101 entries in 0.396s
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This still is for no fault of the coreboot team. Not when the libreboot transteam went and broke things that already worked under coreboot
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: AHA, 'libreboot' was dysfunctional tranny coup
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if you recall the 'coreboot'->'libreboot' tardism -- was similar, maggot eruption after many many yrs of decay in the grave.
asciilifeform: the 'libreboot' derps would prolly crawl over it like flies on shit.
a111: 95 results for "libreboot", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=libreboot
asciilifeform: !#s libreboot
asciilifeform: considering e.g. libreboot
swiftgeek: #libreboot / #coreboot at least
swiftgeek: libreboot thinkpad doesn't have it easy, neither BSDLs nor XOR test chains are described for our montevina targets
swiftgeek: asciilifeform: i'm from #libreboot , dev :)
swiftgeek: asciilifeform: nope i'm here for fact checking, from #libreboot
mircea_popescu: techcrunch.com/2016/12/08/the-libreboot-c201-from-minifree-is-really-really-really-ridiculously-open-source/ :D
mircea_popescu: techcrunch.com/2017/08/11/the-minifree-libreboot-t400-is-free-as-in-freedom/ << lol the ersatzen.
trinque: is this the same libreboot tranny, or yet another one
shinohai: https://www.reddit.com/r/libreboot/comments/66tdds/proposal_for_libreboot_rejoin_gnu_community/ <<< bwahahahaha
a111: Logged on 2017-04-07 11:51 Framedragger: olook our friend leah resurfaces again: https://libreboot.org/#open-letter-to-the-free-software-community
Framedragger: !$getarchive https://libreboot.org/#open-letter-to-the-free-software-community
Framedragger: olook our friend leah resurfaces again: https://libreboot.org/#open-letter-to-the-free-software-community ☟︎
asciilifeform: nein, that'd be 'libreboot'
asciilifeform actually read the entire talos turd, and the links, and as is quite typical the 'libreboot' idiot pitches 'use linux on chromebook c201' -- but if you actually read, then will learn that 'so long as you don't need wireless nic or video to work!'
asciilifeform: libreboot. etc.
asciilifeform: i dunno what is 'intellectual' about packard, poettering, the leah-whatever dope of libreboot, gavin, et al
asciilifeform: recall the libreboot idiocy. or the however many attempts to oust linus t.
mircea_popescu: walter the scheme here proposed is that a project (linuxbios) which was useful on account of actually having drivers for extant hardware was killed by hardware maker conspiracy. on its now useless ruins, as it's dead, an idiot with a "sexual identity" political agenda tried to build a grassroot activism thing called libreboot ; and some unrelated packrats with a penchant for software try to build a cluttered warehouse called
walter: so what is 'coreboot' sans blobs, if not Libreboot? Any competing projects?
asciilifeform: walter: 'libreboot' was/is a fork where some parasite stole and rebranded the thing
walter: by 'linuxbios' sans blobs you mean Libreboot or something else?
walter__: considering the horrible situation with x86 laptops I wonder if Asus C201 (again from the Libreboot compatibility list) is "the cure"
mircea_popescu: libreboot dun really work as advertised
walter__: although according to asciilifeform Libreboot can burn the machine
walter__: if it's about Libreboot then the "last one" is X200 of 2008
asciilifeform: ^ quite a lulsandwich, srsly, 'libreboot' ?!
shinohai: ^ Latest Trilema, cc: alice_ and that weird thing in libreboot
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-08#1399950 << lel, apparently 'talos' was a libreboot thing, i entirely forgot ☝︎
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-26: [14:59:14] <asciilifeform> (summary : seems like rms grew a spine for the occasion and it exercising the 'libreboot' trademark, and expelling the idiot with empty pockets)
asciilifeform: (summary : seems like rms grew a spine for the occasion and it exercising the 'libreboot' trademark, and expelling the idiot with empty pockets)
asciilifeform: https://libreboot.org/gnu-insult << mega-l0l
a111: Logged on 2016-09-25 02:48 phf: "Richard Stallman and GNU refused to let libreboot go, despite stating its intention to leave culture rant libreboot.org" (particularly hilarious rant in light of http://zammit.org/libreboot-screwup.html)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-25#1548431 << spinmasters spinnin', but retreating, it is clear even to the imbeciles that they ain't winning this one, the number of remaining actual programmers in 'libreboot' is now 0 ☝︎
phf: "Richard Stallman and GNU refused to let libreboot go, despite stating its intention to leave culture rant libreboot.org" (particularly hilarious rant in light of http://zammit.org/libreboot-screwup.html) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: https://notabug.org/vimuser/libreboot-website/src/master/site/gnu/index.php << lotta hurr in there. this installment is tagged "response to zammit"
mircea_popescu: https://notabug.org/vimuser/libreboot/commits/docs-html-backport << apparently happening ~4 months ago.
BingoBoingo: Compare to https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00063.html
BingoBoingo: Stallman Speaks? https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00072.html
asciilifeform: '"We" made no such public statement, YOU did, Leah! As a major CODE contributor to the libreboot project and having been banned from the IRC channel after posting the following (mainly factual) article, I no longer will be contributing patches to Leah's personal "libreboot" pet project, but I will be pushing upstream to coreboot as usual.' -- zammit
asciilifeform: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00067.html << in other lulz.
Framedragger: [22:03:23] <leah> libreboot is currently expanding
Framedragger: livelogged chat for lulz: http://log.mkj.lt/libreboot_20160920.log.txt
asciilifeform: https://notabug.org/vimuser/libreboot-website/commit/18c0a561c44a447d558f66df5a680e162f44a58d << also lulzy.
mircea_popescu: anyway, whoever feels like playing with the nigger, feel free to link http://zammit.org/libreboot-screwup.html to it
mircea_popescu: o hey check it out, #libreboot. come right in
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-20: [16:03:18] <asciilifeform> http://zammit.org/libreboot-screwup.html << remaining working hands run for the hills.
asciilifeform: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00059.html << one poor bastard 'doesn't know how world now worx'
asciilifeform: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00060.html << now pushing usg.debian along for the ride.
asciilifeform: the (promised) thing in libreboot was 'just same as coreboot but without any magic strings from chip vendors'
mircea_popescu: what exactly "libreboot is no longer part of the gnu project" is supposed to mean is anyone's guess. the whole existence of gnu is in the form of licenses. they can't retroactively change these. so they'll what, move to mit/bsd licenses in the future ? nobody gives a shit. are they selling to apple ? wouldn't be the first time fraudulent operator tried this under the guise of "good reasonz, guise!!!1"
mircea_popescu: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00036.html << the actual drama, if anyone cares.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-29 16:55 asciilifeform: so at this point i'm satisfied that rms either 1) does not actually use an x60 machine with 'libreboot' ~~or~~ does not program.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: y'know what 'libreboot' was/is, right ?
mircea_popescu: take your "libreboot" which is "transsexual"-aware and shove it.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-20: [15:59:38] <asciilifeform> 'Libreboot left the GNU project on 15 September 2016. The FSF revealed itself to be hostile towards trans people, so libreboot voluntarily decided to leave the GNU project, because the lead developer of libreboot is transgender herself. For those in the community who are unaware, a transgender person is someone whose internal gender identity (in
asciilifeform: lulzily, i only even found this because i went to dig up contact info for 'libreboot', was going to write to it, re sage pill publication.
asciilifeform: http://zammit.org/libreboot-screwup.html << remaining working hands run for the hills.
asciilifeform: 'Libreboot left the GNU project on 15 September 2016. The FSF revealed itself to be hostile towards trans people, so libreboot voluntarily decided to leave the GNU project, because the lead developer of libreboot is transgender herself. For those in the community who are unaware, a transgender person is someone whose internal gender identity (in their brain) does not match their anatomical sex or gender assigned at birth. Many who ar
asciilifeform: in other holy shits, https://libreboot.org/gnu
asciilifeform: with 'libreboot'
a111: Logged on 2016-02-29 16:55 asciilifeform: so at this point i'm satisfied that rms either 1) does not actually use an x60 machine with 'libreboot' ~~or~~ does not program.
assbot: Logged on 29-02-2016 16:55:32; asciilifeform: so at this point i'm satisfied that rms either 1) does not actually use an x60 machine with 'libreboot' ~~or~~ does not program.
assbot: Logged on 29-02-2016 04:23:06; asciilifeform: libreboot just sort of runs it at mid-rpm at all times.
punkman: ben_vulpes: iirc x61 doesn't libreboot
asciilifeform: so at this point i'm satisfied that rms either 1) does not actually use an x60 machine with 'libreboot' ~~or~~ does not program. ☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: 'My laptop is a Thinkpad x60 running the LibreBoot bios and Debian GNU/Linux, it overheats alot, especially when viewing Star Trek outtakes of Captain Picard. It survives though, even at 90 Celsius... It should die, but it's strong.'
asciilifeform: libreboot just sort of runs it at mid-rpm at all times. ☟︎
assbot: [Trisquel-users] X60 Libreboot Trisquel 7 Overheating ... ( http://bit.ly/1VMgF5y )
asciilifeform: 'thinkpad x60' with libreboot and replacement ('atheros') nic
BingoBoingo: More accurate: Libreboot is perfectly happy to include turds so long as they have an RMS approved license
mats: libreboot doesn't exclude turds as part of its philosophy iirc
asciilifeform: phun phakt: 'libreboot' won't build without 'unifont'
asciilifeform: (by the 'libreboot' folks)
assbot: How to install GNU/Linux on a libreboot system ... ( http://bit.ly/1n2nDaj )
asciilifeform: lulzily, i recently tried 'trisquel linux' distro on a thinkpad x60, as mentioned, e.g., here, https://libreboot.org/docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.html - it croaks on boot during acpi init.
BingoBoingo: https://libreboot.org/docs/hcl/kcma-d8.html << Newly liberated board
punkman: why doesn't libreboot support any g-series?
asciilifeform: according to the libreboot link, amd has fully caught up with intel in re: usgtronics.
assbot: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about libreboot ... ( http://bit.ly/23dppqG )
punkman: https://libreboot.org/faq/#amd libreboot faq is handy
punkman: https://libreboot.org/docs/hcl/c201.html interesting
asciilifeform: my current understanding is that libreboot exists as a kind of sad 'hurd' to coreboot's 'linux'
assbot: Logged on 14-08-2015 08:06:45; cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-08-2015#1237476 <<< what are the differences between coreboot and libreboot?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-08-2015#1237789 << libreboot supports ~10 boards, all but one of them - ancient laptops ☝︎
punkman: libreboot might also derp about licenses
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-08-2015#1237476 <<< what are the differences between coreboot and libreboot? ☝︎☟︎
decimation: in fact, why not use a stallman 'libreboot' laptop?
assbot: Libreboot X200 | The Gluglug ... ( http://bit.ly/1FHsUcp )
pete_dushenski: http://shop.gluglug.org.uk/product/libreboot-x200/ << can't quite see the sense in a $500 laptop differentiated from its $100 donor by two pieces of *free* software
bats_cd03: thats why coreboot works, and not libreboot :P
assbot: LibreBoot X60 | GNU/Linux Computers
assbot: Libreboot project
ben_vulpes: http://libreboot.org/
assbot: 0 results for 'libreboot' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=libreboot