1200+ entries in 0.557s
usagi: !getrating usagi
tiberiusiv: usagi what is your website
ThickAsThieves: i dont want to get into it but it should be said that usagi's bookkeeping did not stand up to a public audit
deadweasel: usagi, how is tu silver doing?
seongyupyoo: the problem usagi is that
ThickAsThieves: usagi: nashx.com/about
thestringpuller: "Usagi will have an asset listed on MPEX by April 1st 2013"
thestringpuller: dub: were you the one who made the "Usagi ftw" bet?
kakobrekla: ;;rate dub 1 credit on calling usagi
thestringpuller: usagi is just inept
dub: I'm still waiting for credit on calling usagi
jborkl: lol, usagi silver etf
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: why does usagi win?
ThickAsThieves: usagi wins
mircea_popescu: Doffx the only person acrtually following usagi in earnest is deprived
mircea_popescu: usagi is reporting profits trading silver o.o
mircea_popescu: lol silver got usagi'd ?
thestringdude: Usagi owes me 18 coin
ThickAsThieves: usagi poking the dragon https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=112876.msg1804012#msg1804012
mircea_popescu: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=172471.0 this is fulla win. usagi is taking over something or the other.
Bugpowda: I love that Usagi wants to take over the BAKEWELL security
mircea_popescu: eskimo's usagi moment ?
thestringpuller: but usagi is still trying to "make a name for himself"
thestringpuller: I'm about to hire Yakuza to collect my coin from Usagi
kakobrekla: quote from usagi
kakobrekla: DeaDTerra they still do, and for dealing with AA, usagi etc too
pigeons: usagi got a twitter
jurov: sry for confusion. i misread "but otherwise usagi history is horrible."
jurov: mircea_popescu: this http://bitbet.us/bet/1/usagi-ftw/
jurov: oh and what happened to usagi's mpex asset? can you now disclose for lulz?
thestringpuller: yes if your name is usagi
mircea_popescu: in which usagi shows his mad c++ skills
Bugpowder: usagi neg'ed you?
jborkl: in usagi land
jborkl: I don't understand usagi math
mircea_popescu: bitcoin foundation should comission a statue group of usagi and deprived
pigeons: that is usagi level insane
jcpham: if usagi from the forum is the person from the youtube video i was watching
pigeons: i used to think usagi was just stupid, but this sounds evil
pigeons: ok since its flash i dont get to see usagi
pigeons: ok clicking usagi luke's god help me
smickles: < [\\\]> so is that youtube really usagi? << usagi personally told me that was tehm
Namworld: Sounds like usagi alright
mod6: that can't be usagi, because there are no girls on the tubes
[\\\]: as in the bitcoin usagi?
[\\\]: so is that youtube really usagi?
smickles: [\\\]: usagi: http://www.youtube.com/user/MagicalPockyUsagi
[\\\]: I thought usagi was female, no?
pigeons: ok let me get usagi to send you his key
mircea_popescu: Chaang-Noi haha yes. usagi is in finance.
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. User Usagi, rated since Mon Jun 18 09:33:55 2012. Cumulative rating 40, from 31 total ratings. Received ratings: 27 positive, 4 negative. Sent ratings: 41 positive, 4 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Usagi
Chaang-Noi: ;;getrating usagi
mircea_popescu: it's actually worse than the usual glbse / usagi crap.
mircea_popescu: basically the usagi threads are like old style russian manuals, and usagi is the delegated evil character which makes all the mistakes so the law abiding engineer guy with a soft love interest can set the record straight explicitly for the benefit of the reader
dub: usagi must be a scammer because DT has endorsed it
mircea_popescu: usagi is this white trash that has seen some women so he thinks he's a woman.
Bowjob: isnt usagi nefario
mircea_popescu: evil jerks trolling usagi
billg: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137459.msg1642908#msg1642908 oh,usagi is embarrassed
pigeons: usagi had 3 different risk profiles for his cdos, and he bought OBSI.HYPT (High Yield Pass Through into secret business model now run away with the money) in the EXTREMELY LOW RISK group ☟︎
pigeons: my rating of usagi is, dude is flaky, warning
gribble: You rated user usagi on Thu Nov 15 13:23:03 2012, giving him a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: person strikes me a bit flaky.
pigeons: ;;rated usagi
gribble: You rated user usagi on Sun Nov 11 18:00:33 2012, giving him a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: defaulted on this: http://bitbin.it/nPDQRLME and tries overcome simple facts with appeals to emotion.
smickles: ;;rated usagi
benkay: i'm glad that people on the forum are running usagi through the grinder
smickles: $markov usagi
smickles: $usagi
smickles: usagi wanker wanker bumble but
jurov: $markov usagi
pigeons: usagi is offline now but he sent me a query that he's upset because he claimed i lied to him because he told me not to post the spreadsheet to a public web page or post it to the forum
kakobrekla: you should hang out with usagi
mircea_popescu: an usagi challenger appears.
pigeons: ok no offense to coinabul, but usagi is buying his silver from there, i would think those premiums are not really suited for an investment fan club
pigeons: BingoBoingo: usagi is special
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu Do they sell silver that small or is there a swing people aren't showing... Coinabul shows 0.5 BTC for an once of silver... I think Usagi is awfully bullish or lubed numbers up to extract them from a convenient place
mircea_popescu: i'd sell an indefinite ammount of anything usagi makes at its nominal value.
pigeons: that would also be overpriced, because it doesn't include the usagi factor
pigeons: the first one, a PM from usagi about the TU.SILVER books he is sending
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 0 hours, 19 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <usagi> http://howestreet.com/2013/01/platinum-overtakes-gold-at-last/
pigeons: ;;seen usagi
Namworld: mircea_popescu: sure, we are. Just no one investing in Usagi related stuff.
pigeons: and usagi hopes silver goes down
mircea_popescu: i suspect usagi has a future as a stand-up comedian pretending to be a btc finance guy
kakobrekla: usagi is like diablo, value destroyer
mircea_popescu: so usagi is selling silver at 86.86 dollars an ounce ?!
mircea_popescu: anyone wanna script usagi next meltdown ?
mircea_popescu: check out what she says and what usagi responds with
kakobrekla: > usagi: The company owns it. Essentially, since I am liable for it, I own it.
Namworld: @Usagi
Diablo-D3: usagi: I've heard this, and yes, I agree
Diablo-D3: usagi: the fucker doesn't even know how to program
Diablo-D3: usagi: he had OTHER people do the technical work nearly for free
Diablo-D3: usagi: zuckerberg stole an idea and then sued his way out of trouble
pigeons: good news usagi, silver down
Bugpowder: usagi, I think you are needed in Cyprus for this confiscation vote
smickles: usagi: hiya :)
kakobrekla: ya ofc is usagi
mircea_popescu: o wait. it WAS usagi
mircea_popescu: what is this, usagi ?