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a111: Logged on 2018-08-28 17:22 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/usg-butthurt-china-wont-share-samples-of-h7n9-flu-virus/ << Qntra - USG Butthurt China Won't Share Samples Of H7N9 Flu Virus
asciilifeform: my q was whether usg has managed to re-create 'the printing press', or reasonable emulation thereof, via controlled waterfall .
asciilifeform: i dun have a perpetuum mobile in my pocket, 'here's how'. simply pointing out that ( as mircea_popescu wrote on his www looong before i tuned in ) 'tard with gigantic bag of dough can wreck whole planets' , and that today this role is played by usg rather than gaggle of free range forumtards
mircea_popescu: hey, a thousand or two is exactly what usg should have, based on its situation in the world, truthful general importance and so on.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in the sense of what, after usg took overt the piggy it declared some clients as principal victims ?
a111: Logged on 2018-11-20 02:12 mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2018/11/forkcoin-that-split-from-bitcoin-now-struck-by-contentious-hardfork/#comment-120500 << srsly the usg tards are pushing that wright imbecile as their spearhead ? what, nobody thinking left in the "think" fishtanks ?!
asciilifeform: i did sign a tarball fulla regrindolade last wk. but largely so folx know they get what i put in, rather than ball fulla patches + usg gnutar 0day impregnated in flight etc
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2018/11/forkcoin-that-split-from-bitcoin-now-struck-by-contentious-hardfork/#comment-120500 << srsly the usg tards are pushing that wright imbecile as their spearhead ? what, nobody thinking left in the "think" fishtanks ?! ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-24 14:23 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1702759 << eventually this will necessarily happen, yes. "segwit" transactions are stored on the bitcoin network as "anyone can spend", so eventually miners will unroll the segwit chain. how soon is not easily predicted (which is why the idea is stupid/usg-like, introduces impredictability in the currency)
asciilifeform: ( who for some perverse reason insist on sticking to heathen voice band , exactly where usg wants'em )
asciilifeform: fwiw i've obtained a secondhand http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1870822 laboratory instrument ( they're quite rare in aftermarket, typically sold new at outrageous usgtronic prices ) for laters, when The Time Comes. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( and will add, it aint as if today's ameritards are less credulous. simply today better corralled, today's hotel owner will equally idiotically invest in usg bonds, rather than tesla's trunk, is all )
asciilifeform: ( btw mircea_popescu , consider the sheer mindfuck, the 1st and still to date greatest mechanical algebratron was not only written in usg nuke establishment, but ~openly published~ -- very diff people in '70s )
BingoBoingo: The Burma situation is lulzy with old girl whats her name having solved whatever petty hangup stood between her and the Junta and going from USG.blue darling to a lesser "orange man"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Indeed. Simply pointing out Vietnam lost the datacenter contest for the same reason Cambodia did and not being USG.BFF
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: entirely likely. but afaik best-looking horse in that glue factory. observe that e.g. vikrot bout was betrayed by usg.thailand, not vietnam.
asciilifeform: https://archive.org/download/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive << indeed, nao housed in usg.loc archive..
asciilifeform: sorta how 'online dope market' is 100% usg.dea
asciilifeform: ( not mega-seekrit, nuffing in usgdom that sails, flies, or drives, moves so much as centimetre without steady supply of chinesium )
a111: Logged on 2018-11-06 18:12 mircea_popescu: the whole usgistan thing is a ~necessary~ solvent for the otherwise even-more-imbecile "nation of kings" bullshit.
asciilifeform: imho it is entirely feasible , in principle, to bake these such that a usg.thief (or whatever other species) wins only a few hundy's worth of rusty irons, if he steals.
asciilifeform: and yes this ~is~ the very same disease of which usg is dying. i'd like to fix this before we drown in ocean of stupid.
asciilifeform tried to source 68k back in the original draft cardanoism days. found that the only source, aside from vintage collectors, is some goldentoilet co that makes spare parts for usg rockets
asciilifeform: tbh i have nfi who still relies on voice pnoje for sensitive-anyffing, aside from usgtards
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/venezuala-continuing-gold-repatriation-efforts-despite-british-and-usg-obsctruction/ << Qntra - Venezuala Continuing Gold Repatriation Efforts Despite British And USG Obsctruction
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: say they were to vote 'nope' -- and usg wants parking spot anyway. with what they will shoot'em ? that 18th spanish cannon on the pit bull beach ?
mircea_popescu: the whole usgistan thing is a ~necessary~ solvent for the otherwise even-more-imbecile "nation of kings" bullshit. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: to briefly revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-06#1869826 : signature line being "The Council cited [...] and Turkey's loss of credibility in the international arena as reasons for the coup." ; whenever you see that you can be very much certain it's teh usg.blue pantsuit. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: also because confederacy of dunces, perhaps ? the EXACT SAME usg.blue dunces, actually ?
mircea_popescu: i still think you should http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-03#1869171 as a parting shot ; not because i expect anything besides the "meet mr al-schmukwari at 8am", but because why not let the remnant of usg.blue congratulate itself on "succeeding" ? let some schmuck "earn" a bonus, what's it to you or me. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: non-usgistic fw for ye olde 'edgerouter' box. asciilifeform has a duct-taped version in use locally, mircea_popescu had idea where it gets cleaned up and offered to e.g. pizarro for packet-filter
BingoBoingo: Actual Security Update: November 26th through December 3rd, there will likely be about 400 USG tending to assorted support aircraft in Carrasco for the G20 summit across the river in Buenos Aires.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/alleged-cia-leaker-schulte-alleged-to-continue-leaking-usg-seekrits-from-jail/ << Qntra - Alleged CIA Leaker Schulte Alleged to Continue Leaking USG Seekrits From Jail
mircea_popescu: "what's the only salient point of #metoo '''mopvement''' aka morons on usg.ugc sites ?" "that it only attaches to people who don't laugh at them."
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/10/usg-communications-commisioner-advocates-centralization-and-crackdown-on-unauthorized-radio-frequency-use/ << Qntra - USG Communications Commisioner Advocates Centralization And Crackdown on "Unauthorized" Radio Frequency Use
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-11#1270344 << uncovering lulz in the process. ahh, recall back when usg thought it could BUY the republic ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: as fucking if, these morons trying to "write the news" as per 1980s usg.blue recipes. what are they, stuck with old magazines in an outhouse or something ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Banksy is as best as I can tell unrepentant Pantsuit scum working for USG.blue
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: thing was never usg.adopted, was 90% of its orig appeal
asciilifeform: usg.dept-of-kompyooting unification chugging along, eh
asciilifeform: there is, for instance, an Official cap on benjies, iirc 10k. but nobody ever counted'em in any usg airport i've been to, for so long as they fit in wallet
asciilifeform: ( unlike ye olde su, usg has a shortage of fancy rubber stamps , for some reason )
mircea_popescu: "oh, this piece of paper ? VERY!!!! different from what buskers/joefish/.whatever hand out. THIS ONE HANDED OUT BY BLUE USG!!! BIGGEST THING IN IMPORTANCE!"
asciilifeform: ( usg's locks work this way, one of their few sane techs, 1980s vintage. thing starts each new char at random init value, too, so peeker dun see anyffin useful from the side )
asciilifeform: it's why usg lost its precious keyz when bestkorea took famous ship 'pueblo'
asciilifeform: mostly indian/chinese d00dz embedded in usg.academitardia, doin' their india thing.
asciilifeform: ( not much , i suspect, chance of this sort of pull-out, while it remains usg colony )
asciilifeform: ( generally if you do it in the part of town where the garages and meth labs are, you dun have usg.problems, at least not immediately )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: regularly there's word from some d00d who actually bought surplus gear ( see e.g. linked thread ) and 'omfg, i made a diode!' , typically as far as they get ( and it wasn't even because usg.dhs came for his flourine , afaik it did not )
mircea_popescu: of course, it's EMINENTLY for sale if usg.pantsuit wants it. just oyu know, god forbid any leak in the http://trilema.com/2014/in-which-you-become-grain/ process threatens to spring.
a111: Logged on 2014-06-02 22:49 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: jurov: smbx had perverse incentives (usg funding that appeared bottomless - until it died suddenly. reagan's 'star wars.') << best way to sink a good start-up is a bad revenue source early on.
asciilifeform: ( the other sub-$1mil fab is mosis co., but it is in usa, serves primarily usg, and dun publish prices, in the past i tried to get estimate from it but without success )
asciilifeform: ( and not because it interferes with their attempt to run usg-style printing press ..? )
asciilifeform: possibly naively, i thought ~all~ centralbanks hate btc, (e.g. cn's), not merely usg-muppet ones ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-20#1864531 << usg influence. ie precisely what must be uprooted. ☝︎
asciilifeform: but yes usg is squeezing necks, too many zeks escaping, even with the current ~$1m price tag
asciilifeform: aha, gets buckets of printolade and dresses up as 'income', like other usg.tbtf.corps.*
asciilifeform: re 'preppers'(tm)(r), usg has a certain lulzy tradition, where they set up honeypot vendors for 'prepping supplies' (buckets, cosmoline, etc) and keep list of who's buyin', 'for later'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform as far as i know, item exists 100% as orcistan theft, because the local morons will pay the usg corp a chunk of their local income.
asciilifeform: so moneys move usgistically, rather than 'terroristically'
mircea_popescu: ie, usg undergoing exact same process argentina was, back when old whore still thought she can be president whether i say ok or not.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's not just USG. All fiat wanna be sovereigns are inclined to capturing tax from undocumented traditional activities.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform uber is rather "we'll produce an alt-frontend dating site for orclands, where the morons will pay usg to use it". very much mercantilism desperation on usg.blue part.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: usg is on an 'embrace & extend' tack. not simply the pot thing, either -- consider, 'uber', 'airbnb', etc through lens of 'attempts to make unemployed zeks, driven into piecework, to document income & pay tax'
mircea_popescu: thing is utterly indistinguishable from typical usgistani office drone "job", of data entry. it is a wonder anyone "misses work" to "play wow". exactly like "breaking law, not ate mcdonalds, ate burger king". wut ?!
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 00:05 asciilifeform: i still dun fully grasp the supposed usg feud with qatar -- iirc the latter sank couple $B into usg's 'moderate rebels'
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1861536 >> also sunk $B into building largest military base in the region for usg. 'feud' seems like public theatre to my noob eyes. US is well respected here in contrast to gulf state back-turners. ☝︎
mod6: usg has no money. all they got is BS.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz nobody likely gives a shit about : romania apparently has some natgas in its chunk of black sea shelf ; usg wants to steal this ; ro senate wrote a law for them ; ro commons rejected it, because this one guy (liviu dragnea) said so. his majority collapsed because "hungarian" miniparty changed its mind overnight (ie, transparently got bought out) and well... guess who is "accused" of supposedly having FORCED ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other lulz https://dlnseo.org/content/flpb#sll << the languages usg fears.
asciilifeform: i.e. 'classy' usg honeypot for 'we are 133337 and h8t3 google'
trinque: I figure the sin's lazily evaluated; did you liberate some cash from usg and thus liberate your own arse, or not.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 00:15 asciilifeform: if anyffing, it's idjits like asciilifeform who are the worst , who buy for usg 2-3 'sidewinders' erry yr and don't know how to stop
asciilifeform: without usg's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1817099 thing, there's be as much 'dope cartel' as there is aspirin cartel. ☝︎
asciilifeform: returning upstack to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-12#1861511 , the fact that they haven't, is imho serious support for asciilifeform's traditional hypothesis of the dope folx being ~symbionts~ of usg , rather than antagonists ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu had an old piece where mentioned orcs all over saving in usd, hanging on to erry benjie like it were a shard of the trooo cross. ~that~ is 1 of the elephants on which usg stands.
asciilifeform: and they're regularly gassed, wherever, thailand or pretty much any turd world shithole, usg dun even have to break a sweat
asciilifeform: if anyffing, it's idjits like asciilifeform who are the worst , who buy for usg 2-3 'sidewinders' erry yr and don't know how to stop ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, the problem is that not enough bitchslapping of stupid cunts who imagine "their oppinions on #ows" or w/e are sought or even possible as an abstract object. THAT is the true usg, the pile of moron dreamers.
asciilifeform: but to naked eye entirely inexplicable, qatar is possibly 1st or 2nd biggest sponsor of usg idjicy in the goatfuck deserts
asciilifeform: i still dun fully grasp the supposed usg feud with qatar -- iirc the latter sank couple $B into usg's 'moderate rebels' ☟︎
BingoBoingo: If USG had that kind of pull in Qatar why nuclear waste trenches at the border?
asciilifeform: usg hunts hawaladars as if they were ebola sprayers . but they still live.
mircea_popescu: the fundamental problem with "we'll permit cattle to have their usg.thing and we'll do the right thing" is that why exactly is usg getting the cheap and easy fruit ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, if local morons still act as if they lived in usg zone, notwithstanding they make 5k a year or so...
mircea_popescu: is eating still permitted in the usgulag, or also meanwhile verboten ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: usg.verboten, apparently
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and by "good %" we mean all of it -- usg would end tomorrow if employers had to pay in cash.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: good % of classical usg totalitarian bullshit is enforced through 'employer pays into yer bank, which reports erry penny'
mircea_popescu: ie, cut the usgtards out of loop entirely ?
mircea_popescu: fucktarded zeks that eat the usg cheese THEREFORE CAN NOT nor should eat my cheese. and we're back to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-12#1860889 ☝︎
asciilifeform: the maker of the thing folded coupla yrs ago, they had 2 major buyers, the 'olpc' idjicy (dead) and usg (made clone, as i understand) and so starved.
mod6: 833-867-7282 << this is how you dial it from usg phone
asciilifeform: betcha it would, if usg.cisco.crapple had built it..
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-08#1859601 << far away they are. not too long ago I went to an "Understanding Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain" webinar type thing here at $usg.toobigtofailbank. As you'd expect, was filled to the brim with such lulzgems as "Unlike bonds/equities, cryptocurrency has no intrinsic value. No way to establish price point!!". imo They are so far from reality it isn't even ☝︎
mircea_popescu: what's usg if not this "singular effect, choose your paper wrapper"
BingoBoingo: Well, Russia can't afford to buy USG.blue
a111: Logged on 2018-08-28 17:22 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/usg-butthurt-china-wont-share-samples-of-h7n9-flu-virus/ << Qntra - USG Butthurt China Won't Share Samples Of H7N9 Flu Virus
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/10/usg-and-victims-deny-allegations-of-chinese-ownership-of-their-implanted-servers/ << Qntra - USG And Victims Deny Allegations Of Chinese Ownership Of Their Implanted Servers
BingoBoingo: Now, If Trump makes Maduro sink a USG aircraft carrier the derp squad might try a run at US embassy, but I doubt they would have the commitment they do when serving as hinchas de Peñarol