1900+ entries in 0.09s
trinque: this is great. deedbot's getting fuzzed
douchebag__: with deedbot
mircea_popescu: Techman say /query deedbot to open a pm session ; say !!up in there to it ; then return !!v the string. ☟︎☟︎
a111: 0 results for "from:deedbot \"you can't do that to\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Adeedbot%20%22you%20can%27t%20do%20that%20to%22
mircea_popescu: !#s from:deedbot "you can't do that to"
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
asciilifeform: ^ reg with deedbot
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
BingoBoingo: !!gettrust deedbot BingoBoingo
trinque: mats: my node.deedbot.org node *immediately* synced to top after weeks of restarts and praying to satan when version number was set.
BingoBoingo: Te registra una llave con deedbot de el senor trinque
ben_vulpes: anyways cblgh logs are in channel title, if you're going to not wash out at least register a gpg key with deedbot
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/0791933111718EE32B7530422EAF8C142CB4FF7E.asc
asciilifeform: sonic3: there are at least 4 people here that will readily help. but you really oughta register with deedbot
asciilifeform: curl http://wot.deedbot.org | wc -m
mircea_popescu: would you say graph as extant on wot.deedbot is not patch-ready ?
trinque: mod6: this will probably end up being a separate branch. my needs with deedbot are diverging from "preserve grandfather's pistol".
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/F595258CD9F1FDBDEFAE5093B4E2E0DCACB63D25.asc
da-gambl427: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETwwbhkzuhim: barpub mod6 aegis _whitelogger Kev ang-st indiancandy1 iangeker jhvh1 ben_vulpes candi_lustt TomServo scriba deedbot ave1 kanzure hanbot RagnarDanneskjol a111 kjj trinque lobbes davout webbyz pete_dushenski mats lobbesbot tb0t spyked jurov gribble mircea_popescu manamex adla
da-gambl427: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jYqzJErTI LRH IS LIVE NOW!! CALL 415-349-5666 #LRH EFNETrltagc: candi_lustt whaack lobbes deedbot robbinhood scriba yangwao shinohai manamex _whitelogger gribble mats mircea_popescu jurov asciilifeform lobbesbot davout Valfor spyked tb0t iangeker pete_dushenski punto barpu
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/a886215d072240c8d8632da8564f4d7daeea5571.asc
a111: Logged on 2017-12-17 18:00 deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/12/17/my-reference-code-shelf/ << Ossasepia - My Reference Code Shelf
esthlos: i'm messaging deedbot
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the thing to do now is register a GPG key with deedbot, preferrably before you depart.
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
mircea_popescu: in the meanwhile -- it'd be a very good idea to make yourself a pgp key and register it with deedbot.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-14 22:55 deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/12/14/eucrypt-chapter-2-a-source-of-randomness/ << Ossasepia - EuCrypt Chapter 2: A Source of Randomness
a111: Logged on 2017-12-11 13:20 deedbot: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/12/11/el-primero-domingo-en-montevideo-for-the-midwestern-rube/ << Bingo Blog - El Primero Domingo En Montevideo For The Midwestern Rube
danielpbarron: !~later tell trinque what's the eta on deedbot withdraw?
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-498948.txt
a111: Logged on 2017-12-12 03:27 asciilifeform: often the link pops up hour or moar after the invocation, and i end up clicking, expecting traditional (i.e. plaintext) deedbot material
a111: Logged on 2017-12-09 02:28 deedbot: hanbot: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zHdaA/?raw=true
deedbot: Invoiced danielpbarron 0.00024 << http://deedbot.org/deed-473777-3.txt
lobbes: !!invoice danielpbarron 0.00024 http://deedbot.org/deed-473777-3.txt
asciilifeform: often the link pops up hour or moar after the invocation, and i end up clicking, expecting traditional (i.e. plaintext) deedbot material ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-12 02:21 deedbot: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DEZG5/?raw=true
lobbes: danielpbarron, sounds like a plan. Lemme know if you wanna settle via eulora vs deedbot. Either way I'm in the mines atm, I can settle stuff tonight though
lobbes: Collected every quarter. Can be paid via eulora or deedbot
BingoBoingo: <deedbot> http://trilema.com/2017/of-ducks-and-lameness/ << Trilema - Of ducks and lameness << Awe, mircea_popescu tries BingoBoingo style exploration
hanbot: <mod6> always remember to thank the bots. << mhm, thanks deedbot <3
mod6: <@deedbot> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2026 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic. Chapter 2: Logical and Bitwise Operations. << will read. thanks for posting!
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452.asc
a111: Logged on 2017-12-07 17:16 deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/12/07/introducing-eucrypt/ << Ossasepia - Introducing EuCrypt
a111: Logged on 2017-12-07 17:16 deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/12/07/introducing-eucrypt/ << Ossasepia - Introducing EuCrypt
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/E72DCCB73A5E06694C5CD781D5196EE6390F999E.asc
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
asciilifeform: ate: consider registering a pgp key with deedbot
asciilifeform: dafuq deedbot
a111: Logged on 2017-12-06 19:48 asciilifeform: having to comb l0gz to find these, is becoming painful. any chance of deedbot learning to eat vpatches+sigs, trinque ?
asciilifeform: traditionally deedbot is the one who eats signed matter
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why deedbot ? should be a111.
asciilifeform: having to comb l0gz to find these, is becoming painful. any chance of deedbot learning to eat vpatches+sigs, trinque ? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-05 15:21 trinque: to date, deedbot made like 0.0002, and so what? it'll make more in the future, and it'll buy more with what it made idem
mircea_popescu: well, you might consider making yourself a rsa key and registering with deedbot
a111: Logged on 2016-04-30 01:34 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 9 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'randomnoize (Tor relay operator) <randomnoize@riseup.net>; randomnoize (Tor relay operator) <randomnoize2009@googlemail.com>; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9319605DD9BFB5972272003BC0D6D2E999783C7256A75BF1BE08178A359F9542
trinque: to date, deedbot made like 0.0002, and so what? it'll make more in the future, and it'll buy more with what it made idem ☟︎☟︎
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-497681.txt
a111: Logged on 2017-12-01 17:57 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1913 << Loper OS - Finite Field Arithmetic. Chapter 1: Genesis.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-01 17:19 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/ << Trilema - When did America end ?
mquander: i haven't used deedbot, so no, not yet, i will go do it once i clearly understand the mechanism
TomServo: Most of my sync was from deedbot, but I would frequently get blackholed? No blocks for hours, wouldn never resume on it's own, had to restart.
mircea_popescu: trinque did i mention how great eg http://wot.deedbot.org/0FC17787D364466DC5686B4F31AF6822CA3B400F.html is recently ?
trinque: relatedly, after last weeekend's work, I can actually write up how said anontits can receive their btc via deedbot. had to make it such that deedbot can pass over a new acct, but reliance on deedbot ends there for key to wallet mapping.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-26 23:55 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927 << Loper OS - The Peculiarly Quiet Decline and Fall of the KVM
a111: Logged on 2017-11-27 14:06 deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/19F1FBD703330401EE654DAB5D91317ED300C048.asc
asciilifeform: waiwat how's that work. to what did deedbot encrypt the message then ?
mircea_popescu: kjj you can now self-voice btw. send !!up to deedbot in a pm whenever needed.
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/19F1FBD703330401EE654DAB5D91317ED300C048.asc ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-11-26 23:55 deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1927 << Loper OS - The Peculiarly Quiet Decline and Fall of the KVM
a111: Logged on 2017-11-26 06:15 deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/11/26/specs-and-designs-for-the-first-ever-bugatti-comps/ << Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Specs and designs for the first ever Bugatti-Comps.
trinque: aaand automatic wallet creation when n00bs register with deedbot
shinohai: deedbot doesn't know who it is in life. xD
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/4E18288CAA6A98F4C51066053B6F4A8387D54AC6.asc
asciilifeform: deedbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel << poor d00d, must've amputated hands nao, not only feet
asciilifeform: ' 0x17) Get http://deedbot.org/deed-427443-5.txt : name it 'gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2.asc' '
mod6: ah, ok. well... im not sure what the protocol is then for changing your nick in deedbot, but I'm sure trinque needs to assist you with that/
mod6: it seems like you already did an "!!up" to deedbot.
mod6: http://www.deedbot.org/help.html
mod6: hi, are you looking @ wot.deedbot.org ?
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> (asciilifeform's ticker idea) << nah, autospeaking bots to be kept at a minimum which is 0. << for the curious, why is say deedbot's rss announcer a non-auto event whereas a market movement isn't?
mircea_popescu: there's a bunch of reputation management commands, deedbot being the wot registrar of record.
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
mircea_popescu: later on you'll also show up in the wot, like http://wot.deedbot.org/CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D.html
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D.asc
mircea_popescu: wer you can now self-voice, so i don't have to up you every half hour. say !!up to deedbot (in private message). it will give you something to decrypt. you decrypt it, then say !!v <string> and you're voiced.
mircea_popescu: wer include the tags. http://wot.deedbot.org/6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452.asc << model.
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
mircea_popescu: wer put the pubkey in p.bvulpes.com then say !!register <url> to deedbot.
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452.asc
trinque: i.e. shinohai registers his irc bouncer service as a subscription on deedbot, folks can subscribe and automatically pay him per interval
mircea_popescu: wer so first off, register your pgp key with deedbot to preserve identity. you do have one yes ?
mircea_popescu: so it is. do you want your bitcents to an address or are you making a deedbot wallet ?
trinque: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-11-11#238237 << all good over here. deedbot.org lists its node's current block count, updated twice hourly
mircea_popescu: perfectrly fine for my key via deedbot and via say your putative deedbot` to come with different comments.
mircea_popescu: ang-st say !!up to deedbot in a pm, then !!v with the challenge string