270 entries in 0.484s

lobbes: in my
trilema-lotto today; the (potential) $2 million couch loan. I worked with someone years ago who "lended" for the
BTCjam thing... tried dissuade him and instead get him registered with a gpg key an' into the WOT but he just was too thick. Wonder if he's in a cardboard box these days
BingoBoingo: But don't loan gloves. They have a worse rate of return than
BTCJam BingoBoingo more worried about... giving
BTCJam any information at all
punkman: you must have rocks in your head to be using
btcjam << lending money on
btcjam is stupid, taking their money, eh, why not
cazalla: kingking190, you must have rocks in your head to be using
btcjam (where i saw the avatar of you and the wife)
lobbes used to work with a guy that would come into office everyday talking about his
btcjam 'investors club'; couldn't talk sense into the guy
mircea_popescu: o hey, redditard crowd finally catching up to 2013ish mpoe-pr, discovering
btcjam is a scam ?
punkman: "How many investments did auto-invest make for you?" "About 30 on
BTCJam. I'm hoping to turn the loss into profit with the Law of Big Numbers though I'm not optimistic."
shinohai: ;;later tell davout
btcjam kinda touchy aren't they?
kakobrekla: Invest BTC in peer-to-peer loans and get 19% APR with
joecool: my favorite example from there is aethero... he was king of the $10 paypal trade, built up his trust and then took out ~$100k USD equiv in btc loans from everyone in -otc and
davout: i parse that as some variant of
btcjam assbot: Logged on 22-03-2015 04:00:07; mircea_popescu:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-03-2015#1063215 <<< note the important takeaway here. nothing keeps people in other places with shit banks from being intelligent, getting in wot, becoming part of the actual bitcoin marketplace. there's people here from all over the world. over time, a low effort / consumer thing like
btcjam HAS TO devolve into the typical check advance / spam loan operation.
danielpbarron: so there you go! turns out you didn't even need
btcjam felipelalli: mircea_popescu: thank you so much, but I don't need in this moment, and I hope not need soon, or never. Also, the private keys of my btcs isn't so easy to access right now. But if I need it one day for (an investment in my company maybe?), the first place I'll try is here. But I won't, don't worry. I think my loans on
btcjam was another excitement test than real need. I thoroughly enjoyed your offer, very grateful for that.
assbot: Logged on 22-03-2015 01:26:33; felipelalli: and, of course, 4) there are better investments than
BTCJam to you.
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-03-2015#1063215 <<< note the important takeaway here. nothing keeps people in other places with shit banks from being intelligent, getting in wot, becoming part of the actual bitcoin marketplace. there's people here from all over the world. over time, a low effort / consumer thing like
btcjam HAS TO devolve into the typical check advance / spam loan operation.
☝︎☟︎ assbot: Logged on 22-03-2015 01:06:05; felipelalli: Itaú normal interest rate: 7% PER MONTH. My interest rate in Itaú (because I am an old client): 4.8%.
BTCJam: 2.8%. It makes a huge difference when you calculate the compound interest per year.
cazalla: felipelalli: I ran to qntra.net to read something about that and for my surprise I didn't find anything. But now I understand why. Not fully yet, but I can at least understand your point of view. <<< fwiw i would never lend bitcoin to people on
btcjam regardless of their ability to pay back, i'd never use the site to borrow either, so i guess it's not so difficult to see why i would not write a story on it either
ben_vulpes: all of the above is why
btcjam is a scam from the -assets perspective.
PeterL: see, you had wot ouside of
btcjam that made those investments worthwhile
PeterL: you might be a fine investment, but
btcjam is not
BTCJam Introduces Risk Based Pricing (Interest Rates Set Automatically by Credit Score) |
BTCJam Blog ... (
http://bit.ly/1Hhcebi )
ben_vulpes: aside one can't actually invest in
BTCJam as such.
felipelalli: and, of course, 4) there are better investments than
BTCJam to you.
☟︎ felipelalli: ben_vulpes: I thought it was a global problem, but I learned here that: 1) there are rich guys (you guys) that really don't care about it. 2) there are guys with rich friends :) 3) your interest rate are ridiculous cheap.
BTCJam really don't solve anything to you.
felipelalli: But now,
BTCJam simply eliminated the free market where the user could choose its own interest rate (and let it free to investors fund or not), and they automagically calculate the interest rate. With this new rule, I can get by 3.5% per month. That is not a huge problem for me, actually, I was using this more like a test. But they simply buried the "service". Even if it was a zombie's forehead shot.
felipelalli: Itaú normal interest rate: 7% PER MONTH. My interest rate in Itaú (because I am an old client): 4.8%.
BTCJam: 2.8%. It makes a huge difference when you calculate the compound interest per year.
☟︎ felipelalli: right lists, and the right rates. I really want to understand better why you guys dislike it so much. In my country the interest rates are very high. In my bank, for example, I can get a loan with 7% per month MIN! APR 125% and in
BTCJam I made some tests and I could get my first loand with 3% per month (42% APR) and then the second 2.8% (39% APR). The loan is so fucking high in bank that I can say like mircea_popescu said: "we are
vorandrew: so this
BTCJAM (or any other one way market)
thestringpuller: felipelalli: the scam is that reputation is built nominally on
btcjam vs. WoT
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 21:10:47; felipelalli: mircea_popescu: Where can I find objective arguments against
BTCJam? As a lending service and reputation system? And what are the alternatives for P2P lending or we don't have? They have 113,000 users, should they be ignored?
felipelalli: I said to
BTCJam CEO: "mircea said
BTCJam is not even a service" he said "who is this?" and then tried to convince me "other people disagree with him"
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: Where can I find objective arguments against
BTCJam? As a lending service and reputation system? And what are the alternatives for P2P lending or we don't have? They have 113,000 users, should they be ignored?
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 19:03:25; felipelalli: Anyone can write about this on qntra.net? They just eliminate one of the best features of
mircea_popescu: anyway, is
btcjam just about cooked up enough to go belly up or does it still have thread to survive this year ?
felipelalli: danielpbarron: I have to go now! :) I'll write an article about this bad move of
BTCJam soon. Thank you.
felipelalli: danielpbarron: but do you think
BTCJam was a crap from the start to end?
felipelalli: why do you think services like
BTCJam are already dead?
danielpbarron: to be fair, things like
btcjam are already dead; this is more like shooting the zombie in the head so that it stops trying to feast on brains
felipelalli: Anyone can write about this on qntra.net? They just eliminate one of the best features of
☟︎ felipelalli: I'm crying here. :'( The simply just killed the
BTCJam Introduces Risk Based Pricing (Interest Rates Set Automatically by Credit Score) |
BTCJam Blog ... (
http://bit.ly/1OeLayK )
davout: wait a couple of months and some derp will come up with a
btcjam variation built on top of it
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla it's
btcjam : if you don't simply forget all about your website account, you can always just not pay later on.
mircea_popescu: what's next, bifinex is a lulzy scamfest and
btcjam loses 30% of your moneyz every coupla quarters ?
danielpbarron: Capobianco and Smith were in business together trading Bitcoin, a type of online currency, according to state records and online at sites like LocalBitcoins.com and
Adlai hasn't figured out yet whether any of what happens on
btcjam is not btcscam
pakaloloz: so
BTCJAM aka BTCSCAM announced... "We are happy to announce that we have added bank account & credit card verification!"
assbot: Logged on 15-09-2014 14:33:56; nubbins`: his
btcjam profile has two "recommendations" from friends. the second one commences thus:
mircea_popescu: mechtronic2001 it'd be a pretty horrible place seeing how
btcjam isn't too well regarded.
mechtronic2001: Would this be a proper channel to post my
btcjam funding page. It would be an investment, but I don't want to step on toes here.
nubbins`: his
btcjam profile has two "recommendations" from friends. the second one commences thus:
☟︎ jdanks: He's usin' trash sites like cstocks and
btcjam :/
assbot: Help fund the Blockchain Valley (Bitcoin Kinetics) via
BTCJam punkman: ;;rate gawzirabaws -10 took my money and stopped responding. owes me 0.2 BTC. has 30 BTC outstanding on
btcjam punkman: but my new rule is to avoid anyone with reputation on
btcjam Flerb: I've been doing
BTCjam loans and getting quite good returns
keows: is
BTCJAM bad for bitcoin?
wyrdmantis: but forget
btcjam, i'm not here for it, i'm here to learn
assbot: Business (Loan listing #18263) -
BTCJam punkman:
btcjam works for the people building reputation until they can walk out with a bigger loan
Vexual: link your
btcjam thing
wyrdmantis: yeah, first is to improve my rating, i'm a trader, i've got many loans on
btcjam FabianB: blockchain.info is already always advertising for
btcjam, i guess almost as good