37 entries in 0.477s

mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i have no intention to comment on the "pro" whatever it is. the "authors"
not in wot, item dun exist, wut do i care.
a111: Logged on 2016-03-10 21:32 asciilifeform: was rebuffed by royal society for ~decades~ because...
not in wot.
shinohai thinks that fixes it, and is sufficient snub to audacity of individual
not in wot a111: Logged on 2017-05-07 14:33 asciilifeform: but did not register a name, still
not in wot. mega-unsurprise.
Framedragger: yesyes, "
not in wot" is central nail in coffin against any of these, sure. (nevertheless could be useful for certain isolated efforts, e.g. ip space scanning and so on.)
Framedragger: yesyes, "
not in wot" is central nail in coffin against any of these, sure. (nevertheless could be useful for certain isolated efforts, e.g. ip space scanning and so on.)
ben_vulpes: at this point the obvious rejoinder is "if
not in wot -- tentacle"
Framedragger: asciilifeform: actually what i also like about archive.is (don't get me wrong, i agree that trusting a service run by some d00d
not in wot isn't super future-proof, ahem) is that it *does* save a bitmap rendered image for the site, too
ben_vulpes: imho v should not barf when patch and seal exist but key does
not in wot mircea_popescu: we're here to develop the tmsr human resources, not to get some derps
not in wot to eat their fucking peas.
mircea_popescu: for one thing, those people are schmucks. but even if they weren't schmucks,
not in wot.
mircea_popescu: in any case : while a hierarchy could perhaps be constructed in the "
not in wot" pile, as you propose or otherwise,
hanbot: say mod6 (or whoever else knoweth), given keys in .wot dir are to be named by wot identity a la mod6, what am i to name korsgaard's key, since he's
not in wot?
jurov: quaternions are
not in wot, case closed.
mircea_popescu: we can even have a "usg affiliated entities pay 4x, people
not in wot pay 2x."
mircea_popescu: mike_c a mechanism made by someone
not in wot doesn't really exist.