234 entries in 0.946s
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 12:11:56 shrysr: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-15#1000191 That was a disgustingly fleshed out, but weirdly instructive story which made me laugh (a bit) and cringe (a lot). I'm not sure if I'll eat anything for awhile, but I get what you meant. That being said, - I can't think of any non-docker solution to a reproducible environment other than creating a 'frozen version', preferably under version
Mocky: no mr. recruiter I don't have experience with Docker, as fun as that sounds
mircea_popescu: before being terminated, ALSO gainfully employed (writing nsa crapolade for "docker" -- remember, if they're not dockers, they're just pants!)
mircea_popescu: think about it -- the sort of people who'd publish idiotic crap a la tor docker etc LIKE the meat injection. and the sort of people who'd protest don't get involved with that.
mircea_popescu: you ever read docker ?
ckang: openvz i didnt care much for, docker has been solid though
ckang: nowadays with docker and such its way easier to spin something up thats isolated and getting the networking control for the container
ben_vulpes: it's been some time since i gave a shit but the 'docker' folks were very proud of the resource sharing that linus wrote for them
shinohai: Complete with handy script to spin up hundreds of docker instances in batch iirc
andreicon: docker swarm + an army of webservers + w3 + truffle
shinohai: ewww .... docker
andreicon: how about support for lxc and docker ?
erlehmann: and has a functioning bullshit detector. evidence: someone proposed a docker container to run the game “more easily”. linley politely declined.
shinohai: I'd certainly be more likely to use irc shell from a tmsr Lord than rando docker service ran by SV weirdos
mircea_popescu: same exact thing with the docker people -- if theior problem was that they wrote spr1ntf it'd be one thing
mircea_popescu: docker dude dun do that.
mircea_popescu: for the docker guy ? make pile of tanks (what he's engineering for) ; river (what he's engineering against) ; metal (what he's engineering with).
mircea_popescu: no, because docker rat fails to correctly pile up his materials.
asciilifeform: then mircea_popescu's 'serious engineer' includes docker rat
Framedragger: phf: not enough docker
jurov: glad I've never used docker. apparently they succeeded to reimplement oracle-corp-bezzle without backward compat, wd!
a111: 0 results for "https://thehftguy.com/2016/11/14/what-is-docker-and-when-to-use-it/ << on packaging and deployment practices, decent, probably seen by some folks here", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fthehftguy.com%2F2016%2F11%2F14%2Fwhat-is-docker-and-when-to-use-it%2F%20%3C%3C%20on%20packaging%20and%20deployment%20practices%2C%20decent%2C%20probably%20seen%20by%20some%20folks%20here
Framedragger: !#s https://thehftguy.com/2016/11/14/what-is-docker-and-when-to-use-it/ << on packaging and deployment practices, decent, probably seen by some folks here
ben_vulpes: bezosnet is a far more capable docker than docker ever will be.
Framedragger: (turns out i *didn't* read that hft article (https://thehftguy.com/2016/11/01/docker-in-production-an-history-of-failure/) fuuuuck)
Framedragger: that said, docker's 'main aim' isn't even isolation for the sake of security, so my weak point is even weaker.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger more like "used docker, liked it, wants to dockerize other things" therefore defined by tshirt.
Framedragger: "used docker" therefor "defined by tshirt" q.e.d.
ben_vulpes: and then i waste a year and untold piles of shitbucks on docker
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625537 entirely. ther'es hordes of chicks who are taught to dick about with "google analytics". there's hordes of dicklets who docker. there's a whole population of people who in 1817 would have been making textiles by hand. ☝︎
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625594 << docker containers are *supposed* to be ephemeral. 'volatile containers' in itself is not a worthless concept. don't take it as me advocating for them, just, ftr. ☝︎
Framedragger: (i'll just mention that for persistent data, you are supposed to use bind mounts, not internal docker storage.)
Framedragger: i have some good memories from using bsd jails some years ago. the core concept of isolation (fs, process, network, etc) is not bad. providing integrated interface not a bad thing, either. problem with docker is it doesn't do it in a consistent way, is too bloated, is ~proprietary +/-, and does the abstraction in a way that invites lazy people to be even more lazy and reckless.
ben_vulpes happy to chime in on docker shit parade
Framedragger: ah trinque up'd himself just to remind me that docker is shit lol
trinque: that's why they love docker; automated jars of shit
Framedragger running on barebones xeon (not docker) nao, fwiw
a111: Logged on 2017-03-10 17:02 trinque: oh jesus docker Framedragger
trinque: oh jesus docker Framedragger ☟︎
Framedragger: note, it's just some additional syscalls, re docker
Framedragger: ssd under docker fs, later - real disk
asciilifeform: in other wtf, https://hub.docker.com/r/mazaclub/btc-therealbitcoin-base
ben_vulpes: docker just sidebar low dough lols
asciilifeform: '1. Install Docker. 2. Download the docker-compose.yml file to launch the ATSD Collector container bundle.' << lel
Framedragger: to the point of having a ready-made system image (no, does not imply need to use docker), deployable at vps center in a matter of minutes.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-15 14:47 Framedragger: mein gott. decided to deploy one of the newer 'productivity web apps' for work, official install is through docker, and *obviously* official docker install is `wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh`. BUT LOOK at the end of that legit2000.sh is:
mircea_popescu: "consumers expect more like docker, systemd and ethereum!"
mircea_popescu: the incredible part is that he fucking seriously proposes to "keep an eye on kubernetes" ? dude, no. just no. ban anyone even remotely involved in anything to do with docker from ever being hired as anything but menial labor.
ben_vulpes: https://thehftguy.wordpress.com/2016/11/01/docker-in-production-an-history-of-failure/ << yup
phf: we broke ascii, we need more newblood here to immunize us against random "why not use rust in docker container!!"
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. so /me notices "" as a referrer ; looks it up, turns out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22422820/connecting-to-a-headless-nrepl-running-in-a-docker-container-from-another-contai
Framedragger: mein gott. decided to deploy one of the newer 'productivity web apps' for work, official install is through docker, and *obviously* official docker install is `wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh`. BUT LOOK at the end of that legit2000.sh is: ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-06-23 15:11 mircea_popescu: "i understand ruby! put it in docker and rub puppett on your clittie!"
mircea_popescu: "here, download docker, configure orchestrator, push this butonetor and write your number. the restful interface will return a bevy of young ladies with the factors written in mascara on their tits."
ben_vulpes: much like docker, mongo, realm
a111: Logged on 2016-08-19 01:08 mircea_popescu: basically the "problem" idiots like paul whatshisface are imagining docker solves is entirely a business construct : idiots gave their neck away to "cloud" companies because "it will be cheaper", exactly on the model that produced "export jobs to china"
mircea_popescu: basically the "problem" idiots like paul whatshisface are imagining docker solves is entirely a business construct : idiots gave their neck away to "cloud" companies because "it will be cheaper", exactly on the model that produced "export jobs to china" ☟︎
asciilifeform: this ^ is quite exactly a description of the 'problem solvers' in 'piddly recantation', e.g., 'docker'
mircea_popescu: So reactions to Docker are not necessarily based on the technology itself. Most haters are not really reacting to Docker’s solutions to important and complex problems. Mostly, this is because those problems are ones you might not have noticed if you haven’t spent time scaling big systems. If you don’t intuitively and deeply understand what’s meant by “cattle not pets” << it is directly obvious to me what is meant
mircea_popescu: there's no space in any conceivable future for "that whole docker and cointainer thing" ; nor actually for "apps".
ben_vulpes: note, not seriously advocating use of docker.
ben_vulpes: noxious as it is, linux containerization and 'docker' in particular might be a good foundation for a 'cheap, angry' prototype
mircea_popescu: "i understand ruby! put it in docker and rub puppett on your clittie!" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: similarly to how "programmers" of docker and javascript are pissants not worth the mention.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 20:46 ben_vulpes: i went to upgrade a docker installation and they pulled this gorgeous trick where they actually deny access to repos based on docker client version
davout: while i don't care much for docker specifically, i don't think it's a good approach to blame people's stupidity and lazyness on *tools*. sure it makes it easier to be retarded. and if your point is that it makes every sane's person job harder, why not, i can agree with that
asciilifeform: think about ben_vulpes's docker
ben_vulpes: *tearing noises as /me excises more sillicon valley horseshit from client stacks, fixes all problems that had previously been papered over with docker, and deploys to fresh ubuntu 14.04*
ben_vulpes: i went to upgrade a docker installation and they pulled this gorgeous trick where they actually deny access to repos based on docker client version ☟︎
asciilifeform: here's to hoping that docker undergoes the same death as described earlier.
ben_vulpes: and you raise the issue with railsfolk of standing and the response is almost always "yow. that sucks. have you tried docker?"
ben_vulpes: docker adoption is largely driven by people who can't get it to work on their workstations
trinque: asciilifeform: docker; that's exactly what they do
mircea_popescu: he's affecting that he can't hear docker, so we don't realise he sleeps with a stuffed bear with a penis that reads docker
ben_vulpes: > tmsr is making its own docker
mircea_popescu: davout own docker/aws/tor/silk road/nsa/cloudflare/dns/you name it.
davout: aha, so in other words tmsr is making its own docker
mircea_popescu: in retrospect, pity the white anglotard is inept and ineffectual. "hello i'm ian murdock and i work at docker. i'm going to maybe do something against the police. on twitter. it'll all be unsubstantial and i'll whine about suicide."
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/04/docker-on-list-of-companies-taking-quiet-cia-funding/ << Updated to include alflink
asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/04/docker-on-list-of-companies-taking-quiet-cia-funding << INCIDENTALLY no acknowledgement of my investigative thread in #b-a re ALL of the interesting in-q-tel firms
BingoBoingo: https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/4eyp3e/docker_quietly_taking_cia_money/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Docker On List Of Companies Taking Quiet CIA Funding - http://qntra.net/2016/04/docker-on-list-of-companies-taking-quiet-cia-funding/
mod6: i've only used one clojure application and it was a very haphazardly implemented docker-like thingy.
BingoBoingo: In other marginal news: Docker, employer of the late Debian Founder, has now hired the Alpine Linux founder and is moving all their images to that. Might be relevant if anyone was looking at that musl based distro
guruvan: I do use some in some docker images for various purposes, but my heaviest use images are all gentoo based
ben_vulpes: have built in docker, cloud, etc
guruvan: there some more docs on the rotor script? this looks like the mojo I'm looking for for the simple docker "whip up a node for testing" builds
guruvan: mircea_popescu: docker image Dockerfile helps document buld process -that part of why I do these
guruvan: asciilifeform: working on a trb docker image - looks like was 168000 p2sh ?
mod6: <+guruvan> mod6: bitcoin docker image is up - just testing now - patch wasn't working for me, so it's manually applied << ah, you had it build from V?
guruvan: mod6: bitcoin docker image is up - just testing now - patch wasn't working for me, so it's manually applied
assbot: mazaclub/docker-coin-daemons at btc-therealbtc - GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1UXTqEX )
guruvan: https://github.com/mazaclub/docker-coin-daemons/tree/btc-therealbtc << source for the image
guruvan: https://hub.docker.com/r/mazaclub/btc-therealbitcoin-base/builds/ << latest should work - is running on my dev aws node
guruvan: mod6: not sure what you're testing - I just put together a docker image with the v0.5.3 code on thebitcoin.foundation site
guruvan: just happen to be building a buncha gentoo docker images today
ben_vulpes: this is most apparently when rails devs go "omg docker" because it lets them reproducibly build execution environments
asciilifeform: docker ?!
BingoBoingo: Well, the part where Docker is handling his final affairs and was his emergency contact
assbot: In Memoriam: Ian Murdock | Docker Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjbyOH )