32 entries in 0.7s
asciilifeform in 2010-12 'surely usg will muster king's horses and king's men' days , did not expect it to look like gavin, expected moar microshit-style 'embrace&extend', e.g. 'ibm bitcoin client' or sumsuch
a111: Logged on 2015-01-10 06:25 asciilifeform: mats: gcc... a) i dont get it... << what's the hard concept here? rms wishes to avoid gcc turning into a sweet and defenceless piece of candy for the 'embrace & extend/extinguish' folks.
billymg: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-23#1865377 << BingoBoingo: nice. imo it's a great way to respond. "oh a CoC? why yes, great idea! in fact let's take it one step further" -- a sort of embrace, extend, extinguish strategy ☝︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: usg is on an 'embrace & extend' tack. not simply the pot thing, either -- consider, 'uber', 'airbnb', etc through lens of 'attempts to make unemployed zeks, driven into piecework, to document income & pay tax'
asciilifeform: embrace, extend, unhappen
asciilifeform: embrace&extend!1111
asciilifeform: 'embrace & extend'
asciilifeform: wanted to 'modernize', hipsterize, embrace an' extend, have-followers, komyoonity, 'governance', rubberchickenconferences
asciilifeform: and that folks who want to 'embrace and extend' phuctor are on their own.
asciilifeform: currently they have folks sawing in convergent directions, microshitians to 'linuxize', embrace, extend, e.g., the powershell derps; and poetterings to winblowiate linuxland, e.g., systemd.
jurov: and you know what comes after embrace and extend
asciilifeform: is there a particular reason we ought to be wasting any cycles on 'embrace & extend' fucktards ?
asciilifeform: expect more 'embrace & extend' of gossipd.
asciilifeform: embrace, extend, extinguish (tm) (r) (microshit)
asciilifeform: phf: it would be absolutely trivial to send blocks in a sane way to compatible clients. 'embrace & extend' protocol
asciilifeform: decimation: or if you meant some oddball 'embrace & extend' of the sync protocol - yeah, we'll probably get there eventually
assbot: Logged on 02-06-2015 21:52:56; ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-06-2015#1151841 << embrace, extend, extinguish (TM) (R)
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-06-2015#1151841 << embrace, extend, extinguish (TM) (R) ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: once we have a reasonable 'embrace and extend' of sync mechanism - then yes
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108717 <<< as long as it is the embrace, extend, extinguish kind of embrace... ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: simple experiment shows that penalizing nodes sending out-of-order blocks - does very little. as pointed out. what we want is to 'embrace & extend' the block sync process in the sense of preferring friendly nodes for sync.
asciilifeform: embrace/extend/extinguish, mega-snore.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: "why?" << this thing where you embrace extend and run into the wall a reasonable idea is for teh dogs.
mircea_popescu: just because google has been measurably more successful at embrace, extend and extinguish foss than say microsoft
asciilifeform: 'investing' << 'embrace, extend, extinguish'
mircea_popescu: the way "embrace, extend and extinguish" is dressed up in foundation/power ranger internal communication is, "to maximize bitcoin the ideal approach is to not define bitcoin any particular way". this neatly matches their refusal to specify the protocol, and its direct implication is
asciilifeform: mats: gcc... a) i dont get it... << what's the hard concept here? rms wishes to avoid gcc turning into a sweet and defenceless piece of candy for the 'embrace & extend/extinguish' folks. ☟︎
jurov: asciilifeform no tthey want to embrace and extend grub, too
decimation: well, you can clearly see the strategy of 'embrace, extend, extinguish'
decimation: eh. every new bureaucrat knows that they can 'embrace and extend' new territory by trying to 'get there first'
asciilifeform: or the ms 'embrace and extend'ed turd
jurov: then they decided rather to embrace, extend &extinguish