168 entries in 0.612s
mircea_popescu: moldbug ?
xmj: that's moldbug
moriarty: xmj, lol moldbug is a blogger, i take it?
xmj: moriarty: much better to read moldbug, be evil and call yourself royalist.
xmj: He seems to have been reading Moldbug.
mircea_popescu: that reminds me BingoBoingo : i was gonna say i don't like curtis yarvin / mencius moldbug for the following very specific reason - he sounds exactly like a propaganda job for smart people.
decimation: as moldbug would say, the pro-state element survives on the promise of getting an ever shrinking shard of 'power'
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah I think of moldbug's post on hubristic user interfaces when I think of bad UI
decimation: re: warlord being consistent asshole (linked from a moldbug post): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgUqk2tl31o
decimation: moldbug describes how all prices will be recalculated once the world passes from the dollar through the bitcoin-vortex
decimation: fluffypony have you read moldbug on rhodesia?
decimation: on Moldbug's recommendation I read this book: http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924028685505#page/n3/mode/2up
decimation: as moldbug points out, most folks want to be published in the 'grey lady'
decimation: "Consumer price indexes show negligible price changes in non-normalized accounting, not only because they are fudged and rigged, but because prices are set by dollars competing for goods. Because American spenders have fewer and fewer normalized dollars to spend every year, normalized consumer prices are also dropping. " - Mr. moldbug
decimation: re: scp/ssh user interface << Herr Moldbug's rant on this topic is apropos: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2009/07/wolfram-alpha-and-hubristic-user.html "The error is that control interfaces must not be intelligent. Briefly, intelligent user interfaces should be limited to applications in which the user does not expect to control the behavior of the product. If the product is used as a tool, its interface should be as
asciilifeform: ;;google moldbug usg4
asciilifeform: (lifted from mr. mold: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/01/hanson-moldbug-debate.html)
asciilifeform must have spammed the moldbug-on-cs link a thousand times
decimation: yeah moldbug talks about the same phenomenon in computer science
decimation: my brain recalls moldbug's discussion of cis vs. trans democracy
asciilifeform: when we make monkey noises at moldbug, have to remember, the man perhaps should not be held responsible for his audience
decimation: mircea_popescu - your intro to the Hayek post calls to mind Mr. Moldbug's point about "chronic kinglessness"
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: actually moldbug/yarvin 'came out of the closet' when he bragged about inventing address space randomization in an obscure paper as an undergrad
mircea_popescu: decimation> well with the quality of those arguments, the author is well on the way to becoming the anti-Moldbug << something tells me the author spent his youth clicking through cat pictures while someone on the phone was tryhing to educate them.
decimation: well with the quality of those arguments, the author is well on the way to becoming the anti-Moldbug
decimation: Well duh. "As I soldiered through the Moldbug canon, my reactions numbed. Here he is expressing sympathy for poor, persecuted Senator Joe McCarthy. Big surprise. Here he claims ?America is a communist country.? Sure, whatever."
decimation: LoL that Moldbug hit piece. "Why bother with mass appeal, when you?re rebuilding the ancien regime?"
HeySteve: checking out this Moldbug guy, sounds interesting
asciilifeform: the anti-moldbug pieces (yes there's more than one) typically accuse mold & co. of the ultimate anti-democratic crime: republikflucht.
bitcoinpete: "In short, Moldbug reads like an overconfident autodidact’s imitation of a Lewis Lapham essay—if Lewis Lapham were a fascist teenage Dungeon Master."
bitcoinpete: it's asciilifeform that's the big moldbug fan, right?
decimation: even if it's gold micrograms encased in lucite like Moldbug suggested
mircea_popescu: <decimation> as you have found, moldbug himself is extremely reluctant to take any action that might have second or third-order effects that displease USG <<< that sorta thing.
decimation: as you have found, moldbug himself is extremely reluctant to take any action that might have second or third-order effects that displease USG
decimation: mircea_popescu: dekulakization is nothing novel. << moldbug points out that FDR had the same motivations http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.ca/2010/03/true-election-practical-option-for-real.html
asciilifeform: (http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/01/hanson-moldbug-debate.html)
dignork: asciilifeform, btw thank you for refernce to moldbug, his texts are pretty amusing
asciilifeform: moldbug isn't exactly recent (circa '07, afaik)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: linked to me once, a few years ago, describing as 'the moldbug of computing.' not sure if complement or curse.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: famous in the 'moldbug' set
asciilifeform: this is a little like 'moldbug's chessboard' - fight between move-select-via-reddit vs. an actual grandmaster
decimation: <<mircea_popescu: "underserved" and "unearned" income are exactly the cornerstone of productive economic activity. >> moldbug's solution: formalism http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.ca/2007/04/formalist-manifesto-originally-posted.html
decimation: So to answer Moldbug: Monetary dillusion could be used as a way to reduce crime - by redistributing wealth (just enough) to keep crime down and businesses open
decimation: yeah that's a pretty good point. Moldbug has a point about closed currencies, but your point goes to human nature - something that "economists" often famously ignore.
decimation: I was re-reading some other early Moldbug and found this one: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.ca/2007/11/who-heck-is-benn-steil.html
decimation: early Moldbug is the best on this topic http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.ca/2007/08/secret-of-anti-americanism.html
gribble: Unqualified Reservations: The Hanson-Moldbug debate: <http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/01/hanson-moldbug-debate.html>; Overcoming Bias : My Moldbug Debate: <http://www.overcomingbias.com/2010/01/my-moldbug-debate.html>; Bruce Charlton's Miscellany: The Leftism of Mencius Moldbug: <http://charltonteaching.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-leftism-of-mencius-moldbug.html>
ozbot: Unqualified Reservations: The Hanson-Moldbug debate
asciilifeform: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/01/hanson-moldbug-debate.html
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: that sounds like a good way to end up playing 'moldbug's chess'
mircea_popescu: so basically moldbug's september 2009 write-up on communism and whatnot is chiefly notable for his very good points on charity vs w/e, "callous altruism".
decimation: ascii, do you believe in Moldbug's "Hitler invaded Russia in self defense idea"?
decimation: Moldbug is more-or-less correct about the power that rules the us; it's the coordinated actions of the media, civil service, and academia (and all their attachments)
asciilifeform: (herr moldbug sort of tried this, half-heartedly)
mircea_popescu: actually, did moldbug&co ever manage to stop urbit from crashing ?
decimation: Moldbug would seem to argue that Bitcoin is harder than gold, by virtue of its finite supply
decimation: herbijudlestoids did you read the moldbug essay to which your FOFOA link points?
mircea_popescu: for that matter, moldbug is still shy on my bet
asciilifeform: (source: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/01/hanson-moldbug-debate.html)
asciilifeform: (stole this one from moldbug)
mircea_popescu: tbh, it probably could be said that unlike the moldbug fellow i have the advantage of not reallty giving a shiot avbout the us government
asciilifeform: benkay: moldbug doesn't work on the masses. and he never intended to. his "red pill" is for the intellectually-curious/adventurous, by his own admission.
jurov: guys, who is this moldbug? some mythical figure?
mircea_popescu: benkay moldbug never says nigger tho
benkay: I hope that Mencius Moldbug engages with you on this one, MP
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: on the death of academia: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2007/07/my-navrozov-moments.html (moldbug) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: moldbug still hasn't got his ballsack together to answer incidentally.
mircea_popescu: also matonis fucked up his link to the moldbug guy