51 entries in 0.709s
asciilifeform: for a novel 'trbi' is entirely uninteresting what or how did fucking openssl.
asciilifeform: mod6: importantly, tho, most of this horror aint relevant to 'trbi'
mod6: Yeah, for TRB/TRBi to improve, or take form, one needs to fully comprehend what it is we have, this thing called 'bitcoin'.
asciilifeform: ( it was only then that even devised the algo, during thread w/ mp_en_viaje re 'trbi' )
mp_en_viaje: yes, i'm very much aware "asciilifeform would rather roll out gossipd, trbi, sane comp irons, etc. ~with~ participation of mp_en_viaje" etc. the problem here is -- you will do no such thing. what you will do, instead, is reconfigure your own desk into some sort of shape you and you alone deem meaningful, and that's all. because it is not POSSIBLE, for the man who can't say either "i will do this" and then do it, nor "i said i would do this, but d
asciilifeform would rather roll out gossipd, trbi, sane comp irons, etc. ~with~ participation of mp_en_viaje , and with working isp, than w/out. but may have to without, apparently.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-22#1919166 << trinque sweated out a draft cuntoo, which sadly i have not had chance to test in anger. i have a physical box that is destined for it , when get chance, and also will be porting it to the sim-mips, ditto. but i promised to mircea_popescu not to undertake any elaborate works until ffa suitable for 'discard gpg' and extension to other (gossipd, trbi, what else is waiting on it) paths ☝︎
asciilifeform: it's not clear to me that the congenital defects are fixable ( hence the various 'trbi' threads etc )
asciilifeform: i can't picture wanting any old cpp crapola in trbi in general
mircea_popescu: certainly. in general speaking, trbi will prolly not use any of the current trb/prb legacy common code
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 16:14 mircea_popescu: which is why all the "oh noes advertise ip" bla bla machinery is always a sign of idiocy on the part of "designer". trbi needs "ip backflow" like i need power rangers in my living room.
mircea_popescu: which is why all the "oh noes advertise ip" bla bla machinery is always a sign of idiocy on the part of "designer". trbi needs "ip backflow" like i need power rangers in my living room. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: keccak is exactly the right pill for trbi, and iirc mircea_popescu was actually 1st to point this out, yrs ago
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 14:22 asciilifeform: ( and imho all of the people qualified to work on trbi, are already here, they dun need to see duck races to be persuaded to come... )
asciilifeform: ( and imho all of the people qualified to work on trbi, are already here, they dun need to see duck races to be persuaded to come... ) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 01:51 asciilifeform: and yes if there were some magical way to get errybody who benefits from tbf and ergo working btc net, to put into the piggy, it'd be splendid, thing could fund even such things as flotillae of noads, or even trbi dev, etc, whoknows. but there is no magic. and it is a lucky thing that tbf in fact has the coin with which to do the bare minimum and host patches ( not on shitazon! jurov ! ) and handful of reliable nodes.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: as for 'premium' noad access, recall how the mircea_popescu 'trbi' thread was born. ( classical btc offers no sweet pill for how to reward node operators. any attempt to charge for 'gets mined faster' inevitably reduces to a game the miners can themselves win, cutting out middlemen )
asciilifeform: can't replace the thing with 'republic only' trbi , not without some yet-unfathomed breakthrough, or, idk, if mircea_popescu takes over brazil, or, whoknows, catastrophic chernobyl that fully demolishes the classical btc net
asciilifeform: and yes if there were some magical way to get errybody who benefits from tbf and ergo working btc net, to put into the piggy, it'd be splendid, thing could fund even such things as flotillae of noads, or even trbi dev, etc, whoknows. but there is no magic. and it is a lucky thing that tbf in fact has the coin with which to do the bare minimum and host patches ( not on shitazon! jurov ! ) and handful of reliable nodes. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( imho -- it's a preservation proj , to keep the thing going until trbi etc )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: puzzler might have all sortsa interesting applications, possibly all the way to e.g. defraggings in a hypothetical trbi
asciilifeform: for thread completeness i must add that there are items in the standard (i.e. 'tasks') that i do not use in ffa, but intend to make use of in future ( i.e. trbi ) , and may be let live.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: to bake a e.g. iron trbi, or the like, you'd need to init and talk to the sata card, this is not given in the example ( but not particularly difficult )
asciilifeform: while imho this is not a 'let's do this right nao' scheme, it is prolly the Right Thing in re 'trb-i' block propagation. no moar 'block withholding' nonsense. no reason why trbi should not own ionosphere the same way mircea_popescu projected bitcoin will 'own' mains current generation capacity.
mod6: I'd like to see the Republic continue to expand the number of trb nodes we have available this year. There are activities currently afoot that immensly support that. Getting FFA vetted and used as a base lib really will help get the ball rolling for any proposed trbi.
asciilifeform: granted this is less of a headache in 'minerless' trbi variants.
asciilifeform trying very different tack re 'trbi' than in prev thread, instead of massive warcrime , series of small gedankenexperiment.
asciilifeform: this gedankenexperiment should be seen in light of the earlier 'all tx have absolute position and make references to absolutepositional outputs' item from earlier 'trbi' thread.
asciilifeform: also interesting to mike_c will be the 'trbi' threads..
mod6: i'm pretty excited about tmsr~ / trb/trbi things upcoming.
asciilifeform: ( before mircea_popescu balks -- 'trbi' ain't btc )
mod6: was considering something of the same. but maybe it's not nearly as hard to get trbi or whatever we have under load; just hook it up, see what happens.
mod6: was wondering what we might do about such things with Ada or trbi
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-20#1629232 << trbi, with the fixed-length-everythings, needs ~no fancy indexer at all. it's for a hypothetical sane-trb. ☝︎
asciilifeform: but possibly now mircea_popescu sees what asciilifeform meant by 'trbi is much EASIER problem than working-trb'
asciilifeform: Framedragger: at the risk of repeating old thread : there is no way to 'replace bitcoin with trbi'. it isn't a thing that can be done.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1626033 << noshit! but it can only happen in trbi ☝︎
asciilifeform: i contemplate it as more of a 'demolition charge', when trbi exists.
asciilifeform: (i would hope that l1 will last until trbi..)
mircea_popescu: anyway, but the "i go write trbi" thing is not particularly useful as an exercise in solipsism, herculean or otherwise.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: since we're on subj of 'trbi', i was hoping to see the thread continue, re whether mempools, or whether my particular, or some other, scheme for abolition of mempool can be made to work , and so forth
asciilifeform: i oughta be quite specific re : 'nobody wants'. say i write a trbi, along one of the described schemes. nao wat -- mircea_popescu mines it ? and after this, who will want it ? 'just another premined alt!111' etc.
asciilifeform: the thing that cools asciilifeform's enthusiasm re 'trbi' to somewhere south of 3 kelvin, is that it isn't clear to him that anybody actually wants this, for something
asciilifeform: but this find is applicable, sadly, ~only~ to trbi
ben_vulpes: subject of trbi, did i miss a way for a parent to cancel a cask ask shy of fibbing?
asciilifeform: incidentally there is ye olde disk-is-full. and in future trbi with fixedwidth tx and block, node knows ~exactly when disk will fill, years in advance.
asciilifeform: but , upstack, when i think about trbi i go into 'bridge design' mode, where 'it gotta bear all of the tanks that could possibly physically fit, and then let's also assume that martians stack'em five layers deep '
asciilifeform: ~100% of asciilifeform's line of thought re 'trbi', from this, to the casks thing, etc., was only 'how to plug the leaks'
asciilifeform: unless i misunderstand trinque , he pictured a trbi where miners would advertise 'hi, i'ma miner, and i'd like some tx of yours'
asciilifeform: trinque: say we stick to the trb-i thread. gotta specify what specifically about your concept of trbi, that would remove the incentive for miner secrecy that exists in classical bitcoin.
asciilifeform: btw i suspect that 'tx must include a micro libation to the gods' -- i.e. a leak -- is a necessary component of 'hard vacuum', 0socialism trbi as discussed earlier