59 entries in 0.796s

mircea_popescu: yes, obviously it pays to be the top node, ie, to integrate everyone else's systems. hence all the "empire loses because we integrate it, can't even represent us" etc. nevertheless... this is fine and dandy until it isn't. and yes it'd be great if one had the fucking sense to NOTICE, but notice how eg
cat-v.org morons FAILED to notice it's time to quit derping and start worshipping.
mircea_popescu: tl;dr :
cat-v was a bunch of dorks collected around a chosen kid, trying to do things. chosen kid died and they turned to scar tissue.
oda: jej, so this is a
cat-v type crowd?
mircea_popescu: kinda why the whole "do you have money ? no ? then shut the fuck up." works so well socially, personally and in general. because they... don't. and they know how to get it and know they can't get it. hence "
cat-v" etc.
mircea_popescu: so basically, this is a sort of republic-like, some people got together trying to do [what their idea of] good is. not nearly as dead as
cat-v.org thing for instance.
mircea_popescu: either "momentary lapse into lucidity" by dubious author with VERY clenched teeth, usually decade+ old ; or else
mircea_popescu: in other weird news, i've apparently gotten hella-good at handling wanna-be leahs, on the basis of nothing in particular. meditation, i guess, not like i've even interacted with the unfiltered refuse of angloshpere since the
cat-v adventure.
mircea_popescu: yes, i'm aware there's a something awful that twenty years ago used to be a sort of
cat-v for socialist tards etcetera. yes i'm aware the "climate science" pseudoscientards had some mailing list they coordinated their nonsense on etc.
mircea_popescu: at least in intent/intuition i can see the
cat-v, wanted to be tmsr, didn't know what it wants or how it goes thesis.
phf: kind of like
cat-v, from recent memory, was a fledgling tmsr at one point: mp died, asciilifeform's left elsewhere, maggots still there
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes unsurprisingly. pretty much all of extant "foss" is
cat-v.org redone.
mircea_popescu: the lulz @
cat-v.org idiots are instructive in this field. what matters to the powerless is an exercise left for onanists.
pete_dushenski: but if mircea_popescu vanishes we know what the future of tmsr looks like! what, you ask ? why, #
cat-v ofc.
adlai: mircea_popescu: cheers! now i, too, can tell #
cat-v that "there's no way that's the REAL mircea because ..."
PeterL: dos it have to do with the way the color did not end properly at the bottom of the quote from the
cat-v chan?
phf: asciilifeform: i had
cat-v and 9front in some high regard, i was actually surprised there was a channel, with ~people~ in it
pete_dushenski: in any event, kudos to mircea_popescu for the staying power demonstrated in #
cat-v! gems were mined, oh how the lulzgems were mined.
mircea_popescu: so basically, the
cat-v story is, they had a mp. who died. the end.
mircea_popescu: in other news, this
cat-v thing mostly looks like "an approximation of tmsr pops up every 10 years ; this is the 2005 version"
mircea_popescu: -ChanServ- [#
cat-v] Welcome to #
cat-v. State your assumptions or prepare to be boarded. << the similarities are striking.
BingoBoingo contemplates migrating to a completely suckless/
cat-v desktop. Pros? Any cons?