1600+ entries in 0.744s
EskimoBob: take your meds usagi
EskimoBob: it's the famous nuter usagi... LOL
Chaang-Noi: usagi is back
EskimoBob: Diablo-D3: can you kick your pompous comrades ass (other forum admins) and restore usagi's deleted posts - history needs this
EskimoBob: Who ever assigns scammer tags, better step up and do his fkn job. Usagi needs a tag so bad, it reeks.
mircea_popescu: ya srsly, usagi is not yet flower-worthy
EskimoBob: https://www.google.com/search?q=usagi+%22Oliver+Richman%22 enjoy
pigeons: well its our usagi https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rec.martial-arts/ly5cmb5i8bc/aBX3EztwQ4YJ
mircea_popescu: isn't usagi a common word ?
pigeons: this song is seriously supposed to be about and named after usagi: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=24002&songID=243091
Diablo-D3: usagi: yes, this is what dmc's dc was for, that kind of computing
pigeons: i love it: < usagi> It was literally an act of God that GLBSE was shut down at the precise moment I took out those loans
Diablo-D3: usagi: so what took you so long to rageunquit?
Diablo-D3: lol its usagi
smickles: usagi: from your rating of me, I assume you think I should trust you, or at least be indifferent to you after you defaulted on a contract with me?
pigeons: i wonder if usagi repaid the advance on his salary his employer gave him to pay dvidends
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user usagi has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate usagi -10 Ran a complex array of scams. One of the scammers covered by the GLBSE collapse.
kakobreklaaa: btw usagi returned day or two ago
kuzetsa: out of all the bitcointalk threads, and the freenode #bitcoin-xxx? discissions I've participated, the name usagi doesn't really stand out.
mircea_popescu: a la usagi.
EskimoBob: Chaang-Noi: usagi was here yesterday but took off shortly.
Chaaang-Noi: what ever happened to usagi?
Diablo-D3: but usagi doesnt swear
Diablo-D3: I thought it was usagi
mircea_popescu: usagi is like, the inventor of milk.
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 5 days, 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 44 seconds ago: <usagi> i don't come on irc much anymore because i am sick, but i will be back later.
kakobrekla: ;;seen usagi
EskimoBob: btw, where is this little shit bird usagi hiding now days?
EskimoBob: dude, you are like usagi :)
PsychoticBoy: sure thing is, this whole GLBSE, DMC, usagi and you name them I know more and you do too saga is kinda funny in a way
EskimoBob: sending BTC just reminded me that long gone usagi was asking for 200+ BTC and promised massive return. Did any of you got your coins back?
Diablo-D3: you mean like usagi?
EskimoBob: Unstable? how unstable? Like usagi?
EskimoBob: Chaang-Noi: or are you guys just "in love" like me and usagi? LOL :)
thestringpuller: i guess usagi had no chance then
thestringpuller: ive stopped checking them since I discovered usagi is incompetent
thestringpuller: usagi would know
EskimoBob: ;rate usagi -100 is not even a real girl
EskimoBob: and yes usagi, you are sick ... LOL
EskimoBob: usagi is gone completely mad...LOL
copumpkin: oh, usagi is active on the forum?
smickles: huh, so usagi keeps bumping the fuck out of that thread i started
thestringpuller: whats the news on usagi?
noagendamarket: did usagi forget to take their meds ?
EskimoBob: "33:56 thestringpuller | EskimoBob: lets take down Usagi rough shim up." - funny :) I think usagi is taking himself down at the moment. Maybe this is his exit "strategy" and he is going to announce how he feels insulted and leaves for good. A girlish exit lol
smickles: funny thing is, there are a few people who owe usagi btc who are willing to pay this debt, usagi just has to agree
thestringpuller: EskimoBob: lets take down Usagi rough shim up.
mircea_popescu: well, let's see. usagi doesn't admit default, in what he posts there ?
smickles: usagi admits default
smickles: the blockchain taint tool indicates that usagi has hundreds of btc under his control
EskimoBob: angry usagi is back :) and trolling like never before. #_#
smickles: part of our operation is collecting from usagi
smickles: Diablo-D3: usagi told me that he had the btc AFTER glbse went down
smickles: well, usagi has contacted me now
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining how;d you end up paying usagi debt ?
thestringpuller: Usagi is going to have a field day
thestringpuller: I see cause you'll retain those outstanding shares of Usagi?
thestringpuller: BTC-Mining: why are you going to assume Usagi's debt?
BTC-Mining: Guess I might end up paying Usagi's debt
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user usagi has changed from -1 to -3.
smickles: ;;rate usagi -3 defaulted on this: http://bitbin.it/nPDQRLME
thestringpuller: poor usagi
smickles: usagi has totally defaulted
BTC-Mining: And Nefario never actually gave Usagi management of the panel list
smickles: what i posted there are the exact words describing the glbse pannel usagi used
dub: did usagi get tagged in the end?
Diablo-D3: no, nefario actually was repeating what usagi said
BTC-Mining: As far as I know, there never was such a thing. Usagi proposed it and Nefario was considering.
Diablo-D3: nefario and usagi both said a few lies about that
Diablo-D3: usagi said there was going to be a panel and the glbse board signed off on it
dub: wait, you mean usagi isnt a samurai rabbit?
BTC-Mining: No, about Usagi managing said panel and panel having authority to determine if assets were to be listed or not.
Diablo-D3: actually, if usagi is supposed to be a japanese princess
BTC-Mining: but Usagi... is that really a source?
BTC-Mining: True, she based her fact on something Usagi claimed...
thestringpuller: usagi sound controversial...
mircea_popescu: then again you can prolly find usagi making any claim you arbitrarily want to check for.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining lol actually, i think if i dig in the logs i can find usagi making the exact claim.
jesica: She claimed among other things, for example, that Usagi was appointed by Nefario to manage a review panel deciding on what would or would not be allowed on GLBSE."" << i know that claim to be tru and have email logs of the pannel
BTC-Mining: What? She claimed among other things, for example, that Usagi was appointed by Nefario to manage a review panel deciding on what would or would not be allowed on GLBSE.
pigeons: well usagi is concentrating on paying rent
noagendamarket: usagi bouhgt back his own personal shares :P
pigeons: its one thing for usagi to be a tool, its another that he got mad when people pointed it out
noagendamarket: Usagi borrowed coins to pump and dump BMA lol
smickles: pigeons: depending on the timezone you use, usagi/cpa is about to or has just recently defaulted
thestringpuller: i know usagi works in japan
thestringpuller: Usagi has lost his mind.
BTC-Mining: Wow... do I need to pick up Usagi's GLBSE account now or what?
thestringpuller: usagi is hurting bad
smickles: oh, usagi is about https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=114820.msg1271570#msg1271570
smickles: BTC-Mining: if i have proof that usagi owes me btc, and you have btc owed to usagi... would you mind sending it on to me :)
smickles: and I haven't seen/heardfrom usagi for about a week
smickles: ah, well, also, usagi claimed to have the funds to pay on this contract even after glbse went down
BTC-Mining: Usagi better reappear pretty soon.
smickles: but i'll give usagi until today is over in arizona time
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user usagi has changed from 1 to -1.
smickles: ;;rate usagi -1 I have made a limited arangement with ~. we'll se how it goes. ~ is now late in paying and will have defaulted on the contract by the end of tody if action is not taken.
gribble: You rated user usagi on Mon Sep 17 19:56:21 2012, giving him a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: I have made a limited arangement with ~. we'll se how it goes.