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mircea_popescu: around
gcc5 times (early 2016) binutils were verschlimmbessert with support of new relocations <<< aaahahahahaha.
bvt: i don't think it
gcc5-specific, the patch against this problem that i've seen was written for gcc 4.8
diana_coman: bvt, interesting; is that
gcc5-specific though?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-21 21:38 trinque: my current wager is folks that had it were using a
gcc5, which is defaulted to a later standard for C
trinque: my current wager is folks that had it were using a
gcc5, which is defaulted to a later standard for C
☟︎ mod6: mike_c: I don't think it did. I set this one up like back in the spring. And I'm fairly sure it came with
gcc5 and i vanquished all the bs by hand.
mod6: i think you can check in /etc/alternatives or whatever, to ensure there are no links or nothing to
mod6: are you certain that
gcc5 is vanquished from your sys?
mod6: this bug seems to pop up with
gcc5 iirc.
mod6: yeah. it doesn't work with
gcc5. this looks like the ncurses bug.
mike_c: but this did tons more. I'm going to go ahead and say
gcc5 is no good for this (at least on out-of-the-box ubuntu)
mod6: make sure to use gcc4, i've seen problems myself with
gcc5 phf: mike_c: i had it working with pretty much everything, gcc4,
gcc5, clang/llvm. when i build manually i just use dependencies that whatever local package gives me, at which point make Just Works
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 00:42 ben_vulpes: oh christ xorg needs
gcc5 now?
mircea_popescu: i thought this is what we're all trying. only to discover that whatever, xorg now no longer builds without
gcc5 etc.
mod6: in fact, the
gcc5 thing is driving me nuts too; i've got a new notebook to replace the one with the bad 'o' key (you might remember from c3) and getting everything setup is like hair-pulling.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-13 17:49 asciilifeform: even
gcc5 no longer does.