724 entries in 0.646s
mircea_popescu: !down moriarty
mircea_popescu: !down moriarty
r3wt: !down artifexd
artifexd: !down r3wt
BingoBoingo: !down r3wt
kakobrekla: !down FreeN0deAdmin
mircea_popescu: !down Amazonfirehd
bounce: !down Freen0deAdmin
nubbins`: !down devthedev
kakobrekla: !down PinkPosixPXE
kakobrekla: !down mpmcsweeney
mircea_popescu: !down timeaftertime
mircea_popescu: !down ninjashogun
asciilifeform: !down ninjashogun
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Who knew we'd all be appreciating assbot's !up !down so much nao
nubbins`: !down thestringpuller
mircea_popescu: !down startup_isninja
ben_vulpes: !down brianhoffman
kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-10-2014#860305 < several problems with that, id fix if there would be a good solution. problem 1: !down would depend on gribbles presence, now it does not since down does not check wot but if a person self upped or not. problem 2: afaik even wot api is cached ☝︎
ben_vulpes: !down Dimsler
mircea_popescu: !down Dimsler
bounce: think about it. suppose you're neither l1 or l2, and you stick money in it. you start your valuable because costly pitch. then someone puts the !down on you.
Shakespeare: every !down puts 10satoshi debt on their wot
Shakespeare: so we !down them
mircea_popescu: anyone in chan can still !down of course.
mircea_popescu: !down ninjashogun
kakobrekla: !down kakobrekla stop it already
thickasthieves: !down strp
mircea_popescu: !down strp
BingoBoingo: !down meowmix
mircea_popescu: !down AMDCeleron
nubbins`: !down PeterL
mircea_popescu: !down ben_vulpes
ben_vulpes: !down Luke-Jr
ben_vulpes: !down Luke-Jr
mircea_popescu: !down Diablo-D3
TheNewDeal: !down sellnow-crashing
mircea_popescu: !down xmj
RagnarDanneskjol: !down deedBot
RagnarDanneskjol: !down MolokoDesk
ben_vulpes: !down myriadgetsmehard
BingoBoingo: !down strpfndr
mircea_popescu: !down JuliaTourianski_
RagnarDanneskjol: !down qq1932
mircea_popescu: !down notsakamoto
kolinko: (what's the etiquette if I'm going afk? !down to assbot ? )
BingoBoingo: !down Aquent
asciilifeform: !down strup`fndr
mircea_popescu: !down Aquent_
mircea_popescu: !down Aquent_
Vexual: !down fluffy pony
ben_vulpes: !down Tao_Jones
mircea_popescu: !down shovel_boss
mircea_popescu: !down TheNewDeal
Vexual: !down Flerb
Vexual: !down Flerb__
nubbins`: !down Blazedout419
nubbins`: !down Guest32652
danielpbarron: !down xanthyos
mircea_popescu: !down usagi
BingoBoingo: !down SuchWow
BingoBoingo: !down SuchWow
fluffypony: !down SuchWow
ben_vulpes: !down rake_boss
kdomanski: !down assbot
mike_c: !down shovel_boss
thestringpuller: !down shovel_boss
TheNewDeal: !down rake_boss
Mexual: !down usagi
kakobrekla: !down dreamstring
BingoBoingo: !down dreamstring
BingoBoingo: !down dpb_reddit
mircea_popescu: !down dpb_reddit
HeySteve: hmm assbot not going !down
BigBitz: !down HeySteve
kakobrekla: !down the20year
kakobrekla: !down the20year
BingoBoingo: !down moarrr
ben_vulpes: !down nam-shub
ben_vulpes: !down mike_c
kakobrekla: !down pogakuofie
BingoBoingo: !down RebeccaBitcoin
benkay: !down RebeccaBitcoin
benkay: !down RebeccaBitcoin
BingoBoingo: !down RetroUpriser
mike_c: !down RetroUpriser
mike_c: !down birdman
RetroUpriser: !down mike_c
mike_c: !down RetroUpriser
rithm: !down fluffpony
mircea_popescu: !down pogakuofie
rithm: !down carderplay
mircea_popescu: !down carderplay
mircea_popescu: !down carderplay
mircea_popescu: !down DeusCerehling
fluffypony: !down CheapBoy
mircea_popescu: !down cyranodeB
BigBitz: !down BayAreaCoins
BayAreaCoins: !down bayareacoins
mircea_popescu: !down BigBitz