1200+ entries in 0.082s
BingoBoingo: Catching up on dispatches from the USG fortress in Barrio Sur (El Barrio de los Negros), it turns out they Embassy warned their subjects against participating in pretty cool cultural event: https://uy.usembassy.gov/message-to-u-s-citizens-security-alert-avoid-traveling-on-the-rambla-in-pocitos-punta-carretas-and-on-avenida-18-de-julio-tonight/
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 21:22 mircea_popescu: "i didn't really pay for this book" is symmetrical with "amazon stole the item i bought out of my '''shelf'''", provided you use pantsuit definitions of the terms. since when the fuck is random usg asignee getting "paid" for shit some unrelated third party meanwhile deceased did ?
mircea_popescu: the usg that "is" gotta pay to continue to somewhat-get to claim it exists.
mircea_popescu: we're not discussing an imaginary alt-usg "as it could have been". we are discussing the usg that is.
mircea_popescu: at&t, like any other usg agency, is not a business in any sense. it is a conduit whereby the usg pays people the rent it owes for the continuance of its (otherwise baseless) pretense to existence.
mircea_popescu: "i didn't really pay for this book" is symmetrical with "amazon stole the item i bought out of my '''shelf'''", provided you use pantsuit definitions of the terms. since when the fuck is random usg asignee getting "paid" for shit some unrelated third party meanwhile deceased did ? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 02:10 asciilifeform: whereas when somebody throws coin into a prb wallet, for any reason whatsoever, whether because he is idjit or because we made it harder to avoid, that's coin into usg coffers.
asciilifeform: whereas when somebody throws coin into a prb wallet, for any reason whatsoever, whether because he is idjit or because we made it harder to avoid, that's coin into usg coffers. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: now that we're done with alf's wrecking of the naming convention, gotta deal with mod6 's wrecking of the historical flow ? keccak isn't some fucking optional package on top of mainline usg-provided sha.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Uruguay's cost mega-moolah AND imports USG/EU pantsuitism absent on the other side of free-zone border wall
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hey, usg 3ringbinder talmud prolly decreed that they must try at least 11 times..
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-24#1853649 << entirely usg's desperation. they're losing preminence/getting locked out of markets at a shocking rate for a "world power" not defeated in war. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: oh, is this part and parcel of all the "luxuries keep me bolted down in usgistan that i could never have anywhere else" line ?
mircea_popescu: can't help but like the soviet peons more than the usgistani zeks.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 02:25 asciilifeform: ( whether could have won, or not, whoknows, usg 'court' is approx a bank balance contest. but did not even TRY )
asciilifeform: ( whether could have won, or not, whoknows, usg 'court' is approx a bank balance contest. but did not even TRY ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: there appeared out of the usg depths, this squid, 'linux foundation', sponsored at various times erry possible scamola, prb, later gavinisms, tor, etc
asciilifeform: ianal, but per current usg copyrasty system, copyrights in fact stay with authors, unless sold ( apriori, as in 'work for hire', or post -- if sold, or reassigned by idiot for phree, as e.g. rms demands of authors )
asciilifeform: i expect either a) whole thing is made to silently evaporate , via the usual means b) gpl is formally unwound by usg 'courts', so rathead et al can carry along. i dun see a c) ...
BingoBoingo: That's pseudoephedrine, but yeah. A bit slow in USG
Mocky: usg dun care about ephedrine. i ordered from canadian pharmacy, contents printed on package
asciilifeform: ( in usgistan proper, they even have an 'analogues act' )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what's a 'diet pill' anyway ? is it simply euphemism for ??? synthetic dope 'not banned in usgreich yet'
asciilifeform: considering that usg apparatus runs ~100% on them at this point
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the 'right', 'nazi', 'weev', etc , types , not even reached level where can discuss 'community', they're still seated firmly in the comfortable usg.provocateur 'right bottle of pepsi' theatre << They also fall into the pulp "Laws of Power" fanfic things so every single one imagines themselves the BIGGEST, leaderest, etc
a111: Logged on 2018-09-16 03:07 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in about-as-interesting-as-usg lulz, https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Jeremy_Hambly
asciilifeform: the 'right', 'nazi', 'weev', etc , types , not even reached level where can discuss 'community', they're still seated firmly in the comfortable usg.provocateur 'right bottle of pepsi' theatre
mircea_popescu: "read some fucking history", ie, the holy logs, is arguably (at least, from an usg.blue "expert"'s pov) the ~only innovation we bring.
asciilifeform: ( and is the reason why usg likes to staff 'bitcoin phoundations' etc with pedos )
asciilifeform: afaik was always usg's black bag hit squad an' stolen goodz fencer
mircea_popescu: that anyone even fucking refers to usg.usms with a straight face as anything OTHER than "those ridiculous conmonkeys" is incomprehensible. aren't these the fucks that "sold" "bitcoin" they "confiscated" at "auction" ?
mircea_popescu: it's a wonder of wonders they can hurt without "united states scammer service" permittign the operation. how the fuck my whips and paddles work with or without usg blessing is THE WONDER OF OUR AGE
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and if you regularly go there you ALWAYS eat at mcdo and ALWAYS deal with usg.bank and ALWAYS etc ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i dun auto-buy the deposition of the usg.whore re d00d's supposed words tho
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-21#1852638 << he's the sort of moron whose plan upon finding out the usg is trying to kidnap him is to... go to a "rental agency". ☝︎
asciilifeform: point wasnt 'lnx sux', was re usg's various ploys to sell their expensive lng against cheaper ru item
asciilifeform: mats: usg colony, what do you expect
asciilifeform: or maybe not dumb enuff to 'escape' to usg's 'unsinkable carrier'(tm)(r) whoknows
asciilifeform suspects that all usg 'confiscate errything' letterhead nao is perma-stamped 'child pr0n investigation'
a111: Logged on 2018-08-01 03:07 mircea_popescu: just like the weev morons, writing "advertising" irc bots to advertise inept usg alt-agenda to me. because yea, totally, THAT'll work, and is the way to spend a youth.
asciilifeform: 'Time for Turkey’s Fragmentation' << ahahahaha usg.dos has not enuff ukrs..?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i dun distinguish in my mind 'activists' from other usg
BingoBoingo: Hard to say if all of USG.blue's hands are that coordinated. Could have been a hit by some activist group
asciilifeform: ( as i understand, will be contraband in usg reich unless Officially blessed )
asciilifeform: excluding ( again, per usg customs, can't speak for the phree world ) the bolt.
asciilifeform: ( ancient -- 1920s? -- laws, never cancelled, consider 'receiver' to be the usg-controlled item )
asciilifeform: btw ftr i suspect that the wilson d00d wasn't nailed for 'distibuting evil schematics', they're ~useless as is, but for refusing to sabotage'em and play gapon for usg
asciilifeform: at any rate i suspect that the problem is not wholly engineering problem, in the sense where, yes usg torpedo (for piddling 100km range) costs $mil, a ru torpedo -- $100k, but afaik nobody's built a $1 or even $10k thing-that-sails-8000km , in which to economically carry $1k of cargo
asciilifeform: gift for usg.
asciilifeform: helps to put current-day crapple into correct perspective. it is a creation of 1990s microshit ( massive dough infusion ), originally to defend against 'monopoly bust'. ended up revived as a replacement 'usg dept of kompyooting' as the original began to show signs of rust
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in about-as-interesting-as-usg lulz, https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Jeremy_Hambly ☟︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/09/usg-closes-solar-observatory-over-security-issue/ << Qntra - USG Closes Solar Observatory Over "Security Issue"
a111: Logged on 2018-09-13 22:07 asciilifeform: gotta wonder, what precisely caps the lifespam of a garza-style op. my guess is that it was never +ev at any point, and d00d simply ran out of his usg-allotted 'capital' to pay the shills etc
asciilifeform: gotta wonder, what precisely caps the lifespam of a garza-style op. my guess is that it was never +ev at any point, and d00d simply ran out of his usg-allotted 'capital' to pay the shills etc ☟︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i guess 1 usg.rubber only holds so-much jizz, handler finally slipped on a new one and threw garza into the bin
a111: Logged on 2018-09-12 00:21 mircea_popescu: for all the derpage about "attack sites using your computer to mine shitcoins" in the usg.fakenews media, google's been using well over half of everyone's cpu an' ram for the past i dunno, decade ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it does, and current openssl does the /etc/.../systemwideusg.rubbish thing.
mircea_popescu: among all the (cloudflare), *.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com, *compute-1.amazonaws.com, *bc.googleusercontent.com etc etc, it should be quite evident why usg's been pushing "https everywhere".
mircea_popescu: the fpga-sanded-off was usg's own fraud division "butterfly labls", with the mafia dorks.
asciilifeform: it only happens when usg prods
mircea_popescu: for all the derpage about "attack sites using your computer to mine shitcoins" in the usg.fakenews media, google's been using well over half of everyone's cpu an' ram for the past i dunno, decade ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: incidentally, usg.cloudflare got apparently mandated to involve usg.alphabet, they now import it
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience
asciilifeform: $50-100k usg.box.
asciilifeform: iirc mircea_popescu had a piece where 'usg.college victim, thoroughly hollowed out, incapable of discussing subj , because he perceives that he ~is college~' or how did it go
asciilifeform: ( how did mircea_popescu formulate it earlier, 'if yer this stupid, a usg will coalesce out of the vacuum for you' )
mircea_popescu: deeply undermining usgistani "digital forensics" bs.
mircea_popescu: it so totally pays to be one of these usgistani "investigative journalists"...
mircea_popescu: oh, and in "comunismu-ntii te-ajuta, tac tac tac, si apoi te executa pac pac pac" lulz : let's open our hymn books at the roger casement page. first knighted for "exposing" "atrocities" in usg's enemies at the time (boers and whatnot), was then hanged (and declared a faggot) for proposing the germans help liberate his homeland from usg in ww1.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/09/usg-talks-georgia-into-abducting-and-extraditing-russian-man-to-manhattan/ << Qntra - USG Talks Georgia Into Abducting And Extraditing Russian Man To Manhattan
asciilifeform: in other lulz, https://archive.is/lRDfh << supermicro bmc confirmed usg.porous. (there's a reason asciilifeform didn't plug'em in)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the usg machinery is not powered by sense. if you didn't know you wanted to move to miami, hereby you find out. if you're not the sort who finds this out thusly, terrorist.
asciilifeform: ( granted, it comes out of usg.cows here, so possibly not comparable )
asciilifeform: that's approx same as what it costs here in usgistan (~3usbux)
mircea_popescu: usg is "how to go through the motions of doing things withouy doing anything" and usg "opposition" is "how to go through the motions of opposing usg, without fucking anything up for them". they're not all that substantially different.
mircea_popescu: usg "opposition".
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-09#1848980 << lol privkeys via usg.post ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> in entirely unrelated non-news, the surprised by joy thing has been most read article this month since the day it was published. it's so fucking rare for a same-month article to even rank... i wonder wtf happened there. << USG.Blue&Red derps suspecting steganography?
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/09/new-paraguay-president-stands-up-to-usg-and-zionists-moves-embassy-out-of-jerusalem/ << Qntra - New Paraguay President Stands Up To USG And Zionists, Moves Embassy Out Of Jerusalem
mircea_popescu: i can take argentines starving slightly later if they sink usg along.
asciilifeform: somehow this never seems to happen to bankrupt orcistans, instead usg prints a few extra pallets and buys'em
asciilifeform: of course in usa 'hung jury' simply means that usg gets to rinse & repeat until desired result
asciilifeform: and, in usg 'court', 'evidence' is whatever usg says it is, noose at 11...
mircea_popescu totally sees it, signing a "i deeply regret all these usg politrucks did not see the wisdow in time" eventually.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: per legend, it's what usg uses israel for -- a kind of thailand for officers to park their cocks in during arabian adventures
asciilifeform: 1 was a doomed d00d taking refuge in a peculiar religion ( why not, gotta wonder, islam, at least it promises 40 magical virgins, why usg.sv ) and 1 is chix being reformatted
asciilifeform: usg circa '50s-70s had this peculiar fixation with 'incapacitating agents', to make victim spout nonsense and 'discredit', but afaik came to ~nuffin
asciilifeform: i'd've naively imagined they have enuff contact with usg escapees, to know what it is
asciilifeform: it was usg that forbade rubber ball ?
mircea_popescu: if they were rid of the moronic usgistani monkeys on their back, they'd be truly happy people.
asciilifeform: ( speaking here of the saner older folx; there's no shortage of idjits who think they 'own' usg house etc )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: current usg is quite eager to have konsoomer dispose of old, repairable [cars, washers, etc] in favour of chinesium
mircea_popescu: yeah, usg supply lines going to shit at a seemingly exponential rate
asciilifeform: usg.tor was precisely the 'faux-phuctor' they built to distract thinking folx from the very idea.
asciilifeform: this being said, eventual getting off usg.net is a godly thing, and inescapable . but it aint a desperate pre-req to routing sanity, imho.
asciilifeform: usg.fpga is expensive because 'intellectual property' derpitude.
asciilifeform: i admit i dun grasp, why, having already fronted 500k to usg.juniper, they would entertain a 'try my homemade router plz'
asciilifeform: the buyer's entire objective is to scratch a usg-kowtow itch by blowing those six figs on 'best practice' witch repellent.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you understand, item by cisco/friends not amounting to a rockchip plant sells to usg.tards for 100k sorta money.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the gall, usg talking of arbitrary detentions.