2500+ entries in 0.292s
trinque: woah, that
tumblr got myspaced
assbot: Logged on 04-06-2015 14:56:23; lobbes: re: pron bots. You could run with williamdunne's idea of curated tumblrs, and then add in a custom
tumblr to that list where volunteers dump their pics from whatever source they feel (imagefap, xhamster, etc)
lobbes: re: pron bots. You could run with williamdunne's idea of curated tumblrs, and then add in a custom
tumblr to that list where volunteers dump their pics from whatever source they feel (imagefap, xhamster, etc)
☟︎ HeySteve: haven't really bothered with
tumblr, imagefap is my preferred porn source
williamdunne: But yeah, guessing
tumblr has RSS by default, so it would be very easy to modify scoop's source to automatically post porn from a curated list of
tumblr porn blogs
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: if you want to make a bait bot that's not retarded (which is to say, it fetches good quality, always fully nude, slightly fetish stuff) you can prolly have it voiced here. where to get good porn tho... << have d00d dredge through
tumblr and put together a list manually for the bot to take from lol!
cazalla: that is probably the worst
tumblr link i've yet to see in here
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it is an excellent model for the reddit/
tumblr/etc failure modes.
BingoBoingo still imagining
tumblr folk brewing their own Laudnum. If opiate abuse is already straining the fiat world so...
BingoBoingo: I leik'd dpb's "transmen are evil" sjw clickbait
tumblr assbot: Logged on 14-05-2015 22:30:12; cazalla: much better than the grainy
tumblr shit someone else links :)
cazalla: much better than the grainy
tumblr shit someone else links :)
☟︎ danielpbarron: some guy reposted the funniest SEW quotes from
tumblr to twitter