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smickles: ;;rated usagi
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. User Usagi, rated since Mon Jun 18 09:33:55 2012. Cumulative rating 43, from 28 total ratings. Received ratings: 27 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 32 positive, 2 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Usagi
smickles: ;;getrating usagi
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 2 days, 16 hours, 35 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <usagi> We own 2000 shares.. should be good if glbse comes up :/
smickles: ;;seen usagi
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 18 hours, 29 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <usagi> We own 2000 shares.. should be good if glbse comes up :/
thestringpuller: ;;seen usagi
mircea_popescu: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=114820.msg1264442#msg1264442 also seems usagi ragequit ?
Chaang-Noi: where is usagi?
Eisenhower34: usagi? any mining bond?
EskimoBob: Eisenhower34: I think there was 2 or 3 threads demanding a scammer tag for usagi. Exchange went belly up and he was home free. Now he is gone.
pigeons: yeah, basically usagi overvalued assets, made backdoor deals, and closed out the collateral fund for his CDO, but who cares now right
EskimoBob: so, scammer usagi has left the building for good? I bet he has a new username and he is lurking here right now :)
teek: So during all this usagi flew the coop eh
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <usagi> We own 2000 shares.. should be good if glbse comes up :/
kakobrekla: ;;seen usagi
mircea_popescu: usagi will now forever live in this community, not through his dubious gender identity or horrible business practice,
EskimoBob: where did usagi go? I miss that crazy mancunt .. No, actually I do not miss him at all
Diablo-D3: PsychoticBoy: so I think usagi just ragequit forever
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 14 hours, 52 minutes, and 23 seconds ago: <usagi> We own 2000 shares.. should be good if glbse comes up :/
PsychoticBoy: ;;seen usagi
mircea_popescu: apparently you haven't learned from usagi's mistakes either.
PeterLambert: Usagi did not learn from my mistakes
____Atlas_____: I like how usagi is gone
BTC-Mining: I doubt so... how much did Usagi deposit?
mircea_popescu: did she deposit more than usagi ?
adamsjohn: Well, I would like to thank Usagi for making me paranoid
mircea_popescu: usagi got saved by this i would guess.
pigeons: boonies4u: usagi has been quiet and was a little upset
pigeons: anyway there's some of those usagi scamassets on mpext
Diablo-D3: usagi: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=77469.msg1246778#msg1246778
mircea_popescu: B0g4r7 usagi is the master of it tho, with his 200 btc
mircea_popescu: so she said usagi was head of some comission, mk.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining im not even sure where she picked that up, but prolly in one of the many usagi drama threads
BTC-Mining: mircea_popescu, as far as I'm aware, no, but neither was the fact Usagi somehow had any say about assets listing or not.
BTC-Mining: I'm also in the group with Usagi. We're merely providing input and opinion but have no actual say in decisions which are left to Nefario
BTC-Mining: Usagi was never declared head of a commission or appointed to review and make decisions about asset inclusion.
BTC-Mining: III.b. In spite of III.a. Nefario declared Usagi as the head of the ad-hoc commission that was to review GLBSE assets for inclusion in blue/white categories.
BTC-Mining: III.a. Starting at least as early as September 10 the assets controlled by Usagi (CPA, NYAN.x, BMF) were being scrutinized publicly on this forum for gross negligence possibly amounting to fraud on the part of the asset holder, in the same manner and to an extent equal or greater to that of I.a. above.
noagendamarket: usagi =diablod3 lol
copumpkin: usagi: come back, we all love you
dub: as if usagi even exists
smickles: ah, ok. But srsly about usagi, is anyone able to check on him? he was spouting off all depressed earlier
smickles: worst case senario, (oh usagi didn't kill himself yet?) I go to jail for lame ass securities fraud.
noagendamarket: whats usagi done now ?
smickles: glbse is offline, what else is there. I'm not taking usagi's route
dub: actually, that could be usagi
boonies4u: I've only heard 2nd hand snippets from usagi
BTC-Mining: I think it's mostly people invested in his funds and not happy about the fact usagi chose some investments which were losing investments.
drekk: might be, i don't think the amount of trolls in a thread is a good indicator, tho. especially with usagi it looks to me as if personal/emotional reason were involved
JWU_42: what is up with usagi ?
boonies4u: if that's legit, usagi sold him down the river
Bugpowder: [12:03] <usagi> I am sad. :( [12:03] <usagi> Someone help me please. I'm crying. [12:03] <usagi> I am sorry. [12:03] <usagi> I am sorry.
boonies4u: usagi isn't a good source?
Bugpowder: [11:36] <usagi> I have been speaking to nefario privately for weeks [11:36] <usagi> WEEKS [11:37] <usagi> Lol [11:37] <mircea_popescu> ahahaha kakobrekla [11:37] <usagi> I have access to the Bitcoin Global website where all the finalcials and minutes are published [11:37] <usagi> I am not going to reveal anything supersecret but [11:37] <usagi> Nefario is fucked [11:37] <usagi> GLBSE is illegal
Bugpowder: usagi is incapacitated
asa1024: usagi - you around?
smickles: go read the myth of sysiphus by Camus, usagi
Luceo: usagi: Get everything off there onto something safe?
Luceo: usagi: Whats your plan if glbse comes back?
ErebusBat: usagi: did you already send your deposit?
JWU_42: usagi: let's wait and see what happens here...
copumpkin: usagi: don't panic, the records of what you own are still intact, I'm sure, and you can settle your ownership with the asset issuers
Luceo: usagi: Hope you get your shit back :x
smickles: oh, usagi samthan was asking for you
FledNanders: usagi: Post actual quotes.
FledNanders: usagi: When did you talk to Nefario?
copumpkin: usagi: sure
Bugpowder: usagi, you already lost most of it :)
teek: usagi: i am talking about the great organic coke
teek: usagi: what are you talking about?
rg: [11:28] <usagi> Nefario spoke at bitcoin 2012 -- no one saw this coming
Bugpowder: usagi, my wife expects me to lose all the bitcoin money
Bugpowder: I thought you were a woman usagi
mircea_popescu: "Usagi should be viewed as a case study regarding what happens when a person with nearly zero knowledge of finance and business tries to manage a venture"
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla it's a funny usagi post where he says "milk is scammer"
Ignatius-otc: so you are saying usagi does not have any assets which are odler than 3 months and have paid out divs consistently?
Ignatius-otc: I wanted to issue my own asset on glbse so I contacted several current issuers including usagi. I saw he ran CPA so I inquired about insuring my asset for shareholder benefit. Nothing ever came of it
Ignatius-otc: I always assuemd usagi could payout. I contacted him about insuring an asset and was told I could be covered for every bitcent I deposited into the insurance plan...thats not ins;)
dub: imo it takes teh same level of idiocy to assume mining bonds have hashing and that usagi has the money to actually insure shit
mircea_popescu: dub mh bonds w/o a farm are like usagi insurance : they work great unless they become useful (ie, diff drops)
femtotube: How can this usagi delete posts from his forum thread?
GamblingMan: Why would usagi bouncing back piss him off?
gribble: usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 40 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <usagi> I can bounce back but it would really piss me off
kakobrekla: ;;seen usagi
OneEyed: One thing I don't understand about usagi desire to close CPA: why doesn't he hand it over to someone else if he doesnt' want to manage it anymore?
OneEyed: Btw, I see in Usagi thread (NYAN.B closing) that the girl and others were "locally banned". Is that enforced by the moderators, or do you control yourself?
OneEyed: rdponticelli: usagi is the only one converting to FIAT when it's time to compute a profit/loss :)
Chaaang-Noi: usagi pigeons has a good point, if this blows up in yourface you will be accused of fraud
pigeons: usagi: so you are getting rid of the collateral for NYAN.A?
Bugpowder: usagi, what happens to NYAN.A if its assets go bad and B has already been refunded
pigeons: usagi: i'm serious i can't read every line of the channel and the forum. can you answer?
pigeons: usagi did you ever explain what gives you the right to close .B before making sure everyone who trusted you with .A gets their coins back?
Diablo-D3: obsi closed all of his assets, and I dont have any of usagi's stuff
Diablo-D3: [05:12:50] <mircea_popescu> iirc mostly obsi and usagi
mircea_popescu: iirc mostly obsi and usagi
OneEyed: usagi: such a protocol should be submitted to as many pair of eyes as possible
OneEyed: usagi: so it doesn't exist
OneEyed: usagi: is it public?
OneEyed: usagi: if a protocol could be worked out with those brokers to ensure the information is not lost if they default or get hacked, then they would be usable without concerns