102 entries in 0.633s
BingoBoingo: trinque: The way
punkbot did had no real commands.
RagnarDanneskjol: my understanding is the first bot went down b/c my friend disi found a server vulnerability which I promptly brought to your attention (I originally recommended you NOT have moloko do admin / continued development b/c I knew he was not suited for it). I followed the recent convo here and lead me to understand the only issue with
punkbot was the vps got flooded and shut down...that's punkman's understandi
davout: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com isn't very informative in this regard, but maybe it's just me being too lazy to actually figure out how to talk to
punkbot punkman: the doom that came to
punkbot gribble:
punkbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <
punkbot> punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
punkbot, yeah, but supposedly nothing was ever hosted there.
punkbot: [trust-update] added: phillipsjk | removed: phillipsjk << there's the bug again. How is that possible when added = new - old, removed = old - new. Also doesn't seem phillip received or lost any ratings.
punkbot tell this man's wife 0.1 BTC and tits already.
punkbot these deals always depend on how much they actually get.
punkbot lol mating. apparently, every successful writing takes lots of attempts, some of which are... muitless.
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2014 20:12:52;
punkbot: mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
punkbot checks trust to assbot?
mircea_popescu: punkman: any objections to
punkbot changing name to "notary"? << i like it.
punkman: any objections to
punkbot changing name to "notary"?
punkman: it just goes in as a regular deed, but
punkbot knows how to verify sig
punkbot suppose 200 of those people sign subtly different versions.
mircea_popescu: punkman can the
punkbot skip the pgp header all the way to the next \n after "Hash:" ?
punkbot: Well, remember that Debian bug circa 2006
punkbot asciilifeform stop you two. we are NOT reimplementing gpg before bitcoind is done.
punkbot: [trust-update] added: #bitcoin-otc << wait, wut ?!
punkman: btw,
punkbot will now announce additions/removals from trust list
punkbot: Tomorrow you find an SHA collision
BingoBoingo: Oh.
punkbot no longer has if bingo then fuck you code
punkman: on another note,
punkbot is alive again, yay
nubbins`: speaking of testing, any sign of
punkbot 8)
ben_vulpes: i'd really like
punkbot to take in the raw doc and .sig files. but...whatever.
ben_vulpes: (you being
punkbot or anyone verifying contracts)
nubbins`: seems like
punkbot is the iq tes
mod6: this
punkbot is neat
punkbot almost ready for ddos!