1300+ entries in 0.138s
TomServo: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/20/berkshirehathaway-settlement-idUSL2N0QQ1LR20140820
TomServo: hey hey hey, shit in StL is too serious - we need to focus on beheaded journalists now.
TomServo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski On "Who are we? Not nationals." footnote i.: s/self-refertiality/self-referentiality
TomServo: ;;later tell ben_vulpes The OTC link on your page still points to benkay's OTC profile.
TomServo: Or just the fact he was suggesting to cripple the cardano?
TomServo: asciilifeform: I think I've read that twice now... I must be too dense to see the connection?
TomServo: Could someone fill in the blanks for me on how the connection between ninjashogun and usg was made? Sounds like an average scammer to me.
TomServo: "It's time for PGP to die."
TomServo: I'm sure you guys will love this one: http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2014/08/whats-matter-with-pgp.html
TomServo: haha, quite the cast
TomServo: http://youtu.be/XQqZ9b0S0BY
TomServo: I liked: not “socialism-for-banks-but-we’ll-call-it-capitalism-anyways”
TomServo: lolwut
TomServo: The real amazing part... still no takers mircea_popescu ?
TomServo snikers.
TomServo: Ethereum has been described by core developers as oil to Bitcoin's gold.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Seems fair, my mistake for conflating the two. I probably should've re-read before mentioning, but the timing worked so well. :P
TomServo: I mean as far as the options market goes.
TomServo: And why are the current exchanges any less so?
TomServo: mircea_popescu: On that topic, I've been meaning to ask for a while... I thought Gox was deemed to be of ill-repute well before the shutdown. So why was still seen as a viable price indicator until it's bitter end?
TomServo: ?
TomServo: ;;asks 1000
TomServo: Ah - I thought you were implying it wasn't and there was a chance it could go the other way.
TomServo: How so?
TomServo: not sure, but it definitely needs more flux
TomServo: haha
TomServo: Is that your DNS server?
TomServo: *** ns1.namecheaphosting.com can't find seeds.therealaltcoin.org: Non-existent domain
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
TomServo: Is there a target date for the grand opening?
TomServo: Looks pretty cool guys, nice work.
TomServo: a...demonstration?
TomServo: Soon to be former, evidently
TomServo: Iraqi PM
TomServo: Great crypto justice!
TomServo attempts to retain the contents of his stomach.
TomServo: http://cryptome.org/2014/06/bitcoin-crypto-justice.pdf
TomServo: looks like mrs tick ball on in the action too
TomServo: lol
TomServo: ;;gettrust Blazedout419 assbot
TomServo: mircea_popescu: It's a good possibility.
TomServo: Funnily enough, she proclaimed 'And I'm not pregnant' in the same breath she introduced herself.
TomServo: I have a neighbor that's looked the same for about 2 years.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Don't worry, I've got an alarm set to check in with you, in what - 49 years now? For your proof. :P
TomServo: ^ First I've heard of that, is this common knowledge?
TomServo: It should be noted that the FBI has a lot of bitcoins to sell. In addition to drug-tainted Silk Road coins, the FBI has a much bigger stash: an estimate from Casey Research puts the figure between 5% and 10% of all bitcoins in circulation.
TomServo: something awful, I would guess
TomServo: whew
TomServo: ;;isitdown facebook.com
TomServo: No mention of sentencing in that case however.
TomServo: In the same article about the Mingo judge, they mention he tried to frame the husband of some woman he was fucking and was charged for that as well.
TomServo: repeatedly*
TomServo: or repeatly fly into a window
TomServo: Oh yeah, that rings a bell. What was the bounty on that?
TomServo: right. And the guy with 15 years gets no reprieve?
TomServo: The sentence comes after Thornsbury admitted his role in a conspiracy to coerce a local drug defendant, George White, into firing his defense counsel.
TomServo: Was this a hostile takeover? :D
TomServo: asciilifeform: What kind of bird is it?
TomServo: asciilifeform: So you have a cat burrowing under your foundation and bird trying to fly through your window?
TomServo: danielpbarron: I dunno, doing DXM and causing brain lesions sounds pretty rebellious. Would you have made it? :P
TomServo: my mom rocked a wooden spoon pretty well
TomServo: ^
TomServo: +mircea_popescu | me "why don't you beat it ?" him *vacant stare* << didn't you say no beating unless double-digit in age?
TomServo: I thought NSA shirts shipped with cardano?! what is this scam?!
TomServo: never a pleasant realization
TomServo: evidently they can, may include perforated colon, but hey
TomServo: lol
TomServo: That should probably be resolved.
TomServo: http://bitbet.us/bet/715/the-chicago-blackhawks-will-win-the-2014-stanley/
TomServo: BingoBoingo: "if-it's-not-money,-it's-close-enough-for-government-work dept." are those your words?
TomServo: BingoBoingo: That's weak.
TomServo: Isn't the real humor re: the gay cake the fact that this ruling occurred in a state in which gay marriage is illegal?
TomServo: ha.
TomServo: "You buy Doge for the community not as an investment."
TomServo: LTC/BTC exchange rate has been in a pretty steady decline for a while now
TomServo: I mined a few litecoin blocks via CPU way back when. Just recently found that wallet and sold them, twas nice to grab a few BTC out of that.
TomServo: blowstampgrandma
TomServo: thebitcoinwife.com
TomServo: wasn't there a wife too?
TomServo: What kind of retarded clipboard you runnin' over there?
TomServo: I'm annoyed having missed out on it this long.
TomServo: After having driven automatic transmissions all my life and buying an older land cruiser, I have to say driving a manual really is a pleasure.
TomServo: entropy?
TomServo: Got me for a few seconds
TomServo: lol
TomServo: asciilifeform: Is the bit about the process not working with DDR3 true?
TomServo: Aha, that seems like a good endpoint. Thanks for the luls kdomanski.
TomServo: It was "Whitey/Nigger" and I already pushed the changes to my code. I feel that the nigger word is not as dangerous as the slave word so it's ok. BTW I'm black and have many black friends, and listen to everything but country and rap, LOL!
TomServo: they used primary and replica instead, because that's MUCHLY better
TomServo: bwahaha
TomServo: I got a chuckle out of that, and the excessive comic sans.
TomServo: Aye, I'll be watching.
TomServo: BingoBoingo: Thanks for the heads up, looks interesting.
TomServo: Is this the equivalent of the "Roger Ver investigates MtGox" video?
TomServo: You'd think they'd have learned after the CSS key was leaked.
TomServo: Er, elementary rather
TomServo: Anyone tried Elemental OS?
TomServo: on bloggin
TomServo: bitcoinpete: Nah, I appreciate your insight. Keep
TomServo: Ignorance is bliss in this case.