134 entries in 0.35s
asciilifeform: 'brother can you spare a dime'
asciilifeform: my brother owns a coupla GB in floppies in his house
asciilifeform: 'lisp doesn't need i/o.' --my brother
asciilifeform: ^ this is a known problem in this part of the world. once there was even a colony infesting side mirror of my brother's car. it was actually nifty, he could pull the mirror adjustment joystick and release swarm at passing cyclists
asciilifeform: my elder brother, like millions of kids, learned on it
asciilifeform as a boy sometimes listened to his brother's 'bk-0010' tapes
ascii_field: that deck o'cards (inherited from brother) did play a lot of it.
asciilifeform: my brother, for instance, spends much of his waking time doing this.
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: … asks what happens if there's nothing in a box. "well... there'd be air" "no, not even air"…. "so then a vacuum" "no, not even vacuum" << my brother tormented me with this 'what-if' when was a boy
asciilifeform: my brother had one - i had the other
asciilifeform: the 'flip' happened, iirc, some time in the early 2000s when his brother died of mysterious death
asciilifeform: my brother works in a chair that almost certainly was once at 'bell labs'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: we're talking about the classical fictional clones, naturally, rather than the boring younger twin brother kind
asciilifeform: elder brother, led me to the sinful life.
asciilifeform: brother
asciilifeform: my brother, for example, had one
asciilifeform: there are obvious wins to this approach. but opens the question of what, e.g., my brother, is to do with my wotgraph once my ship goes down.
asciilifeform: a copy of my wotgraph kept around as a message in a bottle under nitrogen in my brother's house, say, will not really carry out its function as a live reflection of my wot-will.
asciilifeform: my elder brother learned to program on these.
asciilifeform: yeah, more or less nobody i know can. other than my brother - fellow mutant.
ascii_on_tour: gave up << reminds me of a convo i once had with brother. me: 'worked all day trying to fix [car], and so bitten by mosquitoes that eventually surrendered.' — he: 'surrendered to mosquitoes?'
asciilifeform: microphone << as a kid, i had some cassettes from my brother, who had bk-0010 at school. all i could do was throw them in a tape deck & listen.
asciilifeform: (my brother at one time worked in a tiny game firm, their product was released with 'atari' on the box by the publisher - at the time, hasbro corp.)
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: no, had brother, whose lab i would screw with.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: solvency-verifier << when i was a little boy, me brother said 'i shall build you a computer.' (he had one, a rarity, i was envious and annoying)
asciilifeform: Mats_cd03: among the chechens, etc. the clan picks a 'youngest son' or whatever to do the time in his brother's place
asciilifeform: my brother. he didn't pay 100k though
asciilifeform: upon the furthest reaches of the planet) a life colourless, boring, stupid, devoid of any real joys. The life of domestic animals. Against a 'Big Brother', the old 'maximum security' wearing boots and a menacing uniform, it was possible to (as history shows, this takes place sooner or later) - rise up. But how about uprising against one's own weaknesses - is this possible?'
asciilifeform: feelings of envy. Big Brother added a few remarks on the purity
asciilifeform: Big Brother, which it was impossible to contemplate without
asciilifeform: towards him and began dictating in Big Brother's familiar
asciilifeform: occasions when Big Brother devoted his Order for the Day to
asciilifeform: brother and i played this on our 'Iskra' (xt clone) and combed three different dictionaries to learn what the fuck an osha is ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: not my idea. attributed to johnny von n, but i was given it by my brother, who plucked it from an ancient soviet textbook.