53 entries in 0.58s

mats: my apologies for the delayed report. i attempted the
esp8266 experiment with a rigol ds1054z, only to discover the standard probe isn't sensitive enough
mats: mircea_popescu: over the next couple months, i'm going to reproduce the
esp8266 experiment linked yesterday, and try to identify an even lower usable power state
a111: Logged on 2017-07-21 18:33 asciilifeform: upstack : if anybody knows where to get
esp8266 , or knows who knows, etc.., plz write in
mats: asciilifeform: this parasitic relay incorporates
esp8266 in urban environment
mats: no updates re:
esp8266, don't have time for it but i'll cough up the coin if someone wants to try a bulk purchase and play with one
Framedragger: btw supposedly there's a new iteration/model of
esp8266, anyone has an opinion?
mats: what was the sticking point with
esp8266? i forget.
ascii_field: (speaking of which, i have a crate of
esp8266 here gathering dust)
ascii_field: or the usgization of mircea_popescu's
esp8266 thing
ascii_field: i suspect that they are specifically working on abolishing
esp8266, etc
assbot: Logged on 17-04-2015 06:44:55; Chillum: mircea_popescu: You expressed on interest in my super simple war walking device I am working on. I have made PCB design and ordered 4 prototype boards(only $20):
http://images.highinbc.com.s3.amazonaws.com/TinyWar_PCB.png - The circuit basically bridges an
ESP8266 ESP-01, a RYN25AI, and 2 AA batteries. The rest is software
decimation: asciilifeform: what would be useful wrt this
ESP8266 would be if one could modify the waveforms it used
Chillum: The gps chip I have can operate itself at 50ma and communicate on demand to the
ESP8266 Chillum: my raspberry pi gets 9 hours from a small battery, the
ESP8266 with a low power gps receiver will run off a small battery for days
assbot: Logged on 10-04-2015 20:04:58; Chillum: I just got an
ESP8266, a $4 chip that has a microcontroller that can run either C or Lua with 512kb memory 8GPIOs and a wifi card with a high level interface. All the size of a SD card and running off 300ma(peak) at 3.3v
mats: 16:04:57 <+Chillum> I just got an
ESP8266, a $4 chip that has a microcontroller that can run either C or Lua with 512kb memory 8GPIOs and a wifi card with a high level interface. All the size of a SD card and running off 300ma(peak) at 3.3v
Chillum: I just got an
ESP8266, a $4 chip that has a microcontroller that can run either C or Lua with 512kb memory 8GPIOs and a wifi card with a high level interface. All the size of a SD card and running off 300ma(peak) at 3.3v