96 entries in 0.683s
a111: Logged on 2017-11-19 07:54 BingoBoingo: And the pantsuit purge expands: "John Draper, a legendary figure in the world of pre-digital phone hacking known as "phreaking," has been publicly accused of inappropriate sexual behavior going back nearly two decades."
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-19#1740644 >> https://archive.is/0nz9U << 'In a series of tweets, Matt Blaze, now a well-known cryptography professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said on Twitter that Draper took an interest in him as a teenager, and invited him to share in his "exercises."' ☝︎
BingoBoingo: And the pantsuit purge expands: "John Draper, a legendary figure in the world of pre-digital phone hacking known as "phreaking," has been publicly accused of inappropriate sexual behavior going back nearly two decades." ☟︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/01/tim-draper-theranos-targeted-by-conspiracy/ << Qntra - Tim Draper: Theranos Targeted By "Conspiracy"
a111: Logged on 2015-03-23 00:24 mircea_popescu: in this view of Bitcoin, only Draper has any, or whoever bought it from USG.
deedbot: [Qntra] Tim Draper (WOT:nonperson) Still Loves Theranos, Picked Up An Ether Habit - http://qntra.net/2016/06/tim-draper-wotnonperson-still-loves-theranos-picked-up-an-ether-habit/
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/06/tim-draper-wotnonperson-still-loves-theranos-picked-up-an-ether-habit/ << The cover for fuelling Buterin's waterfall
thestringpuller: today on reddit lulz: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/41ps56/q_for_gregory_maxwell_would_it_be_within/cz4abxk << "Are you sure a bunch of devs have more coins than Coinbase, Bitpay, the Winklebros, Tim Draper, etc.? Sigh, the delusion of grandeur is strong with Core extremists."
mircea_popescu: it's not even a problem of references per se, is the fucking issue. "don draper", big fucking deal.
mircea_popescu: No they weren't. Leaving aside morality, cheating on your wife means that you haven't fully connected to her, or have lost some of that connection. You don't have to be Don Draper to pull that off. "Well, I want to be as suave as he is, I want to pick up girls like he can." It's the same disconnectedness. You could do it, too, then you'll lose the ability to be deeply connected to someone. You can't do both sim
mircea_popescu: "But I want to be a ladies man like Don Draper. Back then it was easier, because affairs were more acceptable."
assbot: super3 comments on Speaker lineup for DevCore Workshop @ Draper: Andreas M. Antonopolous, Greg Maxwell, Gavin Andresen, Matt Coralo, Jeff Garzik, Michael Perklin & Charlie Lee ... ( http://bit.ly/1il8S0u )
BingoBoingo: mega lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3lcbgd/speaker_lineup_for_devcore_workshop_draper/cv58rvg
assbot: Logged on 28-08-2015 10:08:53; cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-08-2015#1254251 <<< it is funded by boost VC, that start up school where kid draper pisses away daddy draper's money on shit on awful ideas like zapchain itself and follow the coin.. boost VC pivoted to cover VR tech so zapchain is also covering VR these days as well!
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-08-2015#1254251 <<< it is funded by boost VC, that start up school where kid draper pisses away daddy draper's money on shit on awful ideas like zapchain itself and follow the coin.. boost VC pivoted to cover VR tech so zapchain is also covering VR these days as well! ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: i dunno, draper gets to pretend like he's a savvy businessman ?
mircea_popescu: in this view of Bitcoin, only Draper has any, or whoever bought it from USG. ☟︎
asciilifeform: list tim draper's stash as the output? his coins will be ruined << no, they won't. because he's aryan.
nubbins`: so then why don't we just ask mp to create a dummy bet page, and list tim draper's stash as the output?
nubbins`: yeah tim draper owes me at least a few bucks
nubbins`: i wonder will they halt withdrawals when draper's stolen SR bitcoins start moving to exchanges?
assbot: Logged on 21-03-2015 12:59:54; mats: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2zqrqe/update_on_my_foia_request_for_the_first_us/ >> "Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 16.8(d) and (f) , we initiated business submitter notification procedures.to provide the winning bidder (Tim Draper) an opportunity to object to disclosure of the purchase price. Mr. Draper submitted written objections to disclosure. "
mats: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2zqrqe/update_on_my_foia_request_for_the_first_us/ >> "Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 16.8(d) and (f) , we initiated business submitter notification procedures.to provide the winning bidder (Tim Draper) an opportunity to object to disclosure of the purchase price. Mr. Draper submitted written objections to disclosure. " ☟︎
mike_c: the price drops as supply exceeds demand (in a macro sense). if you believe that draper, silbert, etc. represented demand, and that the demand would have eventually made its way to the exchanges even if not directly
asciilifeform: only siphons off demand unless, e.g., draper, was actually going to buy at public exchanges and then didn't
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Don't worry Draper's been Indicted http://qntra.net/2015/02/the-superfish-funder-list/
BingoBoingo: They were said to have happened and Tim Draper's name came out of the hat more than once.
mircea_popescu: noooo, you're telling me tim draper "won" the "auciton" ? again ?
assbot: Tim Draper USMS Auction Winner Superfish Funder : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1z5ms96 )
BingoBoingo: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2wjvat/tim_draper_usms_auction_winner_superfish_funder/
assbot: Jim Robinson, Tim Draper Confirmed Bidders On Next USMS Bitcoin Auction | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1ykR73J )
cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/11/jim-robinson-tim-draper-confirmed-bidders-on-next-usms-bitcoin-auction/
gribble: bugpowder was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 15 weeks, 2 days, 4 hours, 2 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <Bugpowder> Draper
xiando: mister Draper is moving his coins. https://blockchain.info/address/16cTyJLWbXQz3UZ3sYjy6A6VGX4sAqiEo1
gabriel_laddel: I was in the DFJ offices (Draper Fisher Jurvetson, VC firm) at one point and they had the big stop sign with the lettering "DON'T THINK" "DO". this from the same people who invested in d-wave. idiots. and people wonder why everything is breaking / broken. Don
thickasthieves: Tim Draper to head CSIRO
assbot: Investor Tim Draper Leads SnapCard's $1.5 Million Seed Round
thickasthieves: http://www.coindesk.com/investor-tim-draper-leads-snapcards-1-5-million-seed-round/
ben_vulpes: head and shoulders means a 260 bottom (i'll show you a bottom worth 260), sr, fucking vc's, tim draper
mircea_popescu: shit, romney is still around. why'd draper go away.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: News headline tomorrow "Tim Draper lasted a total of 4 months in the bitcoin-sphere, managing to lose approximately 70% of his original investment" << i wouldn't be worried about that, he's served the golden toilet empire, he's coming back.
TheNewDeal: News headline tomorrow "Tim Draper lasted a total of 4 months in the bitcoin-sphere, managing to lose approximately 70% of his original investment"
TheNewDeal: draper put down 1 on yes, trying to recoup with wall
kakobrekla: draper wall
assbot: Fans raise cash to help phone phreaker John Draper, aka Capn Crunch | Ars Technica
asciilifeform: http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/09/fans-raise-cash-to-help-phone-phreaker-john-draper-aka-capn-crunch << had no idea he was alive
ThickAsThieves: i like this theory, what if Draper actually bid less than everyone, but for all 160k or so coins
ThickAsThieves: maybe draper voluntasrily bid on the whole lot
ThickAsThieves: fwiw the larger SR coin address was dumped the same day that Draper got his coins
mircea_popescu: <assbot> Tim Draper: Bitcoin's Price Still Headed to $10k << "I read some stuff on BitBet let me tell you it" FIFH
assbot: Tim Draper: Bitcoin's Price Still Headed to $10k
ThickAsThieves: http://www.coindesk.com/tim-draper-bitcoins-price-still-headed-10k/
mircea_popescu: yeah they announced draper like 1st of july
ziggla: pretty sure the transaction to tim draper was confirmed
ziggla: 500 btc is different than like 7 btc. the silk road bet isn't for much. don't think tim draper or the usms is scamming newbs on bitbet here
pete_dushenski: "Korean bitcoin exchange Korbit has raised $3 million in Series A funding led by SoftBank Ventures Korea and Pantera Capital, with participation from BAM Ventures, and returning investors Bitcoin Opportunity Corp., Tim Draper, Pietro Dova, and Strong Ventures."
assbot: Six Californias: A Tim Draper Idea Just as Madcap as the Others - Businessweek
mircea_popescu: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-31/six-californias-a-tim-draper-idea-just-as-madcap-as-the-others
mircea_popescu: " In June, U.S. Marshals auctioned off Bitcoins seized from Silk Road, the online market for illegal goods and services. Draper bought the lot for $20 million, beating out 44 other bidders."
bitcoinpete: fluffypony: maybe people are pissed that Draper didn't reveal the USMS auction price on the Colbert Report yesterday << this theory should have its own blog post. maybe tie it into the baltic bitcoin conference one?
fluffypony: maybe people are pissed that Draper didn't reveal the USMS auction price on the Colbert Report yesterday
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves which one is draper again ?
ThickAsThieves: Draper will be on Colbert tonight, prepare for derpy bitcoin jokez
BingoBoingo: Aggro because they imagined a good resolution source and Draper likes the cox
bitcoinpete: tim draper took 'em all down
mircea_popescu: <mike_c> i gotta say, i am surprised draper didn't have an effect. << why ?
ThickAsThieves: Draper talking on how large buyers might acquire bitcoin
assbot: Draper's long-term bet on bitcoin - CNBC
mike_c: i gotta say, i am surprised draper didn't have an effect.
bloctoc: Draper in Financial Times. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c2b48d2c-01ec-11e4-bb71-00144feab7de.html#axzz36NGFo5Ls
Bugpowder: Draper
ThickAsThieves: Draper called him Satoshi Nakomura
assbot: Tim Draper Bitcoin Press Conference on Livestream
assbot: Tim Draper Bitcoin Press Conference on Livestream
ThickAsThieves: Does Draper's Purchase of BTC for Vaurum Add to the Total Venture Capital Balance?
ThickAsThieves: http://media.coindesk.com/2013/06/Draper-University-Tim-Draper-300x185.png
assbot: Tim Draper Wins Govt Auction, Partners With Vaurum to Provide Bitcoin Liquidity in Emerging Markets Medium
ThickAsThieves: The statement was issued by Vaurum, a Palo Alto-based company that facilitates over-the-counter bitcoin trading for financial institutions and high-net-worth traders, of which Draper is a major backer.
ThickAsThieves: "With the help of Vaurum and this newly purchased bitcoin, we expect to be able to create new services that can provide liquidity and confidence to markets that have been hamstrung by weak currencies," Draper said in the statement.
assbot: Exclusive: Venture capitalist Draper wins U.S. Marshals bitcoin auction: Vaurum - Yahoo News
ThickAsThieves: http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-venture-capitalist-draper-wins-u-marshals-bitcoin-124945463--sector.html
ThickAsThieves: So Draper's been in this for a long time
assbot: Bitcoin startup CoinLab lands funding from Tim Draper and others, aims to help monetize games - GeekWire
ThickAsThieves: http://www.geekwire.com/2012/bitcoin-startup-coinlab-lands-funding-tim-draper-monetize-games/
assbot: Why venture capitalist Tim Draper wants to divide California into six states (interview) | VentureBeat | Business | by Dean Takahashi
ThickAsThieves: http://venturebeat.com/2014/06/21/why-venture-capitalist-tim-draper-wants-to-divide-california-into-six-states-interview/
assbot: Draper Fisher Jurvetson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ThickAsThieves: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draper_Fisher_Jurvetson
assbot: 5 results for 'draper' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=draper
ThickAsThieves: !s draper
assbot: Draper Labs Develops Low Cost Probe To Orbit, Land On Europa For NASA - Slashdot
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: We're in trouble http://science.slashdot.org/story/14/06/20/0038251/draper-labs-develops-low-cost-probe-to-orbit-land-on-europa-for-nasa
mircea_popescu: why is that jesse draper trying so hard to be "hot" ? she's just some girl.
mircea_popescu: a, the junior draper.
grubles: i look like don draper
aiball: draper is a big name