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mircea_popescu: the esteemed wao-ender
TomServo jborkl and keonne are kindly asked to get into the wot so they may be seen by assbot
TomServo perhaps his only good role. that's what the man was born to play.
TomServo minus the funny. and btw, rickles was fat his whole life.
TomServo hey, what can i tell you. it's not that i didn't like it because they made safer
TomServo his dying resulted in them trying to fix "problems" which were wholly imaginary.
TomServo perhaps he's senile. or perhaps he has a point.
TomServo the guy is definitely more worthy of being read, on a ROP basis, than pretty much any economics professor. and he doesn't even charge.
TomServo kinda lulzy cause it went pretty much like an old guy's erection, that forced coin.
TomServo you get more gdp per capita out of 100 barristas trying to write hollywood scripts
TomServo because slavery was fundamentally an economic interest, and it is economically ineffectual. it WAS already dieing out at the time of the war
TomServo roosevelt probably not in there, as shocking as that may seem. hoover for sure tho.
TomServo for the past year or so he's been running around the margins trying to somehow become cool
TomServo but it encourages the rest to simply move to mpex and give the fiat world the finger.
TomServo i suppose if you're going to censor, this is actually the correct approach : block specific searches, but index the material.
TomServo i guess the reasoning is that if it stays shutdown that long it's never coming back.
mircea_popescu: dub recall the 50 / 150 year problem ?
TomServo picked up on it. you failed to do so.
TomServo im not throwing it out. i am merely observing you can't, from a scientific perspective, put too much weight on it.
TomServo the thing with clows is that there's no who associated.
TomServo well luckily i keep slaves, they all read my shit, i had everyone re-write it from memory under pain of lashing.
TomServo there was an earlier article about some eager ny da supoena-ing people.
TomServo there are ocasional games published independently, sure. which is why when he asked me if " do you mean you're trying to manage all btc-related games to be developed?" i said no lol.
TomServo well i don't see how it'd do better than what's currently in place atm
TomServo they should hire a dozen strippers in the main towns at 100 an hour or whatever
TomServo this is a theory. we have no actual history to back it yet.
TomServo the obvious one is the fall of the roman empire.