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http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-17#1908779 << This retard in the thread "It would be nice to see OpenSilicon
Foundation or whatever the name would be. Similar to what Apache or
Linux Foundations do? But that requires someone with really good and people skills and industry connections to run. The list of existing ones is long: "...
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 13:00 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to '
linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 13:00 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to '
linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies
a111: Logged on 2016-08-24 02:29 asciilifeform: 'As an open source project, the Yocto Project operates with a hierarchical governance structure based on meritocracy and managed by its chief architect, Richard Purdie, a
Linux Foundation fellow. This enables the project to remain independent of any one of its member organizations, who participate in various ways and provide resources to the project.'
mircea_popescu: i suppose your argument that linus' toleration of "
linux foundation", redhat & debian etc is tantamount to exactly same.
ben_vulpes: noxious as it is,
linux containerization and 'docker' in particular might be a good
foundation for a 'cheap, angry' prototype
ben_vulpes: i guess we don't need baby jebus to save the britneychain if the
linux foundation's going to fork the phr33 w0rld off it
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 05:24:47; asciilifeform: btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter '
linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ?
punkman: "Overseen by the not-for-profit
Linux Foundation"
ascii_field: '"He is a recipient of the Free Software Award from the Free Software
Foundation for his work on Secure Boot, UEFI, and the
Linux kernel". Ah! All the bits that I *don't* want in the kernel. Did he work on systemd too?'
assbot: Logged on 01-09-2015 01:29:13; asciilifeform: no one is banning
linux. instead there is a '
linux foundation' (see log) which will sign 'legit, non-terrorist' kernels for you
ascii_field: 'the
Linux Foundation kinda sorta slapped him on the wrist when they issued a new "Code of Conflict" policy that declared "personal insults or abuse are not welcome."'
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> shall we demand that of the pete_dushenskis and hanbots who wish to run their own hand-compiled
foundation releases? << Honestly prolly. A recipe that provides ABI compatibility with 2.6.x
Linux kernel is prolly fine. People can adapt to other environments.
decimation: I would note that it seems this is in coordiation with the "
linux foundation"
decimation: The
Linux Foundation (LF) Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) is trying to identify OSS projects that need special focus/help for security so that it can best identify OSS projects needing investment.
nubbins`: <+ascii_field> a virginal gentoo box is imho presently the gold standard of non-retarded computing (at least on
linux. could argue with openbsd, etc) <<< if anyone reading this is at all interested in playing with .
foundation releases going forward, i'd strongly encourage they fire up a VM and actually go through a fresh gentoo install. official guides are well-written and if you can't handle this step, you're not ready for monkey-football