57 entries in 1.208s
BingoBoingo: Well, one Pantsuit primary election faultline is appearing to be a "Green New Deal" that consists of eliminating fuels and nuclear power within 10 years. A proposal that makes... heating New York impossible
BingoBoingo: Latest G20 lulz is Argentina is going to see if they can afford to buy a nuclear power plant and management of said plant from Russia
mats: fun fact, tw started work on a nuclear power plant and construction has been stopped since 2014 due to the tsai admin, which wants to phase nuclear power out entirely by mid 2020s
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bulgaria opens dry spent nuclear fuel depot - Reuters: <http://www.reuters.com/article/bulgaria-nuclear-waste-idAFLDE74A13D20110512>; Will The Russians Become Fuel Supplier To U.S. Nuclear Power ...: <https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2016/05/31/will-the-russians-become-fuel-supplier-to-u-s-nuclear-power-plants/>; Cracks found in protective casings at Bulgaria nuclear plant - Phys.org: (1 more message)
thestringpuller: a coin which requires nuclear power plants worth of energy to mine single blocks
mircea_popescu: and new york has been failing to maintain it's nuclear power plants.
mircea_popescu: contrary to aqll the brouhaha at the time, about how "mankind has found the way to end itself" bla bla, nothing could be further from the truth. nuclear power provides humanity a hard guarantee against large scale catastrophe that no other life has, nor could have without thios particular tech.
thestringpuller: always imagined some d00d with access to nuclear power building a reactor on some island and using all the power for mining
assbot: Japan should restart more nuclear power plants | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ... ( http://bit.ly/1GVrOJ7 )
BingoBoingo: http://thebulletin.org/japan-should-restart-more-nuclear-power-plants8817 << Or Maybe Japan is completely unsuited for electricty generation at all
ben_vulpes: "what, you want to automate the nuclear power plant?"
decimation: https://nuclear.gepower.com/build-a-plant/products/nuclear-power-plants-overview/esbwr.html
asciilifeform: 'The senior officers of the GRU have a particular dislike of Western nuclear power stations, which reduce the West's dependence on imported oil (including Soviet oil) and make it stronger and more independent. They are one of spetsnaz's, most important targets.'
assbot: France to reduce reliance on nuclear power - News - NHK WORLD - English ... ( http://bit.ly/1IlLXMd )
trinque: http://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-arabia-considers-nuclear-weapons-to-offset-iran-1430999409 << usg might be shifting the balance of power in the region towards their competitor
pete_dushenski: unless "make coins for the homeless" is use nuclear power for bitcoin mining
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: su was also nuclear power, didn't keep the buggers from shipping diddled tech there by the gigatonne
mircea_popescu: iran is a nuclear power now. obama said so himself.
BingoBoingo: <pete_dushenski> "Jordan has signed a $10bn deal with Russia to build the kingdom's first nuclear power plant, with two 1,000-megawatt reactors in the country's north." << someone is actually building nuclear reactors these days. << /me remembers when King Hussein was the "Good Guy" (TM)
pete_dushenski: "Jordan has signed a $10bn deal with Russia to build the kingdom's first nuclear power plant, with two 1,000-megawatt reactors in the country's north." << someone is actually building nuclear reactors these days.
BingoBoingo always imagined a perfect "nuclear power" untouchable datacenter would target DC, Beijing, Moscow, and Mecca for its dead hand protocol
mircea_popescu: this water has another .7MJ added by a nuclear power plant, turns to steam, powers a turbine, putting out 1MW of electricity which restarts the cycle.
mircea_popescu: aside the obvious objection that "right wingers" have nothing to do with all this, and aside the spurious conflation of plastics and nuclear power,
decimation: they have always hated suburbs, nuclear power, shopping malls, automobiles... and plastics, which could not exist under a centrally planned green economy. I would therefore like to ask all my readers to take a look around them and note everything plastic, and then say a quiet "thank you" to the right-wingers who made it possible for everything that Brutopians consider "wasteful" to exist at all. << Herr Kokkarinen
decimation: "Naturally, we should also immediately start rationing those scarce medical nuclear isotopes used in cancer treatments, so that those who oppose nuclear power would always be the last in the priority queue to receive them."
assbot: Logged on 21-10-2014 00:36:11; asciilifeform: a datacenter that can't be diddled from a safe distance is also called 'a nuclear power'
assbot: 32 results for 'nuclear power' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=nuclear+power
BingoBoingo: !s nuclear power
asciilifeform: a datacenter that can't be diddled from a safe distance is also called 'a nuclear power' ☟︎
asciilifeform: of the GRU have a particular dislike of Western nuclear power stations, which reduce the West's dependence on imported oil (including Soviet oil) and make it stronger and more independent. They are one of spetsnaz's, most important targets.'
asciilifeform: 'In France protesters fired an RPG-7 grenade-launcher at the reactor of a nuclear power station. Where they got the Soviet-made weapon I do not know. Perhaps it was just lying there at the roadside. But if it was a spetsnaz officer who had the good fortune to meet those people and provide them with their hardware, he would without further ado have been given a Red Banner medal and promotion. The senior officers
assbot: Army Nuclear Power Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
decimation: what about portable nuclear reactors? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_Nuclear_Power_Program
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, wind storms are a thing here and... should a hot war start with a nuclear power... I live all to close to Air Mobility command atm to count on these plastic window blinds to save me from radiation poisoning while I wait out the initial fallout's decay.
peterl: use nuclear powered sumarine to power miners?
mircea_popescu: joecool that can't be right, mostly because nuclear power is economical as compared to burning oil.
mircea_popescu: aircraft impossible to make large enough for nuclear power to work. submarines pretty much only work as nukes.
mircea_popescu: a robot nuclear submarine is perhaps one of the best power projectors available.
asciilifeform: '... the first western nuclear power plant in eastern Europe'
gribble: Krško Nuclear Power Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kr%C5%A1ko_Nuclear_Power_Plant>; Nuclear energy in Slovenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_energy_in_Slovenia>; Nuclear Power in Slovenia | Slovenia Nuclear Energy: <http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Countries-O-S/Slovenia/>
jurov: 4. nuclear power is blamed
jurov: 3. nuclear power is adapted to make moar bombs
jurov: 2. nuclear power get invented
jurov: even that nuclear power discussion fail
asciilifeform: pocket nuclear power for beginners: a ten-second intro!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re the 30 minute thing : maybe time to include some nuclear power.
asciilifeform: http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Non-Power-Nuclear-Applications/Transport/Nuclear-Powered-Ships/
kakobrekla: as i said, my nuclear power plant works fine on php.
kakobrekla: hey hey i use it in my nuclear power plant
mircea_popescu: this arguing as to why php is not the best tool to write nuclear power plant supervision tools and spacecraft controlsoftware entirely misses the point.
mircea_popescu: in the not-so-distant future electric power, nuclear and solar, will be all the power we ever use.
Urushiol: relative of mine is a project planner for a company big in nuclear power plant design and he was saying one day "oh yeah, we've got the construction of power plants down pat. we can turn them out really fast now". I asked "how fast is 'really fast'", to which he responded an underwhelming "about 10 years"
furuknap: Want to know the next big thing after oil? Nuclear power. Clean, safe nuclear power. To get that, you need Thorium. Guess which country has the third largest Thorium deposits in the world..?
MJR_: (garage based nuclear power)
mircea_popescu: empowering people to run nuclear power plants in their garage is not a good thing
smickles: "So lets ballpark it to say ~50,000 brand new nuclear reactors constructed and running continually to power nothing but this non-existent alien tech perfect computer for the next 10,000 years .... and it would still only have less than a 10% chance of brute forcing a Bitcoin address."
OneMiner: the mercury is less than if you burned coal. Mercury is released into the air from coal power. Also radiation in greater quantities than you get from all the nuclear disasters around the world.