mircea_popescu: of advice. Met people with amazing experience. We felt we were in the nexus of entrepreneurship and innovation. And we probably were. [...] It was like our feet never touched the ground." and no, i don't think it would be http://38.media.tumblr.com/74c80afbbf82765c41d7beec32221d2f/tumblr_inline_n60qz3Ti3Q1r0ojkh.jpg as everyone in that pic is distinctly uncomfortable with the bunny suit they gotta wear to cater to my
mircea_popescu: http://fridriksson.tumblr.com/post/86584610871/a-startup-postmortem-with-a-happy-ending-in << perhaps a lulzy read for the forensic psychiatrist. what motivates some kids to live in a coffin for which they pay monthly the lifetime value of an average human being, while at the same time go all "We did the show and tell dance at Techcrunch Disrupt and DEMO. Networked at GigaOm RoadMap Con and YC Startup School. Got tons