1300+ entries in 0.573s
jborkl: usagi fund losing value? nothing that earth shattering since glbse
mircea_popescu: not really a problem, we were just poking fun at the usagi character
kakobrekla: prolly better than usagi this one.
kakobrekla: usagi: People like what I am doing or they wouldn't invest.
dub: pokey as in Magical Pokey Usagi?
mircea_popescu: he's sorta like, dev-usagi by now anyway.
mircea_popescu: actually... what if usagi and eskimo bob joined forces
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <usagi> do it
imsaguy: ;;seen usagi
pigeons: Richard Simmons as usagi
Chaang-Noi: usagi i dont doubt you, but legally what can i do?
Chaang-Noi: usagi i know he stole shares...
Chaang-Noi: usagi he sold you them, talk to him, what can i do?
Chaang-Noi: usagi pirate bond?
Chaang-Noi: usagi really?
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 17 hours, 39 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <usagi> You won't hold the bitcoins, they will. They'll just tell you how many bitcoins you "own".
[\\\]: ;;seen usagi
dub: wish I had usagi in a hat with a bat and a '84 skoda
Bugpowder: but we need someone like usagi to be a buyer of last resort for S.DICE
jurov: other people asked... and usagi on btctalk, too
Bowjob: usagi, watched hxh?
DeadWeasel: haha, usagi, you were there
DeadWeasel: usagi's stuff?
burnside: usagi I think everyone has quality control issues. it's a huge challenge for all the exchanges.
DeadWeasel: usagi: I'll check it out, add it to the list
DeadWeasel: usagi: I think i will mostly do reviews of services I've used
DeadWeasel: usagi: I DON"T KNOW
DeadWeasel: usagi: give me input if you have time
kakobrekla: ok thanks usagi
Chaang-Noi: sorry usagi i just wanted to see gribble hurt you, seems i failed
Chaang-Noi: ;;slap usagi
deadweasel: i think usagi wants physical silver....
deadweasel: usagi
jurov: usagi, yes today midnight. if ukto will be around
imsaguy: usagi: remember the message where you said it wasn't a rush to get paid back?
pigeons: usagi, you argued with me when you came in here saying i was ridiculous for not believing "IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR CPA TO GO BANKRUPT"
topace: usagi: whats your current pricing on silver? im looking to pickup a few more ounces
pigeons: usagi: how is that different from how a scammer would behave?
pigeons: usagi: please don't come around here telling us you have a super secret method to make money selling something going up and buying something going down but that your too smart too waste your time actually backing it up unless you get paid
kakobrekla: hows that going usagi
DeadWeasel: usagi
DeadWeasel: usagi
DeadWeasel: usagi
DeadWeasel: think usagi has something with his silver hedging?
TomServo: usagi: could you resend the link you mentioned regarding silver?
kakobrekla: usagi there are many of them note the 's'
pigeons: who is suprised that usagi mails his shit?
Guest55650: usagi how much coin did you melt into silver
Chaang-Noi: usagi i agree with you but the 50x is a bit too high, wont happen 1/10 ratio is the best we will ever see in our life times is my guess
Chaang-Noi: usagi you want to short btc?
Diablo-D3: infact usagi supposidly owned a lot of dmc shares
Diablo-D3: never invested in usagi either
OgNasty: didn't you say you owned usagi funds?
Diablo-D3: OgNasty: goat and usagi sold shares into assets that didnt exist and may have never existed
OgNasty: same goes to usagi, goat, giga, and everyone else who completely crashed their holdings when GLBSE went down and still clings to that defense.
Diablo-D3: and I still dont know what usagi and goat were up to
Diablo-D3: OgNasty: except usagi nor goat was part of dmc
OgNasty: I didn't invest a penny with you, because it was obvious what you and usagi and goat were all up to...
pigeons: how's your learn japanese site usagi?
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 hours, 40 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <usagi> so if the underlying bond then returns 5% you get back 0.105
jurov: usagi was correct, i misread that
jurov: one day away and what do i see? <usagi> [14:39:49] CoinBr.MPBPT-O at 0.10999... makes 0.999...%
Diablo-D3: usagi: looks like a gay beer brand that used ot be on the market years ago
Diablo-D3: usagi: I have soma.fm installed on my roku downstairs too
Diablo-D3: usagi: thats on my playlist anyhow
kakobrekla: usagi just go long on silver with btc?
deadweasel: my imagination fails me, usagi, but I will return, after I get the woman to feed me.
mod6: (15:47) < usagi> it's an all time low << pretty funny since Silver was @ 9.13 in oct 2008
deadweasel: usagi, has this method worked for you repeatedly? is there some relation in the peaks and dips of the two commodoties?
mircea_popescu: wait was it usagi who hired eskimo to threadcrap and didn't pay them or was it the other way around ?
Ukto: usagi: thanks again for that help
jurov: oh and di you knew our friend here usagi uncovered mpoe-pr to be erin pavlina, a psychic from vegas?
error4733: haha usagi nice catch
Namworld: I was expecting .25, not attaining near .45 like in Usagi's thread
pigeons: no that was up arrow from talking to usagi earlier
jurov: usagi, when they mature? when someone buys for 0.001 ?
Bugpowder: I will sell for 1/2 of usagi's valuation
Ukto_: as for sites that work. apparently someone agrees with usagi
smickles: Ukto_: it's usagi saying that he did a fundamental anal. of s.dice, and it's worth .5 btc per share
mircea_popescu: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=101902.msg1499501#msg1499501 usagi is totally cool
mircea_popescu: i'll pay usagi to read Strategic Risk Management to you for a week straight.
Diablo-D3: usagi is back again
kakobrekla: seems to me usagi has an answer to everything always just before he quits.
Bugpowder: or so ineptly run so as to approximate scams (usagi for example)
pigeons: nice to see you repaying usagi
mircea_popescu: usagi is setting trends
dust-otc: i read it as "usagi-ing that shit" for a day
thestringpuller: http://bitbet.us/bet/1/usagi-ftw/ - that's a funny bet
kakobrekla: pigeons usagi?
dub: all that quality usagi trolling, now he's regressed into a rambling paranoid old lunatic barking at traffic
mircea_popescu: to usagi.
dub: we could have got a rabbit to pick glbse stocks for a fund and see if it did better than usagi
Namworld: Also, what about basic? As for Usagi, I'm pretty unmoved. He started getting active again and paying some BTC on his stocks. That's at least some more I'll be getting back.
mod6: well, whomever it was posted it with usagi's account
mod6: and.. i even saw a post on btctalk from usagi!
smickles: so that's why usagi went bonkers
dub: usagi fails even at failure
Bugpowder: well, using usagi's valuation model, we should probably discount the hashking debt to 75% of par
mircea_popescu: o wait, that's where the missing bvps was. usagi ?
mircea_popescu: usagi's asset list