72 entries in 0.519s

trinque: I don't think you expect to actually be yourselves patching acpica
autoconf automake bash bc bison bzip2 cl-hyperspec clisp dash db flex gales-util gcc64 git gnupg less libevent libressl libusb links m4 man-pages man-pages-posix mandoc ncurses nginx ocaml openssh patch pciutils perl php56 py-setuptools python python-docs qmail readline redis sbcl sqlite sqlite-doc tmux ucspi-tcp vim xz zlib
jfw: there is ugly complexity in gcc to support this multitude of systems, such as 'fixincludes' and of course
autoconf mp_en_viaje: i don't imagine we'll be able to ditch
autoconf in principle, until many years later, many years AFTER tmsr-os is a thing
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: re
moving cs I had a look in more detail at the situation there: there are 3k lines of
autoconf script to start with; this looks for all sorts and takes care of various cases including differences (re where is what) between linux distros
mircea_popescu: traditionally most everyone uses
autoconf/automake for build automation fwis. well, at least eulora does.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-08 03:49 asciilifeform: i just counted gpg 1.4.10 : 156,436 loc -- and that ain't counting the
autoconf liquishit, or the libs it pulls in
a111: Logged on 2017-07-08 03:49 asciilifeform: i just counted gpg 1.4.10 : 156,436 loc -- and that ain't counting the
autoconf liquishit, or the libs it pulls in
a111: Logged on 2017-12-20 03:17 asciilifeform: trinque: forget
autoconf flags. i want to disable the generation or loading of dyn libs, period.
phf: obviously i'm not actually building it with
autoconf phf: well,
autoconf is not just scripts. it's also compatibility shims, which is a bit tricky in case of a differ, since, unlike mpi, it has a lot of file system interaction code, that might or might not be portable. anyway, we'll see
phf: it's not even the entirety of
autoconf, just things that are left un-included after fixing all the "missing file" errors from diff.c
a111: Logged on 2017-04-04 15:43 asciilifeform: the far bigger boojum is that ~95% of the tarballs include megabytes of
autoconf liquishit.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-08 03:49 asciilifeform: i just counted gpg 1.4.10 : 156,436 loc -- and that ain't counting the
autoconf liquishit, or the libs it pulls in
phf: diana_coman: i think i didn't say enough on the subject. the core of what i did in order to get it to build on mac os x is fix
autoconf scripts, if i revisit mac os x build in a couple of weeks, i'll try and provide a portable patch
a111: Logged on 2016-08-22 03:17 mircea_popescu: and trying to implement a "better"
autoconf, even "by hand", will not result in anything better
a111: Logged on 2016-08-22 03:02 mircea_popescu: basically, seems to me most, or at least a good chunk of
autoconf problems as described by alf come from the fact that it tries to parse, rather than compile. in the abstract sense of these terms.
BingoBoingo: <phf> i think crystal whatever is particularly nasty take on
autoconf, probably one of the best examples in support of asciilifeform's rants. << Nah, "Monero" is far worse because of what it supposes to be.
phf: do you know if my changes were integrated into the release? because last time i checked the build wasn't doing
autoconf, but simply using patches generated scripts.
phf: only worse
autoconf build i've seen was clisp, but in the later case it was written by one of
autoconf authors, so while it was elaborate it was at the very least sane
phf: i think crystal whatever is particularly nasty take on
autoconf, probably one of the best examples in support of asciilifeform's rants.
mircea_popescu: and trying to implement a "better"
autoconf, even "by hand", will not result in anything better
☟︎ phf: but
autoconf being at the subtrate level is testament to "unix won", its purpose to give you details about "what's unix" given the tools that are available at the most abstract level of unixness
mircea_popescu: basically, seems to me most, or at least a good chunk of
autoconf problems as described by alf come from the fact that it tries to parse, rather than compile. in the abstract sense of these terms.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: let's work with an abstract example. suppose there's project X, which can for the purpose of configure be reduced to a list of n lines, whereby each line produces a dependency from the list of D1- D5 by the criterion that line# mod 5. so a sane
autoconf will read the whole list, produce a list reading "d1, d2, d3, d4, d5" and then proceed to check these. once. five fucking checks, five lines of checking.
phf: mircea_popescu: well, there's the primary file, which is your *.ac, which using
autoconf generates your ./configure Makefile.in etc. ~those~ can be shipped with project and will work out of the box
phf: jurov: mac os x build of eulora uses clang, there might be some insight in the patches. specifically i go the whole way of patching/making sure it works
autoconf for crystal space, which might be necessary to move forward with any sort of linking issues, etc.
decimation: just like 99% of '
autoconf' use is cut n' paste
autoconf, different OSs, etc
decimation: re:
autoconf << horrible. whoever thought it was a good idea to write 'magic autoconfigure' in 'm4' ought to be negrated
Diablo-D3: smickles: erm.... but diablominer has no makefile or
autoconf shit