51 entries in 0.449s
a111: 49 results for "portatronic", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=portatronic
asciilifeform: $s portatronic
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: point taken. will add 'portatronic'.
assbot: [BTC-dev] Modified Portatronic build script for building statically linked 32bit bitcoind: auto.sh (v0.0.5-32) ... ( http://bit.ly/1KRsTVK )
ascii_field: this is in 'portatronic'
ascii_field: davout: 'stator for pogo' is just the old 'portatronic'
jurov: well, where is the context what is "portatronic" ought to be?
ascii_field: unrelated: therealbitcoin is still unbuildable for cross-arm using anything but old makefile + my (unmerged) portatronic patch
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for asciilifeform from 2 to 3 with note: Met IRL, S.NSA, outstanding work for The Bitcoin Foundation, created portatronic project and runs loper-os.org
mod6: !rate asciilifeform 3 Met IRL, S.NSA, outstanding work for The Bitcoin Foundation, created portatronic project and runs loper-os.org
nubbins`: anyway i'm gonna have a jazz smoke and head to bed. if someone gets portatronic pogotronic static-o-matic bitcoind recipe posted to ML by month's end, i'll send you a free hand-bound book
nubbins`: has anyone besides me and alf attempted the portatronic buildroot?
nubbins`: so that's static bitcoind, running on pogotron, built with portatronic toolchain.
nubbins`: it's in auto.sh, not portatronic
nubbins`: incrementally closer to portatronic pogotron. it's now complaining about libcrypto referencing a libdl component
mircea_popescu: "a bitcoind (pseudo-static, portatronic, orphanage-burner patch with max-bastard constant value of 5 running on pogo, heathen linux.)" << i lelled.
asciilifeform: chetty: precisely where i ended up with 'portatronic bitcoind' - static-but-for-libc
asciilifeform: nubbins`: uses same boost as my original portatronic
asciilifeform: <nubbins`> with "-std=c++03" from portatronic patch removed << might not actually make a difference
nubbins`: with "-std=c++03" from portatronic patch removed: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=50XwKjsy (precisely the same as before patching)
nubbins`: with the portatronic patch.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: but applying the portatronic patch turns my uint32_t error into an int64_t error << apply the -other- patch. the one from 2hrs ago.
nubbins`: asciilifeform haven't peeked at your latest mail yet, but applying the portatronic patch turns my uint32_t error into an int64_t error
asciilifeform: incidentally, my own portatronic build did not work without this patch.
nubbins`: ascii_field you're saying won't compile /and/ it won't compile after you merge your portatronic patch?
nubbins`: nothing else from your portatronic patch is in
nubbins`: not sure if he's targeting the same, or the pogo via portatronic
nubbins`: asciilifeform re: uint32_t : doesn't include portatronic patch from http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-January/000033.html
nubbins`: asciilifeform FWIW you may wish to include those flags in the next portatronic release; boost requires g++
danielpbarron: what does the portatronic thing do differently?
mod6: it seems a bit silly to post a patch also back to the original portatronic version for this. anyone have any objections if i just publish a full copy of the 32bit auto.sh and a patch of auto.sh to the previous version (v0.0.5 included in the -RELEASE) ?
mod6: it's 1 change to the auto.sh file, & have to have the 3 vars at the top set correctly. I'll post a copy of this auto.sh, a diff to the 64 bit version and a diff to the original portatronic version yet tonight.
ascii_field: the build recipe for the cross to armv5 was called 'portatronic'
danielpbarron: it's from ascii's portatronic instructions
mircea_popescu: looking in the logs, apparently alf created a new word nao, "portatronic"
danielpbarron: "mod6 was able to successfully modify asciilifeform's build script of the portatronic build used in the Pogo, to statically build .. " << was this the issue? because I used the portatronic build script and the resulting binary didn't work on debian for arm -- said it needed a different version of some thing i don't recall at the moment
assbot: 13 results for 'portatronic' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=portatronic
nubbins`: !s portatronic
ben_vulpes: i'm endeavoring to sync a portatronic build
punkman: asciilifeform: is "z" not used, noticed you removed it from portatronic
asciilifeform: mod6: 'portatronic' will do it
asciilifeform: mod6: that patch renders bitcoind-portatronic unbuildable
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: notice that 'portatronic' recipe featured 1.0.1g
thestringpuller: was it the "portatronic" or what not you mentioned earlier (which I found in the logs)
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: study the example in 'portatronic'
asciilifeform did not test with anything other than the shortly post-heartbleed turdball specified in 'portatronic'
ben_vulpes: none of the portatronic builds are wedging like this, right?
danielpbarron: i think i tried the portatronic patch first and it didn't work
danielpbarron: but just to clarify, i'm supposed to patch with the portatronic thing after the chicken etc.. patches?
asciilifeform: you can then use same script ('portatronic')
punkman: asciilifeform: the dnsseed-snip is for the portatronic branch right?