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mp_en_viaje: i dunno why more people don't read more code. i swear to god
usg-sponsored "comedy" is nowhere near as funny.
mp_en_viaje: h
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-07#1959124 << and to answer the meaningful part : consider the
usg's "obscenity standard". it is perfectly an' epitomatically meaningless, i care naught that a buncha idle farmhands who can't talk for all the shit in their mouth "all agree". this inexpressible agreement is the definition of meaninglessness.
mp_en_viaje: i think giving away a monopoly to existential thought away to the
usg and limiting self to the merely municipal "utilitarian" perspective is not much better, nor in fact substantially different from giving them a monopoly on coinage. which i take we're not willing to give.
ossabot: Logged on 2016-09-10 09:16:45 mircea_popescu: hard to properly word a "company not around" clause is the problem. according to
usg, ibm and cisco are both "still around".
BingoBoingo: The
USG "World Bank" of all folks *encouraged* Argentina to embrace the convertability trap
billymg: her only "education" to this point has been the
usg school/college system, which i'm constantly working to undo
mircea_popescu: so, the sukhoi 34 is a pretty cool plane ; in any case the basis of the russian defeat in the field of
usg's pretense to air participation. now suppose for the sake of argument someone comes offering to sell one ; and suppose further that you're to advise on the purchase by providing a single scalar value : what the item is worth iyo.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-18 18:50:33 jfw: trinque: one approach is if money flows and wants patching support, to sell subscriptions covering some defined set of things. Do such clients exist? I don't know but seems like these tend to be large corps already in submission to
USG and can just as well buy RedHat
mp_en_viaje: basically anything that's neither a family owned deli nor a blue chip
usg subsidiary calls itself start-up these days huh
jfw: trinque: one approach is if money flows and wants patching support, to sell subscriptions covering some defined set of things. Do such clients exist? I don't know but seems like these tend to be large corps already in submission to
USG and can just as well buy RedHat
ossabot: Logged on 2018-06-27 12:30:52 mircea_popescu: as far as anyone knows,
usg is still churning the same bitcoin dust it got by clicking on faucets back in 2012. first it "sold it" via the usms scam, now it "captured" it and so following.
BingoBoingo: But I suppose this is how the
USG press agents keep up with the times. They scroll back the logs 5 years and pretend the conversation was their own.
mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, iran bombing
usg oil installations nao...
dorion_road: python is then not available to meaningful examination because it has been exam taking and pretending to be ready (e.g.
usg.mit now uses it instead of scheme), rather than actually making itself ready for human use.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-20 12:07:50 mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca /
USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-20 12:07:50 mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca /
USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-20 12:07:50 mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca /
USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
mircea_popescu: could you replace all instances of 4byte utf with [X ((Symbolic representation of Mother Goddess / Great Inca /
USG's State Corporations has been removed.))] plox ?
mircea_popescu: cloudflare is the internet equivalent of
usg's fatca chantage mechanism. "partner" for protection or else get flooded. i wouldn't hold it against civillians.
mp_en_viaje: otherwise, since ~literally~ 100% of the crap on the "free" and "open" anglo internet is ~LITERAL~ fucking restatement of the ~~~EXACT FUCKING SAME~~~ five line passage from
harvard's 1999 offering of doubleplusgood truth&realities (if you don't count a very carefully expurgated version on "marxists.org" -- lulzily, "dog" appears exactly once ; "vulture" not at
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-24 16:49:48 asciilifeform: apparently loox like 1 of those '
usg rolls up hp, sgi, cray, and gives their shredded bones to intel to eat' affairs.
ossabot: Logged on 2016-10-05 13:08:17 mircea_popescu: which is the point here : using ANYTHING made by
usg.vc.* is risky, and opens one to various liabilities downstream. including among them - that you will be unwound.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 01:44:12 mp_en_viaje: b) it is unlikely any lawyer you don't previously know will treat this as anything but a meal ticket. much like
usg doctors don't treat the underlying condition in the sense of getting rid of it, but treat it as a cash cow, in the sense of maximizing their own income from it, the whole fucking point of knowing lawyers ~prior~ to needing them rather than once you need them like the retail-buying schmuck is so as to
mp_en_viaje: b) it is unlikely any lawyer you don't previously know will treat this as anything but a meal ticket. much like
usg doctors don't treat the underlying condition in the sense of getting rid of it, but treat it as a cash cow, in the sense of maximizing their own income from it, the whole fucking point of knowing lawyers ~prior~ to needing them rather than once you need them like the retail-buying schmuck is so as to be able to authoritatively answer
BingoBoingo: When the Bitcoin declaration of independence went around gathering signatures in 2014, it was enough to dislike the
USG and want to see the
USG done. Now, for the failures of marketing outside of the MP household... much of the language about the Republic seems larpish, except when he says it because... He's been a battleship before Bitcoin.
lobbes: Ended up just calling my current
usg hoster I use for the logs; they said no problem and would get a second server leased and provisioned 'today' (albeit I was told this 12 hours ago) . I'll say one thing, at least this particular
usg hoster is responsive.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 22:39:54 lobbes:
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1942833 << btw, I've snagged another leased server from some singapore heathen hoster. Once they provision the thing and give login info then auctionbot will live again. However, if it is desperately needed in the meantime I can slap it up on the
usg hoster as a stop-gap measure
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 00:46:55 asciilifeform: all dc in immediate 50km around asciilifeform , appear to have gone '
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 00:46:55 asciilifeform: all dc in immediate 50km around asciilifeform , appear to have gone '
lobbes: asciilifeform: main reason for not wanting to host it on
usg box is mainly because logger is also running on there and a) don't want too many eggs in one basket and b) don't want too many things interfacing with same postgres database (since actionbot is on top of logbot which also logs every line, and I dunno if this will slow things down or what. I like the idea of segregating them in this sense)
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1942833 << btw, I've snagged another leased server from some singapore heathen hoster. Once they provision the thing and give login info then auctionbot will live again. However, if it is desperately needed in the meantime I can slap it up on the
usg hoster as a stop-gap measure
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:36:07 mp_en_viaje: anyoen recall the solidcoin btw ? such fucking great early-
usg retardation, it was phenomenal. the empire of idiots is really following in some glorious footsteps with their genius "ideas".
mp_en_viaje: anyoen recall the solidcoin btw ? such fucking great early-
usg retardation, it was phenomenal. the empire of idiots is really following in some glorious footsteps with their genius "ideas".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:27:22 lobbes: I may look into getting another box from them myself; gonna need another home for blog / auctionbot and would rather not hang everything on my
usg hoster
lobbes: I may look into getting another box from them myself; gonna need another home for blog / auctionbot and would rather not hang everything on my
usg hoster
mp_en_viaje: for as long as
usg.dubaloo still deemed money, such nonsense can occur.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i offered them a server back in 2011 ; and then throughout cca 2014. they never took me up on it, and eventually sold out to
usg agency
USG also announced today they are opening a green card lottery round for the Uruguayos
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There seems to be a racket where a loading with get a weird ricer name like .50 BEOWOLF or .300 BLACKOUT get some
USG test firings and go on to market the round as things normally get marketed to jugalos,etc based on edgy/cool name
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, qntra piece brings a great point to the fore, incidentally : the
usg managed to implode its colonial posessions / colonial "influence sphere" in the new world JUST EXACTLY like the soviets managed three decades prior.
snsabot: Logged on 2017-10-25 14:27:40 mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit the matter of
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728843 : adrian sirbu, possibly the only romanian to have done anything since 1989 (he created the deliberate
usg tool Pro Tv in 1995, a media company whose wikipedia page no longer mentions him -- very much a successful equivalent of the failed
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666048), has recently been accused of... you'll guess this not ?
mircea_popescu: was part and parcel of ye epic
http://trilema.com/2012/sorana-comedie-bufa-intr-un-act/ (the title says "Sorana, funny comedy in one act". unique as far as i know among all literary productions for the stage to date, this play is written ~entirely~ out of material illegally intercepted by romania's chapter of
usg.blue, and doled out in court without any kind of supervision)
mircea_popescu: mpex seat for ~value of
usg "senator" wasn't some kinda idiosyncratic joke. it's how the future works.