503 entries in 0.771s
mircea_popescu: obviously all i see in there is "
Hearn is a shitstain, MP is right, fuck reddit. Love, Satoshi". but that'd be me.
Hearn has in the past been a consistent advocate for having more Bitcoin users pushed onto less reliable SPV wallets instead of fully validating Bitcoin nodes, a move that // something missing here? // in an environment with substantially larger blocks and a higher orphaned block rate.
fluffypony: punkman: and my larger gripe is not "should we increase the blocksize or not", but rather the way
Hearn-ia and Chief-Scientist-Gavin have sold this solution via Reddit and blog posts
Hearn's article gets censored and all the tards lose their shit.
mircea_popescu: in any case, sure, "buterin and
hearn invented bitcoin in 2017" is just about the same deal.
BingoBoingo: King_Rex: Thoughts on
Hearn dropping his pants today?
BingoBoingo actually kinda surprised
Hearn didn't wait until the first weekend of September to drop his trousers for a fencing contest. Shitgnommery was starting to get a pattern.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^
hearn unzips and begins << So begins project Scott Tenorman
ascii_field: shinohai: recent
hearn (nsa) gambit. there's very little the amorphous masses love more than 'omg1111!!! censored!!'
ascii_field: mike
hearn as a courageous fighter against nsa !
cazalla: you'd think
hearn and co would at least put up a few dozen extra xt nodes to fool people into thinking the mass of /r/bitcoin posts demanding xt discussion are legit
mircea_popescu: "because we haven't joined the sv circus to not deliver huge numbers devoid of any content or meaning!!1" as
hearn aptly put it.
punkman: so if
Hearn trusts in the Gospel of Satoshi, why isn't he running 0.1 or 0.5.3? "No it wasn't. That is something you invented yourself much later. "Small devices" isn't even defined anywhere, so there can't have been any such understanding. The actual understanding was the opposite. Satoshi's words: ..."
mircea_popescu: looking forward to all the reddit threadsa going "thank you mp for bashing
hearn's head right before
hearn managed that one".
mircea_popescu: lol wait, gmaxwell and mike
hearn bitching at each other on reddit as to who should go do an altcoin ?
mircea_popescu: they were added by you (ie,
hearn), and by gavin and so on.
nubbins`: ^ guy disagreeing with
hearn's opinion that satoshi's code was diarrhoea splatter
nubbins`: "loltasticly a Mike
Hearn Bitcoin XT node was used to relay the double-spends"
pete_dushenski: the dude couldn't even put boots on the ground in syria, as fucking if he could do better than gavin and
Luke-Jr: (it's ironic but true that Mike
Hearn has written two changes in Bitcoin Core, and both of them introduced serious bugs..)
ascii_field: as i pointed out before, it is being done for two disjoint reasons. one is so that
hearn can write the turd linked above, re: 'it is crowded and we need blocks of $maxint size'
midnightmagic: Because they haven't stopped yet.
Hearn's submitting pullreqs he's going to use as propaganda to push people to -XT, and Gavin's going through the bip/pullreq motions when he knows he's going to be voted down. Again.
thestringpuller: midnightmagic: there really isn't news. just gavin/
hearn having a temper tantrum like a little kid because they want more subsidies for poor people.
midnightmagic: What? He's pushing his BIP and pullreq, and
Hearn is busy doing pullreqs which he knows doesn't have a chance of making it.
midnightmagic: Say, why did you guys stop openly calling out Gavin and
Hearn anyway?
midnightmagic: .. which appears to have been a gavin/
hearn originated bug.
assbot: Logged on 22-06-2015 03:07:57; asciilifeform: i can picture the minutes. 'hitler: you know, miners are using own versions of bitcoin and don't particular feel like backporting their necessary mods to yours.
hearn: so let's do the work for them. gavin: fine idea'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform:
Hearn and Co are pushing some derp where "Those Bitcoins are yours even before the transaction is mined" idiocies
ascii_field: 'speaks volumes for the actual “democracy” in the system. (Namely, there isn’t any. China — the Saudi Arabia of bitcoin — dominates.' <<< l0l!!! this of course is same party line as in mike
hearn's blatherings about 'let's separate the economy majority of bitcoin from the whims of the hashing majority'
assbot: BlockchainOfFools comments on Bitpay falling apart sends shockwaves through the ecosystem by proving Andresen and
Hearn are wrong. Merchant transactions are not occurring. ... (
http://bit.ly/1CdmNJt )
mircea_popescu: and yes
hearn is a better political animal than gavin, but not more intelligent
trinque: the reddit post referencing
hearn said "we could increase blocksize on xt in a week" 3 days gago
trinque: "DNS seed changes: bitseed.xf2.org is removed as it no longer works, and seeds from Addy Yeow and Mike
Hearn are (re)added to increase seed diversity and redundancy." << LOL
ascii_field listened, out of entomological interest, to a recording of interview with
hearn. yes, him. among the expected idiocies,
hearn confessed to an interest in 'remote attestation' and 'trusted computing' as 'promising' alternatives to normally functioning bitcoin...
BingoBoingo: Last I checked
Hearn still breathes so universe is still maximally hostile.
cazalla: some coincidence a bunch of folk on /r/bitcoin get together to stress test the same day gavin threatens to take his ball/bat and go home with
hearn mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, the one interesting tidbit in all this : one difference between current bitcoin and
hearn-bitcoin is that the latter replaces Jeff Garzik's DNS seed with the seed run by one Addy Yeow.
pete_dushenski: " If you want to be a global payment network you should act like one. Mike
Hearn makes it clear" etc.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Seriously. One little threat they call crazy and all of a sudden it comes out no one but
Hearn supports Gavincoin while The core devs seem to reveal in turn the never actually thought much on the future.
BingoBoingo: Now "phone home" isn't as bad as
Hearn forking in March 2013, but phone home is still bad for people who chose Armory
mircea_popescu: the "millions" mike
hearn derps about aren't only broken because shit, we're worth billions, even if he personally isn't worth two spits.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: do you have the source for the pull request where
hearn tried to merge in heartbleed?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell mike_hearn suppose you chill it with the pretense of my-google-job-is-my-social-proof so the huge pile of embarassing emails etc won't have to be leaked. google's been embarassed enough this year already.
mircea_popescu: seriously, mike
hearn isn't the slimy fucktard we all know ? he's some sort of google expert now ? allow me to lulz for a spell.
davout: obviously
hearn concludes that it's really necessary to push the block size
davout: and now,
hearn and him are stuck derping at how micro-payments and smart contracts would have prevented the whole thing
mircea_popescu: nobody can take it seriously with derps a la gavin, luke,
hearn & co involved.
pete_dushenski: if bitstein is correct, one wonders how
hearn affords to live in switzerland
mircea_popescu: like
hearn, like everyone else on github. like the names on social media, like the leah goodmans trying to convince you they're "journalists".
bitstein: pete_dushenski:
Hearn lives in Switzerland.