51 entries in 0.836s

snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 13:48:51 asciilifeform: this being said -- will be interesting to see which '
bob beck' is crowned as 'new rms'.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes my read is that __20h__ is ~
bob beck in the outfit.
mircea_popescu: are they paying you for this btw ? or do you just donate to them for free and then donate to them also the HAVING DONATED, like
bob beck "has grown accustomed to expect" ?
BingoBoingo: One could say same about OpenBSD except their mp (Theo) was and stayed poor and stooges (
Bob Beck) rallied to gatekeeper and treasury positions
mircea_popescu: experientia docent ; de raadt pre
bob beck and post
bob beck very much different animals also. list can continue.
BingoBoingo: ^When facing such a
Bob Beck, best not to be the paying Theo
mircea_popescu: bitcoin changes everything, of course, and outside the heaped plate of humilation lasagna it allowed me to forcefeed
bob beck,
BingoBoingo: At least
Bob Beck's financial crowd. Thing was saved by the forces of good, then the forces of Microshit came with ongoing whatever the fuck
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform:
Bob Beck the OpenBSd fundraiser. Sginify though was different person, tedu
BingoBoingo: People who have been fumbling in their own WoT simply trying to come up with a useful code signing tool. Ideal, no. Useful, maybe. MP continues his
Bob Beck fatwa? Well, MP never really ends those in practice.
assbot: Logged on 02-04-2015 02:00:00; BingoBoingo: OpenBSD has been nice to me, but weird compared to linux and as a point that displeases MP poor fundraiser
Bob Beck is in their WoT
BingoBoingo: OpenBSD has been nice to me, but weird compared to linux and as a point that displeases MP poor fundraiser
Bob Beck is in their WoT
BingoBoingo will prolly pick up the next OpenBSD CD's... wishes OpenBSD saw the wisdom in an actual fundraiser so
Bob Beck could code and not disappoint the firsted biggest donor
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> which isn't THAT expensive to do, but it does require a puppet-master sysadmin type to start it all << OMG
Bob Beck has a path to redemtion if he takes it
assbot: The public burning of
Bob Beck pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
BingoBoingo: Ah, yeah. I'm just looking at this
Bob Beck guy's stuff. That tweet just made me realize how unsaveble he is as a "fundraiser"
assbot: The public burning of
Bob Beck pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.