165 entries in 0.598s

jurov: there's a nutjob apocalyptic-prepper
shortwave station, with 5-euro receivers widely available they seem to get some audience
☟︎ decimation: back in the day, ham radio folks used to run something much like fidonet except completely over
shortwave/vhf radio
trinque: trilema and loper I expect to be able to get via hamsterwheel
shortwave gossipd someday
decimation: For something like
shortwave broadcast, this is what you would want
ascii_field wonders if mircea_popescu is using 'clocks' thing to look for a nice voice to go on the #b-a
shortwave propaganda station
decimation: but I'm not sure how many people in eastern eu countries had
shortwave receivers
decimation: jurov: surely they received it on
shortwave decimation: my understanding is that latin jazz was inspired by
shortwave broadcasts of us jazz
shortwave in the us is a desert of crazy
nubbins`: you pick up some bizarre things on
shortwave sometimes
decimation: in theory it could be used on
shortwave, if you had the hardware for it
mircea_popescu: anyway, it may be that the entanglement experiments come to fruition, and
shortwave as well as the current telco version of internet become obsolete at the same time.
decimation: PeterL: a 'standard'
shortwave channel is 4 kHz in width, through which you can push maybe a few kilobits/sec depending on what kind of scheme you are using
PeterL: how high of bandwidth could you transmit over
decimation: the problem is that the 'image' of
shortwave is AM broadcast, but nothing prevents advanced digital schemes
decimation: asciilifeform: "Germán Armando Plett’s knowledge was scraped together from the ‘Deutsche La Plata Zeitung’ (German La Plata Newspaper) and the nightly German radio broadcasts he was devoted to." <<
shortwave broadcast is dying, I guess because internet
mircea_popescu: decimation: 16 kHz is probably the max that you will get allocated politically << by the time blockchain over
shortwave, "politically" strictly means bitcoin-assets anyway.
decimation: I think what
shortwave would be better for would be a transaction network
decimation: at any rate, I'm not sure that
shortwave is really suited for blockchain broadcast unless one had a really big transmitter (and more importantly - government-allocated bandwidth)
decimation: most
shortwave broadcasters limit their DRM to 14 kHz
Overand: decimation: Also, I'm a ham radio operator, I've had plenty of conversations via
shortwave decimation: Overand:
shortwave is plenty reliable, depending on your expectations
Shortwave's fine, but it's subject to a ton of ionospheric stuff.
kakobrekla: for that you need
shortwave, not optics.
decimation: most of the modems that are now in use on
shortwave are designed to turn the natural broadcast medium into a point-to-point link
decimation: asciilifeform: reminds me of the first Stierlitz episode where he receives the enciphered message on
shortwave bounce:
shortwave radio mailing lists? o_O?
decimation: X-Rob, that's pretty neat to have a freepbx dev here. There needs to be some method to move some of this onto
shortwave decimation: asciilifeform: FYI you can listen to that Morse code vaccuum pendulum clock on the remote
shortwave receiver I linked a few days ago.
decimation: I prefer to keep the lower frequency EM fields around my house pure, so I can receive
shortwave well
decimation: spam the
shortwave spectrum for a few megabits
shortwave is probably too high bandwidth for what we want
Diablo-D3: so what, just bouncing it off
shortwave using high gain antennas?