4300+ entries in 0.239s
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/343DZ6K.txt
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/30P294T.txt
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/30Z50ZG.txt
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/011XQCD.txt
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/011XQCD.txt
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/17AP46M.txt
felipelalli: deedbot- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dbf4vqET
felipelalli: deedbot- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=TkHDfSH8
felipelalli: really? But I can see here: http://deedbot.org/deed-2015-07-25-00-46-05.txt
felipelalli: deedbot- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=uHSZ6j5j
trinque: so, deedbot- has an open port 7000 connection, yet it is absent here
trinque: http://deedbot.org/bitcoin-0.5.4beta-libressl.log.asc
assbot: deedBot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ehxPr9 )
trinque: http://deedbot.com/ << lol, who is this?
trinque: mod6: http://deedbot.org/bitcoin-0.5.4beta-libressl.log.asc
trinque tries a tcpkill on deedbot's irc
assbot: Logged on 21-07-2015 02:09:06; mats: deedbot-: add-deed http://dpaste.com/3TW10PM.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/02MWWGK.txt
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: if you've the time, hash and deedbot your blocks
mats: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3TW10PM.txt
trinque: just deedbot- <url>
mats: trinque: anything wrong with deedbot?
mats: deedbot-: add-deed http://dpaste.com/3TW10PM.txt ☟︎
trinque: I'm thinking of making it a semi-official function of deedbot to archive a particular site at a particular time and timestamp the bundle
ben_vulpes: ohai deedbot-
cazalla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/187N8ZX.txt
cazalla: i gotta deedbot it son
trinque: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/262H0V4.txt
trinque: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/2W904B9.txt
ascii_field: https://archive.is/nAitN << archive-d. somebody wanna deedbot this ?
trinque: and I'll be curious at 5:15 whether it shits something verifiable on deedbot.org
trinque: deedbot- http://www.loper-os.org/pub/naggums_library.txt
trinque: deedbot- http://www.loper-os.org/pub/naggums_library.txt
trinque: deedbot- http://www.loper-os.org/pub/naggums_library.txt
shinohai: I could send to deedbot or something?
jurov: trinque deedbot now has only enough for 27 blocks?
trinque: punkman | does 0.0001 still get you in next block? << this is what deedbot- pays
trinque: ascii_field: http://deedbot.org/stator-lcov/bitcoin/bitcoin/src/main.cpp.gcov.html << line #1265 appears to check for being in the future, not past
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla oh and e) have it deedbot a statement gpg'd to the owner's key each month, listing their assets.
trinque: mircea_popescu: btw deedbot.org is on a box that'll happily serve up the goods if referenced by another cname
shinohai: I have not learned all the intricacies of deedbot yet, you can use it for anything?
trinque: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1RN0AFQ.txt
trinque: punkman | deedbot-: add-deed http://dpaste.com/1RN0AFQ.txt << like so:
punkman: deedbot-: add-deed http://dpaste.com/1RN0AFQ.txt
punkman: deedbot-: add-key http://dpaste.com/000VZGG.txt
trinque: deedbot- is the one to use though
trinque: ascii_modem: some lcov output for ya http://bot.deedbot.org/stator-lcov/
trinque: asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: mod6: http://bot.deedbot.org/stator-gcov/ << here's what my gcov run looks like so far. 135k
ben_vulpes: deedbot-: http://cascadianhacker.com/ph0rk.txt
mod6: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1P0JEFS.txt
ben_vulpes: trinque: whar deedbot
ben_vulpes: deedbot wru
trinque: I am currently syncing from deedbot-'s node
trinque: deedbot- fascinates me for precisely this reason
trinque: shinohai: yeah I used it on deedbot to make a final judgment
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 20:10:22; mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/3RDD2F9.txt
hanbot: deedbot- http://thewhet.net/han/mpifpc4_062015.txt.asc
danielpbarron: deedbot-, http://danielpbarron.com/blk.asc.txt
jurov: deedbot-: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150701/attachment_e1cbe3cd7f4dececd2f4d5e8d619f57ca41ca69f.txt
jurov: deedbot-: http://explo.yt/public/fmpif_201506.txt.asc
cazalla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1VBP07J.txt
trinque goes to beat deedbot with a wrench
cazalla: wru deedbot
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 20:10:22; mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/3RDD2F9.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/3RDD2F9.txt ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: certainly can go into deedbot. which will go into the blockchain. which... inception
trinque: well, suppose for example someone hates freedom and steals deedbot.org from me
jurov: trinque: oh nm, you' re about deedbot, not about RFC 4880
trinque: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1MWQWQ9.txt
felipelalli: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1MWQWQ9.txt
trinque goes to slap deedbot- around in private
trinque: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1MWQWQ9.txt
felipelalli: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1MWQWQ9.txt
assbot: 1100 results for 'deedbot' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=deedbot
felipelalli: !s deedbot
felipelalli: deedbot- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jTk05D5d
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/271FHF9.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/271FHF9
Anduck: ok well, anyone know how to verify deedbot.org deeds?
ben_vulpes: deedbot lol
mircea_popescu: deedbot came online,
ben_vulpes: and i guess is deedbot new since you last were here?
davout: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/332V4FF.txt
davout: trinque: deedbot feature request, "View deeds by user X" on deedbot.org
davout: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3TE0E59.txt
trinque: ascii_field: http://deedbot.org/deed-2015-06-11-20-17-45.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/109VEQM.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/226HVEM.txt
trinque: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1FD6NBK.txt
davout: deedbot-: http://xeur.bitcoin-central.net
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 16:08:37; mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/preet.txt
referredbyqntra: I tried with and without link to deedbot.org but it barfs the same. Maybe allergic to -----
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/preet.txt ☟︎
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/preet.txt
mircea_popescu: trinque wtf happened to teh deedbot yo!
mircea_popescu: deedbot- <
jurov: deedbot- http://explo.yt/public/MANIFEST-0.1.0.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-1F2489E8.txt
trinque: deedbot-: http://mpex.ws/assets/s.bbet-2FB7B452.txt
trinque hands the lantern to shinohai, makes his first incision in deedbot-