53 entries in 0.668s

mircea_popescu: yes, well, and i want
kim kardashian to blow up my ass. we get what we get.
kim kardashian also routinely changes hands for price of ~lawnmower ; doesn't mean she's any good. they just like having their picture taken with her.
mircea_popescu: trinque not even that,
kim kardashian is worth... what was it, 30mn at the best count ?
mircea_popescu: the consensus among
kim kardashian, zsa zsa gabor, hussein bahamas and that guy from cheers is that a kilogram of feathers really should be lighter than a kilogram of derp entrails.
assbot: Logged on 16-01-2016 20:10:40; mircea_popescu: when a butt-ugly wench that should be thankful if she ever gets laid for free imagines herself above what
kim kardashian / the very peak of her profession actually make, it's indisputable the self-valuation ran amok.
mircea_popescu: when a butt-ugly wench that should be thankful if she ever gets laid for free imagines herself above what
kim kardashian / the very peak of her profession actually make, it's indisputable the self-valuation ran amok.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: that's not the question. the question is why is mp worth a billion and
kim kardashian worth 10 million. when did death threats > nice ass, by 3 degrees of magnitude ? is this allowed by Obama ?
mircea_popescu: th injury-- since everything is possible, why aren't you enjoying everything?-- the personality structure becomes overwhelmingly defensive. "If I were
Kim Kardashian, then I would be able to do X!" is NOT envy, flip it over and read the redacted obverse: "Only
Kim Kardsahians can do X -- therefore it's not my fault that I can't!"
mircea_popescu: Of course the easy critique to make, and even this one Hess was not allowed to formulate, is that in this way The Economist conveys the impression that it has personal access to the levers of power, the way Us Weekly recasts publicists as "sources close to
Kim Kardashian", shrinking the gap between the magazine and the sources and artificially widening the distance between
Kardashian and us. She becomes more important
pete_dushenski: stoya (pornstar),
kim (
kardashian?), michelle (obama?)
assbot: Logged on 22-07-2015 14:48:21; mircea_popescu: actually it's probably ready for a revival, if people like stoya,
kim kardashian and whoever else of the new slut generation can be arsed.
mircea_popescu: actually it's probably ready for a revival, if people like stoya,
kim kardashian and whoever else of the new slut generation can be arsed.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: you're competing with
kim kardashian, after all.
danielpbarron: there is a book named "The Happiest People on Earth" that might help explain how something like
kim kardashian came to be
trinque: thestringpuller: what do you have against
kim kardashian's ass?
CoraCrisT: so
Kim Kardashian is publishing her new book/photo album called Selfie or Selfish... Amazon is selling a book with Satoshi`s posts from bitcointalk and gavin wants to hard fork bitcoin...
mircea_popescu: Naphex yes, but intrinsic to what. see, when i say "
kim kardashian has intrinsic value" i mean specifically, the hole(s) in her ass.
mircea_popescu: it needs more oil under a sheet of ice like
kim kardashian needs more pubic hair.
mircea_popescu: suppose
kim kardashian goes around drunk in the bad part of detroit, gets raped by a gang of thugs
mircea_popescu: jurov: what does he want from aussies? <<< russia needs military bases overseas like
kim kardashian needs horsecock.
mircea_popescu: so basically, until he marries
kim kardashian, stan will be pretty much going on with whatever it is he's doing today.
mircea_popescu: besides, im sure you can sell "champagne that was spilled on
kim kardashian as part of trying to get the booty shot" fgor more trhan it cost originally.
Kim Kardashian turns tech guru as she speaks at Recode conference | Daily Mail Online
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 'You actually know who
Kim Kardashian is.' << nice ass turkic-type girl.
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> "In an ideal world,
Kim Kardashian would have spent her life getting sport-fucked anonymously by hip-hop stars in some Bel Air mansion, ran a salon, and either died of a coke overdose or Botox poisoning." << this "ideal" world is actually the world. i dunno what this new shit the kids got going post 2000 is supposed to be, but it ain';t a world in *any* sense
ben_vulpes: "In an ideal world,
Kim Kardashian would have spent her life getting sport-fucked anonymously by hip-hop stars in some Bel Air mansion, ran a salon, and either died of a coke overdose or Botox poisoning."
Kim Kardashian game makes $700,000 a day - Jul. 30, 2014
nubbins`: they look like
kim kardashian's
nubbins`: the magazines at the grocery store tell me that
kim kardashian is very worthy of my attention, but that's simply false
mircea_popescu: someone photochop him scowling at
kim kardashian's asscrack
Scrat: yes, theoretical physicists can learn a lot from
kim kardashian's poon