not even know what that is or why it'd be relevant.
mircea_popescu: "We have used PGP/GPG for long years before Bitcoin paper was written."
mircea_popescu: so basically any gpg key / wallet / anything ever generater on node.js could be cracked trivially, within hours.
mircea_popescu: what do you care, gpg the secrets ignore the rest.
mircea_popescu: nao thestringpuller can finally get gpg certified on trilema
asciilifeform: gpg certified?
mircea_popescu: "This INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of August 14, 2012, by and among Bitpantry, an unregistered corporation ; Ryan "aethero" Schreiber (GPG fingerprint 305C FB53 7F95 EB20 34A2 E72F 6B5A 5086 B24E D539), an individual ; Stormy "lucidlepidoptera" Schreiber (bitcoin address 1J96JXdfY3CYKeqiDASgnaKjLqumfqfSdG), an individual and MPEx"
mircea_popescu: Naphex gotta love the gpg-centric view lol
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what was the gpg competitor nsa was pushing << it was clipper. not strictly speaking a pgp competitor
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform chetty what was the gpg competitor nsa was pushing back i nthe day ?
mircea_popescu: or "pls to use whatever the gpg competitor was, i forgot" 20 years prior.
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl you ever use gpg ?
mircea_popescu: did you ever use gpg ?
mircea_popescu: Naphex i gues they never heard of gpg still huh.
mircea_popescu: your gpg fingerprint ?
mircea_popescu: ;;gpg eregister
mircea_popescu: hey, what terminally ill gpg implementation do osx folks use ?
mircea_popescu: Hasbro http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication
mircea_popescu: Micon_ http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication
mircea_popescu: gpg --list-keys --fingerprint does the samer thing
mircea_popescu: punkman: fluffypony, because someone smart left the keys on the door (on the inside) << were these... gpg keys ?
mircea_popescu: pankkake the x.eur has the advantage that being supported by push txn and exchange sigs, you can enter into derivative gpg contracts of infinite complexity and actual otc quality on its basis.
asciilifeform: gpg had gui!?!?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: has anyone in here ever floated the idea of bringing the WoT to twitter? << i dun think i'd want that really. but maybe a gpg-based ircitter may be interesting.
mircea_popescu: http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication that stuff
mircea_popescu: then get gpg going on a secure system and get registered with gribble.
mircea_popescu: i couldn't need a dns less : you know where to send funds becasuse yu get a gpg signed deposit slip.
mircea_popescu: gpg is a gnu implementation of pgp, which is the original public key cryptoi system
mircea_popescu: gpg signed works.
mircea_popescu: <benkay> hey, guys: which is less likely to leak? openssl or gpg? << gpg may still have a bug or two in there.
mircea_popescu: <benkay> all of a sudden i'm struck by the notion that the only good withdrawal message is one gpg-signed by the withdrawing party. << welcome to... 2012 ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, the gpg wot is imo a broken beyond belief implementaiton
mircea_popescu: Naphex well if you like gpg add a gpg sig to gribble wot so i can get your pubkey.
mircea_popescu: and add a simple html form where i can dump my files as a gpg -r -a
mircea_popescu: on the page where one can submit documents to be verified, add a link to a textfile constructed as gpg -export-pubkey -a | gpg --clearsign -a
mircea_popescu: alexsanjose seriously, someone over at reuters has to eventually figure out how to create a gpg key, reg it with gribble, get in the wot.
mircea_popescu: already good software is gpg based as a matter of course. so what if microsoft doesn't want to sign ?
mircea_popescu: i just encrypt in gpg, everything the same way, and then paste the text in an email.
asciilifeform: ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:be89bf44d68bee3cb3c28e4fe995f38c33062d50324afe88a6a293b4
asciilifeform: ;;gpg eauth asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: davout nao you tell her how to gpg yes ?
mircea_popescu: fluffypony the guy is derping about what "gpg does in 2014" forgetting to even mention what version he's using. because everything in his head was born this year, so obviously...
mircea_popescu: "Holy shit! What kind of toy random number generator is GPG using? Never mind that the message is printed twice. Never mind that both messages flick by before I have half a chance to read them, let alone do anything to entropize my system. “Wiggle the mouse for moar entropies.” I wouldn’t trust a program that prints messages like this to protect my middle school slambook."
mircea_popescu: incidentally : gpg armored lends itself splendidly to stego : the payload byte is only a few bits
mircea_popescu: Anduck so then that's perfect, people who think they know about bitcoin and bitcoin assets but have no clue about bitcoin or bitcoin assets can spend some quality time in -otc hanging out with gribble and learning the basics of bitcoin and bitcoin assets : gpg, otc, wot, all that stuff.
mircea_popescu: ;;google thedrinkingrecord gpg guide
mircea_popescu: KRS-1 then you can just log with the btc addy and reg a new gpg key.
mircea_popescu: if someone is going to break your gpg encryption tehy will attack the symmetric key not the 4kb rsa
asciilifeform: last i checked gpg didn't wear out from use.
mircea_popescu: i have no idea how come they still give diplomas to lawyers and journalists that aren't fluent with gpg since their sophomore year, but hey.
mircea_popescu: bounce i myself am happy with the "clueless woman, learned to use gpg last week, does not quite grok what keys are or how they work"
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic at the very least as an interim install a gpg-based method for peole to verify your certs.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: there should be a gpg encrypted bitcoin illuminati forum<< once this chan goes +m it'll pretty much be it i guess.
mircea_popescu: (ie, to say "i did sign this but it should not bind me because it's a gpg contract" and to say "i never signed this" are different stands in court)
mircea_popescu: i can somehow send you email perfectly safely by pastebining it. do the same, alter the firmware to use gpg signed packets.
mircea_popescu: ;;google thedrinkingrecord gpg
mircea_popescu: gpg works a lot better than forum pms.
mircea_popescu: that part was never difficult to prove historically. the other side is the grand contribution of gpg/bitcoin to legal practice.
mircea_popescu: pLambert a gpg message including a block and its hash could prove it wasn't made before that block yes
mircea_popescu: you can program both gpg via bash and bitcoin client via whatever api
mircea_popescu: khersonus you can, if somewhat more circumvolutedly. you sign a gpg "x address will pay 0.04875983 btc to y address at z time"
mircea_popescu: it makes 0 diff to me if i type ;;sig in here or gpg in a cli. all i want is to have somewhere i can type into.
mircea_popescu: khersonus no, but gpg paste is.
mircea_popescu: i don't need/want one for gpg personally. because i already have the infrastructure in place to do that for me.
mircea_popescu: khersonus what do you mean you haven't seen it used before ? gpg altogether or specifically a bot ?
mircea_popescu: not really. it's incredibly badly implemented, and perfectly useless seeing how gpg does it better.
mircea_popescu: SatoshiJack you say ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:ab5ae4d79blabla
asciilifeform: ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:6d513a0718c57a04a7b7789d1718a0451eb1f4173191a8c2476bf21b
asciilifeform: ;;gpg eauth asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: ;;gpg eauth mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: ;;gpg eauth
mircea_popescu: i guess this is why no gpg contract = scam, pretty much.
mircea_popescu: benkay no i get that part, but once he signs a gpg statement what do you need permission to host it for ?
mircea_popescu: whats the best alternative to password manager? just encrypt the file yourself with a password? << gpg --encrypt --armor -r yourname
mircea_popescu: anyway, the point being that whether your name is or is not associated with a list of txn is not contingent on you typing the name in the gpg key gen process
mircea_popescu: s.nsa is a fine example of one company that succeeded. the owner there came up with the idea of making an actually cryptographically secure gpg gizmo
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 so simply advertise a gpg key, which people can encrypt to.
asciilifeform: intent is for the product to be priced competitively vs. the state-of-the-art alternative (i.e. the traditional '90s laptop with linux/gpg in ROM)
asciilifeform: joecool: no reason why the above doesn't apply to the gpg smartcard.
asciilifeform goes to boil some tea using gpg
mircea_popescu: gpg is backwards-compatible with all legal systems.
mircea_popescu: you can trivially print out gpg signed contracts, sign on the paper, and register them
mircea_popescu: anyway, freeroute, you'll need to do some reading. like http://trilema.com/2012/gpg-contracts/ and http://trilema.com/2013/why-i-nixed-p2p-colored-coins-and-all-that-jazz/
mircea_popescu: sheldonthomas http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication
asciilifeform: can use standard btc client, gpg, etc.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu if the pc can deterministically find that a hardware btc wallet | gpg apparatus | trng | etc is plugged in, owner is fucked. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu if the pc can deterministically find that a [hardware btc wallet | gpg apparatus | trng | etc] is plugged in, owner is fucked.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves open terminal, go "gpg" paste it there
mircea_popescu: it's not even fucking hard to reimplement gpg without caching
mircea_popescu: but then users would have to "log in" which... gpg ?
mircea_popescu: in a sense bitbet acts like the exact oposite of the doctrine of gpg contracts
mircea_popescu: let's consider some fun facts together : gpg takes ~5 minutes to generate a 2k key
mircea_popescu: how is this different from you know, gpg as is ?