3000+ entries in 0.418s
mircea_popescu: yeah, guy famously got caught jacking off in the forum (roughly equivalent to putting pron
tumblr pix in the serious #b-a chan) and when confronted said that his only regret is that hunger doesn't also abate by rubbing the stomach.
fivezerotwo: but i haven't even got my LOIC out and getting 15 year old teenage girls to suicide on
tumblr mircea_popescu: ah don't worry about that tat. you can always fuck a virgin and you'll be cured. or if not, one can make a proposal and publish it on
mats_cd03: these fucking
tumblr things are why personnel advocate for the draft
JuliaTourianski: OMG where are all the homos of btc? bitcoin is homophobic. must write article for
tumblr ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> well, lettuce see. the submarine is submerged. it does not care about "weather" in either fluid sense. with the new fleshlights and
tumblr pr0nz... i defy you to find a bunch of 20somethings whose current life would be differen if they were subbed. < ah
mircea_popescu: well, lettuce see. the submarine is submerged. it does not care about "weather" in either fluid sense. with the new fleshlights and
tumblr pr0nz... i defy you to find a bunch of 20somethings whose current life would be differen if they were subbed.