1100+ entries in 0.139s
TomServo: ;;isitdown qntra.net
TomServo: Let me know if you want to see landscape mode.
TomServo: BingoBoingo: http://imgur.com/a/cpjta Some wasted space on the right side, recent posts box ends up underneath the current stories.
TomServo: ben_vulpes: lol
TomServo: http://trilema.com/2013/noob-mp-or-how-it-all-began/
TomServo: http://bitbet.us/bet/1068/joepa-gets-his-wins-back/ <- bet text says 'before 2105' instead of 2015.
TomServo: Ahoy
TomServo: It's awful.
TomServo: The chorus starts with "Don't go chasing waterfalls...", for anyone wanting to spare themselves the pain.
TomServo looks at asciilifeform.
TomServo: So, I woke up with this 1990s turd rolling around in my brain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WEtxJ4-sh4
TomServo: https://facebookcorewwwi.onion/ <-- el. oh. el. FB on tor.
TomServo: Well I have no crucifixion plans so, you're good.
TomServo: cross bullshit?
TomServo hails the great leader.
TomServo: thickasthieves: ahah, wow that's awful. Way to fight the good fight though - more patience than I.
TomServo: The other points seem much more specific, and I would think there is at least something in mind when referring to innovations into the social order.
TomServo: hehe, that's kind of where I was going
TomServo: mircea_popescu: It just struck me as not fitting with the rest of the message. What innovations might he be referring to?
TomServo: "Russia favors a conservative approach to introducing innovations into the social order, but is not opposed to investigating and discussing such innovations, to see if introducing any of them might be justified." << seems like an odd point to wedge in amongst the rest.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: the wisconsin article, it's what the call the armored vehicle
TomServo: MARV also saves money! it's a win-win really.
TomServo: http://online.wsj.com/articles/fed-ends-bond-buys-sticks-to-0-rate-for-considerable-time-1414605953
TomServo: Tried do.. but I bliped it seems.
TomServo: !down elementofone
TomServo: ;;later tell nubbins` any interest? << I'm interested. Will it be another sight unseen deal?
TomServo: mircea_popescu: can't say I recall that exact scenario - but I see your point. Better not be another 950 years of this BS though!
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Long ways back, yes.
TomServo: ahaha, yes. What's your take then, as far as timeline goes?
TomServo: mircea_popescu: orlov piece being total idiocy << the most recent guest authored piece?
TomServo: asciilifeform: *sings* What a wonderful woooorld...
TomServo: Seems the article only mentions phones and wireless.. unless I'm missing it.
TomServo: asciilifeform: This is only for wireless clients correct? Though, why wouldn't they also do the same to wired customers?
TomServo: wins shitty name comp tho
TomServo: Never did see one in stock though.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: I suppose that would work if there weren't a handful of other sites "selling" it also.
TomServo: BingoBoingo: Nice work, was hoping you guys would cover that.
TomServo: Ahoy nubbins`
TomServo: asciilifeform: $5k - might as well be $5mil << For a toy, I agree...though they have some 'board only' options that come in the 675-1100 range.
TomServo: asciilifeform: Didja check out the (pricier) options from ettus.com also?
TomServo: From Hackerwarehouse.com
TomServo: 2014-09-09 Note: We have sold out and are waiting on the next production run batch which will be delivered in a few months. We are sorry for the wait, but if you pre-order now we will send you a $20 gift certificate.
TomServo: sold out everywhere? < Was my impression also. Though some sites say they'll be restocked early 2015
TomServo: asciilifeform: Is there an SDR you'd recommend?
TomServo: dignork: Just saw those, cool stuff. Might have to get one so I can resist the urge stepping up to one of these USRP beasts.
TomServo: dignork: Those look great for cheap quick exposure.. but I might like to support this hackrf thing just due to cool factor.
TomServo: Thanks!
TomServo: Can anyone recommend a good SDR to play with?
TomServo: Cool paper, been meaning to do some reading on this.
TomServo: Regarding the /. article?
TomServo: u
TomServo: Vexual: It wasn't intentional, my host was disconnected. Muhbad.
TomServo: Oh ahah, yeah - wasn't sure how/why I ended up with the ops either.
TomServo: Vexual: Pardon?
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Which radio show was that in reference to?
TomServo: Did he ever give an explanation? Was it really SystemD bashing?
TomServo: hahah
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Not at all. I've noticed you have a quite a few is all.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Is there a trilema article handy detailing your child rearing tips?
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
TomServo: decentralized ceos, yo
TomServo: BingoBoingo: Gracias.
TomServo: prediction?
TomServo: ThickAsThieves: Great post.
TomServo: !up ascii_on_tour
TomServo: because of optimus? or?
TomServo: heh - I wonder what kind of numbers they're talking about in those accounts.
TomServo: Trilema is working over here.
TomServo: I'd like to see qntra stick to the (published!) facts, personally.
TomServo: :P
TomServo: trilema articles!
TomServo: Credit where credit is due. Carry on.
TomServo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUtSazFb5qM
TomServo steals.
TomServo: Oh, you thought you were milking the cow? We don't have a cow.
TomServo: of course, not when you can 're-imagine' and resell the same POS.
TomServo: Fuck you, Bruce.
TomServo: "I talked with the Guardian editors about publishing the manual. In the end, we decided not to, because the information in it wasn't useful to understanding the story."
TomServo: http://cryptome.org/2014/10/schneier-censored.htm
TomServo: Adlai: http://therealaltcoin.org/
TomServo: mike_c: give him some sleepytime tea
TomServo: Holy library batman!
TomServo: Mayhaps? Could be anything at a hippie festival.
TomServo: random stab - maybe 2CB?
TomServo: hah, I didn't realize he was still around
TomServo: np
TomServo: ;;notes
TomServo: xinxi: Seems more idiotic than racist.
TomServo: okay, this is pretty good ahahaha
TomServo: Er Brito
TomServo: I wish we could've seen the face she made when Vito exclaimed "I KNOW!".
TomServo: Was that ms boring?
TomServo: kakobrekla: yeah, wtf is that?
TomServo: (Please continue to stand by. This meeting will begin momentarily).
TomServo: heh, I've been looking also
TomServo: ^
TomServo: de nada
TomServo: TheNewDeal: https://www.kimonolabs.com/bitcoin/correlator
TomServo: ben_vulpes nubbins` just noticed you guys have notes waiting on other nicks
TomServo: s/could/couple