430 entries in 0.61s

mircea_popescu: if you don't know how to get to toilet, you have problems
gizmos won't fix ; and if going anywhere else why the fuck are you by yourself.
mats: i have two
gizmo1 kits also
trinque has the
gizmo and sage sitting here too
gizmolearner yes. you can maintain coversation continuity even if your connection fails. so no need to apologize.
gizmolearner honestly i don't think anyone is. politics is like cleanning, nobody builds himself a lab for the joy of having to clean it up periodically.
gizmolearner: "the most serene republic (of bitcoin)"
gizmolearner well, that's what the republic is for. literally, tmsr = the republic of the leftover.
gizmolearner no. just because most women are unfuckable doesn't mean all are. or ever will be.
gizmolearner i actually believe that point was cca 2005.
gizmolearner you need to be thinking on a machine costing a quarter an hour to arrive at the conclusion a machine could outthink some guy making money.
gizmolearner "used to do security software" as in, anonymously ?
gizmolearner did you ever say what you did for a living or anything ?
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated
gizmolearner 1 << start-up something something, dunno.
mircea_popescu: !!rate
gizmolearner 1 start-up something something, dunno.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-08 15:06
gizmolearner: x86 should reset to 0xfffffff0
a111: Logged on 2017-05-08 13:12
gizmolearner: Soldering debug I can do. Having PCB manufactured is a bit beyond me
a111: Logged on 2017-05-08 13:04 asciilifeform:
gizmolearner: theoretically you can attach probe to any (but the latest, crippled) amd cpu using a 'socket interposer' that sandwiches under the chip. but as to where to get it -- no one seems to know.
gizmolearner it starts at whatever you have in that register neh ?
gizmolearner: Any idea why reset on
Gizmo explorer doesn't starts at EIP=0xfffffc10 instead of 0xfffffff0?
gizmolearner: now you can `/msg deedbot !!up
deedbot: Framedragger rated
gizmolearner 1 << apu etc. tinkerer / new blood
Framedragger: !!rate
gizmolearner 1 apu etc. tinkerer / new blood
deedbot: B147983D4E7087710B0DC9D0BA56F6ACA4219D40 registered as
gizmolearner voiced for 30 minutes.
gizmolearner: The
Gizmo Explorer only has 1GB. Ideally I would like something with ~8-16GB (or DIMM slots)
gizmolearner voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-08 07:00
gizmolearner: I noticed in the probe faq that new APUs aren't supported. Any thoughts on what the best board (memory capacity I guess) that will work with the probe?
gizmolearner voiced for 30 minutes.
fromloper: The
Gizmo Explorer that came with the probe. In theory it supports AMDs VMM extensions
mircea_popescu: ideally the way this goes, you call the agency, girl shows up, you spend ten minutes going through legal red tape / reading paperwork boilerplate / filling consent forms whatever. then you pump her a little, there's various
gizmos and gadgets measuring things, then you play a little board game on the basis of the measurements for say 20 minutes or so.
mircea_popescu: The president is the original classification authority so he has enormous discretion about when and under what circumstances to do that, Zach Goldman, the executive director of NYUs Center on Law and Security, told
Gizmodo. If he decides he wants to read classified documents in the open, I dont know what the intelligence community can do about that.
mircea_popescu: you'd think they had wind back in 50`000`000 bc back when ants were a hot new
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: At one point Gawker made everyone get one. At one point
Gizmodo chick got a hold of cazalla and myself about GAW scam
shinohai: I was on the fence about it anyway, spent my
gizmo budget on a lappy to run African linux for testing eulora repos instead.
shinohai: WHo all has these
Gizmos right now ... mod6 ?
adlai: in other news, i have sitting next to me a yet-unboxed
Gizmo Explorer 1, which compromises the rest of the night's "work" (after qntring the diff adjustment)
kmalkki: I mean the
gizmo add-on board has FT232H on it, just use 2nd ttl-uart2usb
kmalkki: btw..
gizmo1 explorer board can provide serial console and coreboot
kmalkki: btw, sometimes I was able to get
gizmo1 into state where smartprobe was unable to write SPI
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: how does one get an x86-64 proggy to run on a bare cpu like the
ben_vulpes: 1:1 with
gizmos? or you found an supplier of the probe alone
gizmo wouldn't respond to keypad inputs until i released it in gdb
ben_vulpes: 1) power
gizmo 2) count to 30 3) plug sage into
gizmo 4) gdb ?
a111: Logged on 2016-10-02 06:11 adlai: asciilifeform: how much value is there in getting the
Gizmo Explorer as a first educational toy in this field, given that I currently have no idea what to do with it other than pilling and whatever else you suggest?
adlai: asciilifeform: how much value is there in getting the
Gizmo Explorer as a first educational toy in this field, given that I currently have no idea what to do with it other than pilling and whatever else you suggest?
☟︎ trinque: but then the
gizmo is not halted, right? it's asking me to press any key "to exit keypad test"
trinque: asciilifeform: so far always receiving E64 when I load gdbinit.txt,
gizmo is booted to the point where it asked me to press a key on the keypad
trinque: any particular order to boot the devices? I figured sage, then
gizmo trinque: asciilifeform: that
gizmo 1 kit *does* have the sage